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S. ^uimallen adj. “ever-golden” (Category: Tree (other))

S. ^uimallen, adj. “ever-golden” (Category: Tree (other))
Another name of the mallorn tree in notes on the Common Eldarin Article (CEA) from 1969, appearing as uimallhen “ever-golden” < ✶oio-maltinā (PE23/140). This word is unusual in that the medial m does not mutate to v, but in CEA Tolkien was exploring the idea that m did not always mutate in later Sindarin compounts (PE23/138 note #12). In normal Sindarin orthography the voiceless llh would be represented as ll: *uimallen. Compare malhorn from CEA (PE23/140) vs. mallorn from The Lord of the Rings (LotR/346).

Reference ✧ PE23/140 ✧ uimallhen “ever-golden”


ui “ever”
mallen “golden”


Phonetic Developments

oio-maltinā > uimallhen [oiomaltinā] > [oiomaltina] > [oiomaltʰina] > [oiomalθina] > [uiomalθina] > [uiomalθena] > [uiomalθen] > [uimalθen] > [uimallen] ✧ PE23/140