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N. carab n. “hat” (Category: Hat, Cap)

N. carab, a]7]w n. “hat” (Category: Hat, Cap)

A word for “hat” appearing in 1930s revisions to the map for The Silmarillion as an element in the name Amon Carab “Hill of the Hat” (WJ/187); hat tip to Lokyt for helping date this item. By the 1950s-60s the hill was renamed to Amon Rûdh “Bald Hill” (S/204). There is no clear derivation for the word carab, but ᴱQ. karape and G. garob “cloak, outer garment” from the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s may be related since they have a similar form and are also words for garments (GL/37). The unglossed 1930s root ᴹ√KARPA might also be related (PE18/66).

Conceptual Development: The Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s instead had G. tôd “hat” with Qenya cognate ᴱQ. tâta (GL/71). Underneath this was G. togli “cap”, probably the result tôd + -li with the Gnomish sound change of dl to gl.

Reference ✧ WJ/187 ✧ Carab “hat”

Element In


G. tôd n. “hat” (Category: Hat, Cap)

See N. carab for discussion.

Reference ✧ GL/71 ✧ “hat”

Element In


G. togli n. “cap” (Category: Hat, Cap)

See N. carab for discussion.

Reference ✧ GL/71 ✧ “cap”


tôd “hat”
#-li “noun suffix”