S. míriel adj. “sparkling like jewels, like a jewel” (Category: Gem, Jewel)
An adjective meaning for “sparkling like jewels” (RGEO/64) in the poem A Elbereth Gilthoniel (LotR/238). It was the passive participle of the verb míria- “to sparkle like jewels” (PE17/24). Tolkien also considered connecting it to Quenya past passive participles like káriela in notes from 1969, perhaps from a verb *mir- with a Q. past participle míriela, but this Q. form was deleted and the whole thing seems to have been a transient idea (PE22/152).
Note: One of the forms from PE22 was published as mirieail, but Christopher Gilson confirmed in a Discord chat that the actual form was miriail: https://discord.com/channels/397489292185960468/970002661732667464/1228425172533379186.
References ✧ LotR/238; PE17/24; PE22/152; RGEO/63-65
míria- | “to sparkle like jewels” | ✧ PE17/24 |
-iel³ | “perfective-participle” | ✧ PE22/152 |
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