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N. siria- v. “to flow” (Category: to Flow)

N. siria-, v. “to flow” (Category: to Flow)

A verb in The Etymologies of the 1930s appearing as its Noldorin-style infinitive sirio “flow”, derived from ON. sirya- under the root ᴹ√SIR “flow” (Ety/SIR). In this document, its Quenya equivalent was ᴹQ. sir- “flow” (Ety/SIR), but by 1948 Tolkien had introduced ᴹQ. sirya- “flow” as well (PE22/114).

References ✧ Ety/SIR


sirio infinitive “flow” ✧ Ety/SIR

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ON. sirya- > sirio [sirja-] > [siria-] ✧ Ety/SIR