OS. voiceless stops aspirated after consonants except [s]; [{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}] > [{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}ʰ]
In both Old Sindarin and Old Noldorin, voiceless stops [p, t, k] developed into spirants medially after nearly every other primitive consonant, in particular: all liquids [r, l], all nasals [m, n, ŋ], all aspirates [pʰ, tʰ, kʰ] and all other voiced and voiceless stops [b, d, g, p, t, k], that is essentially everything but [s]. In the last two cases, both stops in the pair became spirants, with various later vocalic effects (see below).
Some of these developments were the result of earlier sound changes in Primitive Elvish. First, primitive voiced stops unvoiced before voiceless consonants, after which aspiration moved to end of group of stops, so that primitive combinations of [b, d, g] with [p, t, k] became pairs of voiceless stops (e.g. [g] + [k] > [kk]), and the aspirate + voiceless stop combinations became voiceless stop + aspirate (e.g. [kʰ] + [k] > [kkʰ]). For combinations with liquids, nasals and voiceless stops, however, these sound changes occurred in (Old) Sindarin and (Old) Noldorin. A clear description of the origin of these sound changes for Sindarin appears in Tolkien’s Outline of Phonology from the early 1950s:
After other consonants p, t, k were generally maintained [in Quenya] though in fact (probably in C. Eldarin) after consonants other than [s], p, t, k were strengthened and lightly aspirated. (This development in Sindarin led to spirantalization as in rp > rf; but not in Valinorian dialects) (PE19/86).
Another clear description of these sound changes for Noldorin appears in Tolkien’s notes on the use of the Feanorian Alphabet in Old Noldorin from the 1930s:
A marked change of ON was the aspiration of t, p, k after all consonants. Since sp, st, sk and mp, nt, nk has special letters, this did not receive spelling-recognition in ON, except that in very late ON absolute initial [that is, at the beginning of a phrase] sp, st, sk Q, !, A became occasionally written e 3 d, i.e. ph, th, kh, or ee (eR), 33 (3R), dd (d$) indicating a change > sf, sþ, sχ > ff, þþ, χχ. This did not occur initially [that is, at the beginning of a word inside a phrase] (and here sp, st, sk remained in Exilic). r 4 f remained unchanged in use, and here aspiration probably did not proceed to spirantalization until the Exilic period. The letters Q are transcribed sp etc., and r mp without reference to exact phonetics (initial Q ! A are sometimes transcribed sph, sth, skh).
But in other cases [that is: medially] the aspiration became marked early, hence earlier ON [pt] q1, [tt] 11 or 1R, [kt] z1 and [pp] qq or qR, [kk] zz or zR are normally spelt as described above q3 etc. or compendiously qÅ. Hence in normal transcription pth, tth, kth, pph, kkh are used. Similarly in rth, lth (PE22/28).
Based on these two quotes it seems that (a) the medial spirantalization of voiced stops occurred fairly early in Sindarin/Noldorin phonetic history and (b) the mechanism was that the stops first became aspirates (a change which began in Common Eldarin), and then later the aspirates became voiceless spirants. These medial developments were distinct from the initial developments, where voiceless stops immediately became spirants after initial [s] without than first becoming aspirates.
At various points Tolkien discussed these sound changes in more detail for specific sets of combinations.
r, l + p, t, k: Tolkien discusses the phonetic developments of liquids + voiceless stops in several places:
The much changed Sindarin of Middle-earth turned the stops to spirants after l, r, as did Welsh: so *alkwā > alpa (Telerin) > S. alf (spelt alph in my transcription) (The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor, late 1960s, VT42/7).
Old Sindarin (only preserved in Doriathrin records) retained intervoc[alic] m, and also the combinations mp, nt, ŋc in all positions; but p, t, c were already spirantalized after r, l except for lt [emphasis added]. At this stage thus appeared medial m; mp, nt, nc, lt; lph, lch, rth, rph, rch (notes on Sindarin dialectical developments, early 1960s, PE17/132).
As the second quote indicates, it seems the full change of [lt] > [ltʰ] > [lθ] took place later than the other combinations, which might help explain later phonetic developments unique to this combination: in particular for the restopping of final -lth to -lt in both Sindarin and Noldorin, and for medial lth becoming ll in Sindarin only. Examples of r, l + p, t, k producing spirants are numerous in both Sindarin and Noldorin:
[lp] > [lpʰ] > [lf]: | ✶alkwā > [AT] alpa > [OS/ON] alpha > S. and N. alph “swan” (VT42/7, UT/265, Ety/ÁLAK). |
[lt] > [ltʰ] > [lθ]: | malt + orn[ē] > OS. malthorn > malhorn > S. mallorn “gold tree” (PE17/50, VT42/27). |
ᴹ✶peltakse > ON. pelthaksa > N. pelthaes “pivot” (Ety/PEL, TAK). | |
[lk] > [lkʰ] > [lx]: | ✶walka or ᴹ√(Ñ)GWAL > S. and N. balch “fierce, ferocious; cruel” (PE17/154, Ety/ÑGWAL). |
[rp] > [rpʰ] > [rf]: | ar(a)- + pen > S. arphen “noble, knight” (WJ/376). |
[rt] > [rtʰ] > [rθ]: | ✶ṃbartā > ambarta > S. and N. am(m)arth “fate, doom” (PE17/104, 125; Ety/MBARAT). |
[rk] > [rkʰ] > [rx]: | ✶urkō or ᴹ✶orku > S. and N. orch “Orc” (WJ/390, Ety/ÓROK). |
m, n, ŋ + p, t, k: Because nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates in Primitive Elvish, the only possible combinations were mp, nt, ŋk > mph, nth, ŋkh (ŋch). Analyzing these changes is complicated by the fact that in both Sindarin and Noldorin later medial mf, nth, ŋch became mm, nn, ng, whereas final mf, nth, ŋch were restopped to mp, nt, nc ([ŋk]). Tolkien discussed the sound changes for nasals + voiceless stops for both Noldorin and Sindarin in several places, and in some later notes he said there were dialectical differences in the phonetic developments of Doriathrin and North Sindarin versus Ossriandic, West and South Sindarin:
Old Noldorin or Feanorian usage. Alphabet. After the letter is given its ON name in transcription; under the letter is given the usual transcription followed in square brackets by the phonetic value ... 10. r ampa: mp [mp, mph]; 11. 4 anta: nt [nt, nth]; 12. f anka: nk [ŋk, ŋkh] (Feanorian Alphabet, late 1930s, PE22/24).
r 4 f remained unchanged in use, and here aspiration probably did not proceed to spirantalization until the Exilic [Noldorin] period (ibid., PE22/28).
Similarly in oldest Sindarin, mp, nt, nc were preserved. In North Sindarin they universally became mf, nth, ŋch at the same time as lt, lp, lc and rt &c. > lth, lf, lch. The normal development in North Sindarin was then restopping when final > mp, nc, lt but nth, lf, lch, rth, rf, rch remained spirantal and medial nch > ¯ch. Later again nth > nt finally ... In Oss[riandic], West & South Sindarin changes proceeded as in North Sindarin far as mph, nth, ŋch. Then lt, mp, np, nc were restopped finally. Medially lþ, mph, nþ, ŋχ (though for long without change of spelling) became long voiceless l, m, n, ŋ. English transcription lh, mh, nh, ngh. In late Beleriandic Sindarin these became voiced ll, mm (m), nn, ng (= ŋg) unless followed still by a stressed syllable (notes on Sindarin dialectical developments, early 1960s, PE17/132).
Doriath, as might be expected from its history, was in general the most pure and conservative form of Sindarin in the Elder days ... The changes of mp, nt, ŋk also proceeded earlier and further than in the other dialects (ibid., PE17/133).
Based on the notes above, it seems that in both Noldorin and Sindarin the spirantalization of voiceless stops after nasals took place later than the analogous changes after other consonants, with the possible exceptions of the North Sindarin and (maybe) Doriathric Sindarin dialects. As with [lθ], the lateness of these sound changes may help explain the eventual loss of the resulting spirants by them either restopping finally or becoming double-nasals medially. The obscuration of these later changes make it harder to find explicit examples of spirantalization of voiceless stops after nasals, but a few examples show the appropriate intermediate sound changes:
[mp] > [mpʰ] > [mf]: | ✶ninkwiraite [> AT. *nimpiraite] > ni(m)phraed > S. niphred “pallor” (PE17/55). |
[nt] > [ntʰ] > [nθ]: | ᴹ√THIN [> *thinta-] > ON. thintha- > N. thinna- “to fade” vs. ᴹQ. sinta- (Ety/THIN). |
[ŋk] > [ŋkʰ] > [ŋx]: | ✶dankĭnā > daŋχen > danghen > S. dangen “slain” (PE17/133). |
In notes on the Common Eldarin Article (CEA) from 1969, Tolkien indicated these sound changes were quite late:
The spirantalizing of stops after a nasal was however very much later: a purely S. change only affecting the medial stops and not those that had become final after the loss of all original CE final vowels (–mp, –nt, –ñk remained); the nasal was therefore not phonetically lost before the new spirant. The stopped forms finally were probably due to re-stopping while the spirants still remained bilabial f, dental þ — they later and by the time of the coming of the Exiles had become labiodental f and interdental þ (PE23/137).
In this system, the voiceless stops never became aspirates, but developed directly into spirants at a quite late stage. However, this was also a system in which nasals were lost in the nasal mutations of voiceless spirants, an idea that is incompatible with mutations in The Lord of the Rings, so I would ignore it for purposes of Neo-Sindarin. See the entries on nasal mutation and the development of these combinations into (voiceless) nasals for further details.
p, t, k + p, t, k: As with combinations of nasals with voiceless stops, the analysis of the spirants resulting from two adjacent voiceless stops is obscured by later sound changes. Tolkien described these sound changes several times, but mainly for double or “dynamic long” voiceless stops tt, pp, kk:
ON tt, pp, kk became tth, pph, kkh (Feanorian Alphabet, late 1930s, PE22/26).
Lengthening produced the following modifications: (i) p, t, k > pp, tt, kk. In the case of (rare) ph and of th, kh the original lengthening may have been pph, tth, kkh, but in Eldarin the aspiration was lost - or rather pp, pph became identical, either as pp in Quenya or as pph as in Old Noldorin [emphasis added] (second version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa [TQ2], circa 1950, PE18/91).
The long dynamic aspirates (Sc. formative lengthening of medial ph, th, kh) were probably rare in CE. In all Eldarin dialects they coalesced with voiceless stops, either by the loss of their aspiration on the one hand, or by the aspiration of the stops on the other. The latter occurred in Sindarin [emphasis added]. In Quenya the aspiration of pph etc. was reduced and these combinations did not become opened or spirantal (Outline of Phonology [OP2], early 1950s, PE19/87).
Of the other combinations, it seems only p, k + t ultimately remained. For t + p, k, the result was either transposed (tk > kt), or the t assimilated to the following stop to produce a double-consonant:
The long dynamic voiceless stops pp, tt, kk aspirated and became spirants ([ɸɸ] or [ff], [θθ], [xx]), and then later the long voiceless spirants shortened. Examples are plentiful: ✶rokkō > S. and N. roch “horse” (Let/282, Ety/ROK); ᴹ✶kwetta > S. and N. peth “word” (PE17/46, Ety/KWET); S. and N. ephel above. For the combinations [pt] and [kt], these became aspirated and spirantal as well ([ɸθ], [xθ]), but the first spirant in each pair [x], [ɸ] became a vowel before [θ] with various later effects. See the entry on the vocalization of such spirants for more details.
Conceptual Development: There is remarkable consistency in both Noldorin and Sindarin for these sound changes, but in the 1910s and 1920s the phonetic developments are necessarily different, because Tolkien did not introduce aspirates into Primitive Elvish until the 1930s. Prior to that point, the analogous set of phonemes in Primitive Elvish were themselves voiceless spirants (PE12/15). As noted by Roman Rausch (HPG/§2.2, §2.4; HPITN/§4.1.3), there are numerous examples of combinations with primitive voiceless stops which produce spirants in both Gnomish and Early Noldorin in the 1910s and 1920s. See the entry on how voiceless stops spirantalized after many consonants in Gnomish for more details.
In notes on the Common Eldarin Article (CEA) from 1969, Tolkien posited that spirantalization of stops after nasals occurred later in Sindarin’s phonetic history:
The first change was one common to T. and S. and so very ancient. After the loosening of the aspirates to spirants a preceding nasal was lost, and the vowel before the nasal was nasalized and lengthened ... The spirantalizing of stops after a nasal was however very much later: a purely S. change only affecting the medial stops and not those that had become final after the loss of all original CE final vowels (-mp, -nt, -ñk remained);* the nasal was therefore not phonetically lost before the new spirant.
* The stopped forms finally were probably due to re-stopping while the spirants still remained bilabial f, dental þ — they later and by the time of the coming of the Exiles had become labiodental f and interdental þ. (Similarly final lþ > lt, though rþ remained medially and finally). North S. retained medial mp, nt, ñk, but this also was probably due to re-stopping after the nasal, since the spirant appeared also in NS where the nasal was lost (PE23/137).
There is a similar description in a sheet placed with CEA:
In Telerin the aspirates > spirants earlier than in Q ... Only in S. and much later medial nt, mp, ñk, at same time as r/l + t, k, p, became spirant. So pl. im tonōi > in tonoi > tonəi > tonī > in·tonĭ > in þuı̯n > in þuin, without loss of n (PE23/138 note #12).
Tolkien’s statement in CEA that this change was “only affecting the medial stops and not those that had become final after the loss of all original CE final vowels” would seem to imply that [nt] > [nθ] only after final vowels were lost in Sindarin, which was quite late in its history. However his next paragraph clarified that the “stopped forms finally were probably due to re-stopping while the spirants still remained bilabial”, so the actual final developments were (for example) -nte > -nθe > -nθ > -nt. Nevertheless, he made it clear that [nt] > [nθ] after the spirantalization of aspirates [tʰ] > [θ], so unlike the 1930s developments (where [nt] > [ntʰ] > [nθ]), the development was [nt] > [nθ] without an intervening aspirate stage. For a more detailed discussion, see my essay on Sindarin Articles and Mutations from Parma Eldalamberon #23.
Tolkien’s motivation for this change was a desire to make nasal mutations before voiceless spirants (derived from ancient initial aspirates) distinct from the nasal mutations of voiceless stops. In particular, the nasal was lost before voiceless spirants, but retained before voiceless stops, for example: thoron “eagle” → i·theryn and falas “beach” → i·felais versus tawar “woodland” → in·þewair and parth “field” → in·pherth (PE23/139). Unfortunately, this aspect of the CEA system is not compatible with mutations appearing in The Lord of the Rings, where nasals were lost before mutated voiceless stops: têw “letter” → i thiw (LotR/305) and Perian “Halfing” → i Pheriain (LotR/953).
Given this, I would ignore Tolkien’s 1969 decision to move the spirantalization of nasal + voiceless stops combination to be after nasals (sometimes) vanished before spirants. However, I do consider it an open question whether nasal/liquids + voiceless stops combinations occurred before or after the spirantalization of aspirates, for example: [nt] > [ntʰ] > [nθ], as opposed to [tʰ] > [θ] then [nt] > [nθ]. This is mostly an academic issue, because the end results would be the same except for rare issues like nasal mutations before voiceless stops, as discussed above.
References ✧ PE17/131-133; PE18/91; PE19/86-87; PE23/138; UT/265; VT42/7
Order (02200)
After | 01600 | long final vowels were shortened | ✶mbartā > ṃbartā > ambarta > S. amarth | PE17/104 |
Before | 02300 | aspirates became voiceless spirants | ✶ninkwiraite > ni(m)phraed > S. niphred | PE17/55 |
Phonetic Rule Elements
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Phonetic Rule Examples
ekkantʰe > ekkʰantʰe | kk > kkʰ | ✶et-kantē > S. echant | ✧ PE17/42 |
ekkat- > ekkʰat- | kk > kkʰ | ✶et-kat- > S. echad- | ✧ PE17/42 |
rokko > rokkʰo | kk > kkʰ | ✶rokkō > S. roch | ✧ Let/282 |
ekta > ektʰa | kt > ktʰ | ✶ek-tā > S. eitha- | ✧ WJ/365 |
ektele > ektʰele | kt > ktʰ | ✶et-kelē > S. eithel | ✧ SA/kel |
etrekte > etrektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ✶rekti(e) > S. edraith | ✧ PE17/38 |
etrektʰe > etrektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ✶rekti(e) > S. edraith | ✧ PE17/38 |
grukta- > gruktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | √RUKU > S. gruitha | ✧ WJ/415 |
makta- > maktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | √MAG > S. maetha- | ✧ PE17/161 |
makte > maktʰe | kt > ktʰ | √MAG > S. maeth | ✧ PE17/161 |
mbelekta > mbelektʰa | kt > ktʰ | √mbelek > S. belaith | ✧ PE17/115 |
nektano > nektʰano | kt > ktʰ | √NEK > S. neithan | ✧ PE17/167 |
nekte > nektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ✶nek-tē > neith > S. naith | ✧ PE17/55 |
nukta- > nuktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ✶nuktā- > S. nuitha- | ✧ WJ/413 |
pakta > paktʰa | kt > ktʰ | √PAKAT > S. paeth | ✧ PE17/126 |
rikta- > riktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | √RIK > S. raitha | ✧ PE17/167 |
riktant > riktʰant | kt > ktʰ | √RIK > S. rithant | ✧ PE17/167 |
tekta > tektʰa | kt > ktʰ | ✶tek-tā > teith > S. taith | ✧ PE17/43 |
tekta- > tektʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ✶tekta- > S. teith- | ✧ PE17/43 |
tʰakta > tʰaktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ✶thakta- > S. úthaes | ✧ VT44/30 |
tʰakta > tʰaktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ✶thakta- > S. úsaeth | ✧ VT44/30 |
wekte > wektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ✶weg-tē > S. gwaith | ✧ PE17/190 |
balka > balkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ✶wal-ka > S. balch | ✧ PE17/154 |
delka > delkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ✶delkā > S. delch | ✧ PE17/17 |
alpa > alpʰa | lp > lpʰ | ✶alkwā > alpa > S. alf | ✧ NM/378 |
alpa > alpʰa | lp > lpʰ | T. alpa > S. alph | ✧ UT/265 |
alpa > alpʰa | lp > lpʰ | ✶alkwa > S. alf | ✧ VT42/7 |
alpi > alpʰi | lp > lpʰ | T. alpa > S. eilph | ✧ UT/265 |
maltorne > maltʰorne | lt > ltʰ | ✶malt-ornē > malþorn > S. malhorn | ✧ PE23/140 |
maltorne > maltʰorne | lt > ltʰ | OS. malþorn > malhorn > S. mallorn | ✧ VT42/27 |
oiomaltina > oiomaltʰina | lt > ltʰ | ✶oio-maltinā > S. uimallhen | ✧ PE23/140 |
taltʰa- > talta- | lt > ltʰ | ✶talta > OS. talthathō- | ✧ PE22/134 |
ampala > ampʰala | mp > mpʰ | √KWAL > ᴸON. amphala | ✧ PE18/92 |
gampa > gampʰa | mp > mpʰ | ✶gampa > S. gamp | ✧ VT47/20 |
kampru > kampʰru | mp > mpʰ | ✶camprû > camfrū > S. cāfru | ✧ PE17/131 |
limpe > limpʰe | mp > mpʰ | ✶liŋkwi > S. limp | ✧ NM/284 |
nimpe > nimpʰe | mp > mpʰ | √NIK > S. nimp | ✧ PE17/168 |
nimpe > nimpʰe | mp > mpʰ | ✶nimpĭ > S. nimp | ✧ VT48/18 |
nimpiraite > nimpʰiraite | mp > mpʰ | ✶ninkwiraite > ni(m)phraed > S. niphred | ✧ PE17/55 |
enpet- > enpʰet- | np > npʰ | AT. enpet > S. ephed | ✧ PE17/167 |
anta- > antʰa- | nt > ntʰ | √ANA > antha- > S. anha- | ✧ PE17/93 |
anta- > antʰa- | nt > ntʰ | √ANA/NĀ > S. anta- | ✧ PE17/147 |
danta- > dantʰa- | nt > ntʰ | √DAN-TA > S. danna | ✧ PE17/62 |
ekkante > ekkantʰe | nt > ntʰ | ✶et-kantē > S. echant | ✧ PE17/42 |
estenta > estentʰa | nt > ntʰ | ✶stentā > S. estent | ✧ PE17/141 |
glinta- > glintʰa- | nt > ntʰ | √glim > S. glintha- | ✧ WJ/337 |
kantro > kantʰro | nt > ntʰ | ✶kantrō > S. cathr | ✧ PE23/137 |
kintok > kintʰok | nt > ntʰ | √KIT > S. cinnog | ✧ PE17/157 |
mantina > mantʰina | nt > ntʰ | ✶mantinā > manthen > S. mannen | ✧ PE17/131 |
pentro > pentʰro | nt > ntʰ | ✶kwentrō > pentro > ᴸN. pethro-n | ✧ PE18/100 |
pʰanta- > pʰantʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ✶phantā- > S. fanha- | ✧ PE17/174 |
ranta > rantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ✶rantā > S. #rant | ✧ NM/363 |
santa > santʰa | nt > ntʰ | √SAT > S. sant | ✧ VT42/20 |
sθenta > sθentʰa | nt > ntʰ | ✶stentā > S. thent | ✧ PE17/141 |
appat- > appʰat- | pp > ppʰ | ✶ap-pata > S. aphad- | ✧ WJ/387 |
appet- > appʰet- | pp > ppʰ | ✶at-kwet > S. aphed | ✧ PE17/166 |
eppel > eppʰel | pp > ppʰ | ✶et-pel > eppel > S. ephel | ✧ PE17/65 |
eppet- > eppʰet- | pp > ppʰ | AT. et-pet > S. ephed | ✧ PE17/167 |
lepta- > leptʰa- | pt > ptʰ | √LEP > S. leutha- | ✧ VT47/10 |
karka > karkʰa | rk > rkʰ | √carak- > S. carch | ✧ SA/carak |
karpa- > karpʰa- | rk > rkʰ | √KARAP > S. carfa | ✧ PE17/126 |
parka > parkʰa | rk > rkʰ | √PAR > S. parch | ✧ PE17/86 |
urka > urkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ✶urkā > S. orch | ✧ WJ/390 |
urki > urkʰi | rk > rkʰ | ✶urkō > S. Yrch | ✧ WJ/390 |
urko > urkʰo | rk > rkʰ | ✶urkō > S. orch | ✧ WJ/390 |
ambart > ambartʰ | rt > rtʰ | ✶ṃbart(ă) > ammarth > S. amarth | ✧ PE17/124 |
ambarta > ambartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ✶mbartā > ṃbartā > ambarta > S. amarth | ✧ PE17/104 |
ambarta > ambartʰā | rt > rtʰ | ✶mbartā > ṃbartā > S. amartha- | ✧ PE17/104 |
artaure > artʰaure | rt > rtʰ | ✶artaurē > S. Arthor | ✧ PE17/28 |
kerti > kertʰi | rt > rtʰ | √KER > S. cirth | ✧ PE22/150 |
kirta > kirtʰa | rt > rtʰ | ✶kirtē > S. certh | ✧ WJ/396 |
mbartan > mbartʰan | rt > rtʰ | Q. martan > S. barthan | ✧ PE17/109 |
mbartano > mbartʰano | rt > rtʰ | ✶mbartanō > S. Barthan | ✧ LT1A/Talka Marda |
norta- > nortʰa- | rt > rtʰ | √NOR > S. northa- | ✧ PE17/168 |
norte > nortʰe | rt > rtʰ | √NOR > S. north | ✧ PE17/168 |
-atta > -attʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶atta > S. -ath | ✧ VT48/19 |
attara- > attʰara- | tt > ttʰ | ✶atta- > S. athra | ✧ PE17/14 |
grotta > grottʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶grottā > S. groth | ✧ WJ/415 |
-itta > -ittʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶-ittā > S. -eth | ✧ PM/345 |
kʰotta > kʰottʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶khottă > S. hoth | ✧ PE17/39 |
lepettarone > lepettʰarone | tt > ttʰ | ✶lepeth-ron > S. lebethron | ✧ PE17/89 |
lotta > lottʰa | tt > ttʰ | √LOT > S. loth | ✧ PE17/161 |
lotta > lottʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶lotta- > S. loth | ✧ VT42/18 |
mbotto > mbottʰo | tt > ttʰ | √MOT > mbotto > S. both | ✧ PE17/165 |
moreŋgotto > moreŋgottʰo | tt > ttʰ | ✶Moringotto > S. Morgoth | ✧ MR/194 |
nette > nettʰe | tt > ttʰ | √net > S. neth | ✧ VT47/33 |
nukotto > nukottʰo | tt > ttʰ | ✶nukotto/a > S. Nogoth | ✧ WJ/413 |
petta > pettʰa | tt > ttʰ | √QUET > S. peth | ✧ PE17/46 |
ratta > rattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ✶ratta > S. rath | ✧ NM/364 |
retto > rettʰo | tt > ttʰ | √RETE > S. -reth | ✧ PE17/182 |
-rotta > -rottʰa | tt > ttʰ | √ROT > S. -roth/rod | ✧ PE17/49 |
maxta > maxtʰa | xt > xtʰ | ✶maʒtā > maχtā > S. maetha | ✧ VT47/6 |
daŋkina > daŋkʰina | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶dankĭnā > daŋχen > danghen > S. dangen | ✧ PE17/133 |
daŋkini > daŋkʰini | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶dankĭnā > S. i nenghin | ✧ PE17/133 |
laŋka > laŋkʰa | ŋk > ŋkʰ | √(G)LAN > S. lanc | ✧ VT42/8 |
pʰliŋke > pʰliŋkʰe | ŋk > ŋkʰ | AT. phlinke > ᴸN. flinc | ✧ PE21/72 |
pʰliŋke > pʰliŋkʰe | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶philinkĭ > ᴸN. flinc | ✧ PE21/81 |
r̥aŋka > r̥aŋkʰa | ŋk > ŋkʰ | √SRAK > S. rhanc | ✧ PE17/154 |
taŋkla > taŋkʰla | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶tanklā > tankla > tachl > ᴸN. tachol | ✧ PE18/100 |
taŋkla > taŋkʰla | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶tanklă > S. tachl | ✧ PE23/137 |
truŋko > truŋkʰo | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ✶turunku > S. trunc | ✧ PE21/80 |
ON. voiceless stops aspirated after consonants except [s]; [{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}] > [{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}ʰ]
References ✧ PE22/24, 26-28
Order (03600)
Before | 03800 | voiceless stops became spirants after initial [s] | ᴹ✶stankā
ON. sthanka ᴹ√STINTĀ > ON. sthinta |
Phonetic Rule Elements
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Phonetic Rule Examples
ekkat- > ekkʰat- | kk > kkʰ | ᴹ✶et-kat > N. echedi | ✧ Ety/KAT |
ekko > ekkʰo | kk > kkʰ | ᴹ√EK > N. ech | ✧ Ety/EK |
ekkuiwe > ekkʰuiwe | kk > kkʰ | ᴹ✶et-kuiwē > N. echui(w) | ✧ Ety/KUY |
lokko > lokkʰo | kk > kkʰ | ᴹ✶lokko > N. lhoch | ✧ Ety/LOKH |
rokko > rokkʰo | kk > kkʰ | ᴹ✶rokkō > N. roch | ✧ EtyAC/ROK |
brekta- > brektʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶b’rekta > N. breitho | ✧ Ety/BERÉK |
brekta- > brektʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√MERÉK > N. breitha | ✧ EtyAC/MERÉK |
ekte > ektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√EK > N. aith | ✧ Ety/EK |
ekte > ektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√EK > N. eith | ✧ EtyAC/EK |
ektele > ektʰele | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶ektele > N. eithel | ✧ Ety/KEL |
jakta > jaktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶yakta- > N. iaeth | ✧ Ety/YAK |
jukta- > juktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√YUK > N. iuitho | ✧ Ety/YUK |
jukte > juktʰe | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√YUK > N. iuith | ✧ Ety/YUK |
kirjakto > kirjaktʰo | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶kirya-k’tō > N. ciriaeth | ✧ PE18/62 |
krikta- > kriktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶k’rikta > N. critho | ✧ Ety/KIRIK |
lekta- > lektʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√LEK > N. lheitho | ✧ Ety/LEK |
lukta- > luktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√LUK > N. lhûtha | ✧ Ety/LUK |
lukte > luktʰe | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√LUK > N. lhûth | ✧ Ety/LUK |
makta > maktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√MAK > N. maeth | ✧ Ety/MAK |
makta- > maktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√MAK > N. maetha | ✧ Ety/MAK |
nakta > naktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√NAK > N. naeth | ✧ Ety/NAK |
okta > oktʰa | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶oktā > N. auth | ✧ Ety/KOT |
rikta- > riktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√RIK(H) > N. rhitho | ✧ Ety/RIK(H) |
sukta- > suktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√SUK > N. sautha- | ✧ Ety/SUK |
sukto > suktʰo | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√SUK > N. sûth | ✧ Ety/SUK |
takta- > taktʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√TAK > N. taetho | ✧ Ety/TAK |
tekta- > tektʰa- | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√TEK > N. teitho | ✧ Ety/TEK |
tekta > tektʰa | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ√TEK > ON. #tektha | ✧ Ety/TEK |
wekte > wektʰe | kt > ktʰ | ᴹ✶weg-tē > N. gweith | ✧ Ety/WEG |
kʰelka > kʰelkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√KHELEK > N. helch | ✧ Ety/KHEL |
mbalka > mbalkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√ÑGWAL > N. balch | ✧ Ety/ÑGWAL |
milka > milkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√MIL-IK > N. melch | ✧ Ety/MIL-IK |
sulka > sulkʰa | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√SÚLUK > ON. sulkha | ✧ Ety/SÚLUK |
telki > telkʰi | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√TÉLEK > N. tilch | ✧ Ety/TÉLEK |
telko > telkʰo | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√TÉLEK > N. telch | ✧ Ety/TÉLEK |
tulkasse > tulkʰasse | lk > lkʰ | ᴹ√TULUK > N. Tolchas | ✧ EtyAC/TULUK |
alpa > alpʰa | lp > lpʰ | ᴹ✶alk-wā > ON. alpha | ✧ Ety/ÁLAK |
kalpa > kalpʰa | lp > lpʰ | ᴹ√KALPA > N. calf | ✧ Ety/KALPA |
salpa > salpʰa | lp > lpʰ | ᴹ√SÁLAP > ON. salpha | ✧ Ety/SÁLAP |
silpion > silpʰion | lp > lpʰ | ᴹ√SÍLIP > N. **Silfion | ✧ Ety/SIL |
dulta- > dultʰa- | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ√DUL > N. doltha | ✧ Ety/DUL |
ndolti > ndoltʰi | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ√NDOL > N. dylt | ✧ Ety/NDOL |
ndolto > ndoltʰo | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ√NDOL > N. dolt | ✧ Ety/NDOL |
peltaksa > peltʰaksa | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ✶peltakse > ON. pelthaksa | ✧ Ety/PEL |
skelta- > skeltʰa- | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ✶skelta- > N. heltha | ✧ Ety/SKEL |
smalta > smaltʰa | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ✶smaltā > ON. maltha | ✧ EtyAC/SMAL |
sxalta- > sxaltʰa- | lt > ltʰ | ON. skhalta- > N. haltha | ✧ EtyAC/SKEL |
talta > taltʰa | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ√TALÁT > N. talt | ✧ Ety/TALÁT |
tulta- > tultʰa- | lt > ltʰ | ᴹ✶tultā- > N. toltho | ✧ Ety/TUL |
gampa > gampʰa | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√GAP > N. gamp | ✧ Ety/GAP |
gampasse > gampʰasse | mp > mpʰ | ON. gampasse > N. gammas | ✧ EtyAC/GAP |
kʰampa- > kʰampʰa- | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√KHAP > N. hamma- | ✧ Ety/KHAP |
kʰampata > kʰampʰata | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√KHAP > N. hammad | ✧ Ety/KHAP |
kʰampe > kʰampʰe | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√KHAP > N. hamp | ✧ Ety/KHAP |
limpe > limpʰe | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√LINKWI > N. lhimp | ✧ Ety/LINKWI |
nimpe > nimpʰe | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√NIK-W > N. nimp | ✧ Ety/NIK-W |
nimpirete > nimpʰirete | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√NIK-W > N. nifred | ✧ Ety/NIK-W |
nimpit- > nimpʰit- | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√NIK-W > N. nimmid | ✧ Ety/NIK-W |
tumpo > tumpʰo | mp > mpʰ | ᴹ√TUMPU > N. tump | ✧ Ety/TUMPU |
inpanta > inpʰanta | np > npʰ | ON. inpanta > in-fant > N. ifant | ✧ Ety/YEN |
anta > antʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√ANA¹ > N. ant | ✧ Ety/ANA¹ |
anta- > antʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√ANA¹ > N. anno | ✧ Ety/ANA¹ |
arjante > arjantʰe | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√ANA¹ > N. Eriant | ✧ Ety/AR¹ |
atlanta- > atlantʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√TALÁT > N. atlanno | ✧ Ety/TALÁT |
atlanta > atlantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√TALÁT > N. atlant | ✧ Ety/TALÁT |
dant > dantʰ | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√DANT > N. dant- | ✧ Ety/DAT |
entrende > entʰrende | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶Ēntrende > N. Ethrenn | ✧ EtyAC/EN |
inpʰanta > inpʰantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ON. inpanta > in-fant > N. ifant | ✧ Ety/YEN |
janta > jantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶yantā > N. iant | ✧ Ety/YAT |
kanta > kantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KAT > N. cant | ✧ Ety/KAT |
kentano > kentʰano | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√TAN > N. cennan | ✧ Ety/TAN |
kentano > kentʰano | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KEM > N. cennan | ✧ EtyAC/KEM |
lanta > lantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√LAT > N. lhant | ✧ Ety/LAT |
lunte > luntʰe | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√LUT > N. lhunt | ✧ Ety/LUT |
mente > mentʰe | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√MET > N. ment | ✧ Ety/MET |
minte > mintʰe | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√MIT > N. mint | ✧ EtyAC/MIT |
onta- > ontʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√ONO > N. #onna | ✧ Ety/ONO |
panta- > pantʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KWAT > N. pannod | ✧ Ety/KWAT |
panta > pantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ON. panta > N. pant | ✧ Ety/KWAT |
pantjīnare > pantʰjīnare | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KWAT > N. penninar | ✧ Ety/YEN |
pantra- > pantʰra- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KWAT > N. pathro | ✧ Ety/KWAT |
penta > pentʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶kwentā > N. pent | ✧ Ety/KWET |
pentasse > pentʰasse | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√KWET > N. pennas | ✧ Ety/KWET |
pentro > pentʰro | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶kwentrō > N. pethron | ✧ Ety/KWET |
ranta > rantʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√RAT > N. rant | ✧ Ety/RAT |
spantur > spantʰur | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶Spanturo > N. Fennyr/Fennuir | ✧ Ety/SPAN |
stintasse > stintʰasse | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√STINTĀ > N. thinnas | ✧ Ety/STINTĀ |
sθinta > sθintʰa | nt > ntʰ | ON. sthinta > N. thent | ✧ Ety/STINTĀ |
taŋkante > taŋkantʰe | nt > ntʰ | ON. tankánte > N. tangant | ✧ PE17/44 |
tinta- > tintʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√TIN > N. tinno | ✧ Ety/TIN |
tinte > tintʰe | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√TIN > N. tint | ✧ Ety/TIN |
tʰinta > tʰintʰa | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ√THIN > ON. thintha | ✧ Ety/THIN |
wanta- > wantʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶wanta- > N. gwanno | ✧ Ety/WAN |
winta- > wintʰa- | nt > ntʰ | ᴹ✶wínta- > ON. wintha | ✧ Ety/WIN |
apparka > appʰarka | pp > ppʰ | ᴹ✶apparkā > ON. appharkha | ✧ EtyAC/A |
eppele > eppʰele | pp > ppʰ | ᴹ✶Et-pele > eppele > N. Ephel | ✧ WR/137 |
appʰarka > appʰarkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ✶apparkā > ON. appharkha | ✧ EtyAC/A |
erka > erkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√ERÉK > N. erch | ✧ Ety/ERÉK |
erka- > erkʰa- | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√ERÉK > N. ercho | ✧ Ety/ERÉK |
karka > karkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√KÁRAK > N. carch | ✧ Ety/KARAK |
kirka > kirkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√KIRIK > N. cerch | ✧ Ety/KIRIK |
korka > korkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√KORKA > N. corch | ✧ Ety/KARKA |
narka- > narkʰa- | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ√NÁRAK > N. narcha- | ✧ Ety/NÁRAK |
orko > orkʰo | rk > rkʰ | ON. orko > N. orch | ✧ Ety/ÓROK |
orkui > orkʰui | rk > rkʰ | ON. orkui > N. †yrchy | ✧ EtyAC/ÓROK |
parka > parkʰa | rk > rkʰ | ᴹ✶parkā > ON. parkha | ✧ EtyAC/A |
ambarta > ambartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√MBARAT > N. ammarth | ✧ Ety/MBARAT |
awarta > awartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√WAR > N. awarth | ✧ Ety/WAR |
awarta- > awartʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ON. awarta > N. awartha | ✧ Ety/WAR |
berta > bertʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√BER > ON. bértha- | ✧ Ety/BER |
darta- > dartʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√DAR > N. dartha | ✧ Ety/DAR |
garta > gartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√GARAT > N. garth | ✧ Ety/ƷAR|GARAT |
garta- > gartʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√GARAT > N. gartho | ✧ EtyAC/GAR |
karta > kartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√KAR > N. carth | ✧ Ety/KAR |
kirtan > kirtʰan | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√TAN > ON. Certhan | ✧ Ety/TAN |
kʰerte > kʰertʰe | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√KHER > N. herth | ✧ Ety/KHER |
kʰorta- > kʰortʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√KHOR > N. hortha- | ✧ Ety/KHOR |
mbarta- > mbartʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√MBARAT > N. bartho | ✧ Ety/MBARAT |
narta- > nartʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√NARTA > N. nartho | ✧ EtyAC/NARTA |
nartasse > nartʰasse | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√NARTA > N. Narthas | ✧ EtyAC/NARTA |
ndorta- > ndortʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√NDOR > N. dortho- | ✧ Ety/NDOR |
ŋgurtu > ŋgurtʰu | rt > rtʰ | ON. ngurtu > N. guruth | ✧ Ety/ÑGUR |
orta- > ortʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ON. ortóbe > N. ortho | ✧ Ety/ORO |
ortel- > ortʰel- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√TEL > N. ortheli | ✧ Ety/TEL |
ortur- > ortʰur- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ✶or-tur- > N. orthor | ✧ Ety/TUR |
parta- > partʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√PAR > ON. parthóbi | ✧ Ety/PAR |
turta- > turtʰa- | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√TUR > N. tortho | ✧ Ety/TUR |
warta > wartʰa | rt > rtʰ | ᴹ√WAR > N. gwarth | ✧ Ety/WAR |
att- > attʰ- | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√AT(AT) > N. ath- | ✧ Ety/RAT |
-atta > -attʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶-atta > N. -ath | ✧ PE21/57 |
batta- > battʰa- | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶battā́ > ON. batthṓ | ✧ Ety/BAT |
dalatte > dalattʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√DAL > N. dalath | ✧ Ety/DAL |
datta > dattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶dattā > N. dath | ✧ Ety/DAT |
gatta > gattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶gattā > N. gath | ✧ Ety/GAT(H) |
grotto > grottʰo | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√ROT > N. groth | ✧ EtyAC/ROT |
jatta > jattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶yatta > N. iath | ✧ EtyAC/YAT |
kelette > kelettʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√KEL > N. celeth | ✧ EtyAC/KEL |
latta > lattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√LATH/LAT > N. lhath | ✧ Ety/LATH |
matta- > mattʰa- | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶mahtā́ > ON. matthṓ-be | ✧ Ety/MAƷ |
mberette > mberettʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√MBER > N. bereth | ✧ Ety/MBER |
melette > melettʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√MEL > N. meleth | ✧ Ety/MEL |
merette > merettʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√MER > N. mereth | ✧ Ety/MBER |
metta > mettʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶metta > N. meth | ✧ Ety/MET |
nanitta > nanittʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√NAN > N. naneth | ✧ Ety/NAN |
palatte > palattʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√PAL > N. palath | ✧ Ety/PAL |
petta > pettʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶kwetta > N. peth | ✧ Ety/KWET |
ratta > rattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶rattā̆ > ON. rattha | ✧ Ety/RAT |
rotto > rottʰo | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√ROT > N. roth | ✧ EtyAC/ROT |
setta > settʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ✶settā > N. seth | ✧ EtyAC/SET |
skalatta > skalattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√SKAL > N. ?halath | ✧ EtyAC/SKEL |
skalatti > skalattʰi | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√SKAL > N. heleth | ✧ EtyAC/SKEL |
skelatta > skelattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√SKEL > N. helath | ✧ EtyAC/SKEL |
skelette > skelettʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√SKEL > N. heleth | ✧ Ety/SKEL |
tittina > tittʰina | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√TIT > N. tithen | ✧ Ety/TIT |
tittini > tittʰini | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√TIT > N. tithin | ✧ Ety/TIT |
wanatta > wanattʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√WAN > N. gwanath | ✧ Ety/WAN |
watta- > wattʰa- | tt > ttʰ | ON. wattóbe > N. gwatho | ✧ Ety/WAƷ |
watte > wattʰe | tt > ttʰ | ON. watte > N. gwath | ✧ Ety/WAƷ |
wilitte > wilittʰe | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√WIL > N. gwilith | ✧ Ety/WIL |
wilwilitta > wilwilittʰa | tt > ttʰ | ᴹ√WIL > N. gwilwileth | ✧ Ety/WIL |
iŋki > iŋkʰi | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√INK > N. inc | ✧ Ety/INK |
laŋko > laŋkʰo | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√LANK > N. lhanc | ✧ Ety/LANK |
laŋko > laŋkʰo | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√LAK¹ > N. lhanc | ✧ EtyAC/LAK¹ |
ndaŋkina > ndaŋkʰina | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√NDAK > N. dangen | ✧ Ety/NDAK |
ndaŋkini > ndaŋkʰini | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√NDAK > N. Ndengin | ✧ Ety/NDAK |
pʰliŋke > pʰliŋkʰe | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ✶philínkē > N. flinc | ✧ PE21/56 |
raŋko > raŋkʰo | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ON. ranko > N. rhanc | ✧ Ety/RAK |
raŋkui > raŋkʰui | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ON. rankui > N. †rhengy | ✧ Ety/RAK |
riŋke > riŋkʰe | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ✶rinki > N. rhinc | ✧ Ety/RIK(H) |
sθaŋka > sθaŋkʰa | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ON. sthanka > N. thanc | ✧ Ety/STAK |
taŋka > taŋkʰa | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√TAK > N. tanc | ✧ Ety/TAK |
taŋkantʰe > taŋkʰantʰe | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ON. tankánte > N. tangant | ✧ PE17/44 |
taŋkata- > taŋkʰata- | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ✶tánkā̆ta- > N. tangado | ✧ PE17/44 |
taŋkla > taŋkʰla | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ✶tankla > tachl > N. tachol | ✧ Ety/TAK |
tiŋko > tiŋkʰo | ŋk > ŋkʰ | ᴹ√TINKŌ > N. tinc | ✧ Ety/TINKŌ |
G. voiceless stops spirantalized after many consonants; [{lrmnŋ}{ptk}|{ptk}{fθx}|ɣt] > [{lrmnŋ]}{fθx}|{fθx}{fθx}|ɣð]
Phonetic Rule Elements
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Phonetic Rule Examples
ekt > exθ | -kt > -xθ | ᴱ✶ektĭ > G. aith² | ✧ GL/18 |
ekti > exθi | -kt > -xθ | ‽ᴱ✶ektī > G. †aithi | ✧ GL/18 |
ektl > exθl | -kt > -xθ | ᴱ✶ektḷ > G. aithl | ✧ GL/18 |
kektl > kexθl | -kt > -xθ | ᴱ✶kekt(ǝ)lḗ > G. caithl | ✧ GL/25 |
sapt > safθ | -pt > -fθ | ᴱ√sab- > G. sauth | ✧ GL/67 |
meɣðana > meɣðan | gð > ɣð | ᴱ✶megđana > G. maidhon | ✧ GL/56 |
akk > axx | kk > xx | ᴱ√aki > G. ach | ✧ GL/17 |
krekk > krexx | kk > xx | ᴱ√kerek- > G. crech | ✧ GL/27 |
ukk > uxx | kk > xx | ᴱ✶ukko > G. uch | ✧ GL/74 |
blekta > blekθa | kt > kθ | ᴱ√melek/mbelek/belek > G. blectha | ✧ GL/22 |
ektel > eθtel | kt > kθ | ᴱ√KELE > G. ecthel | ✧ LT2A/Ecthelion |
krekta- > krekθa- | kt > kθ | ᴱ√kerek- > G. crectha- | ✧ GL/27 |
trikton > trikθon | kt > kθ | ᴱ√tṛk > G. tricthon | ✧ GL/69 |
sekðan > seɣðan | kð > ɣð | ᴱ✶sek’·ðana > G. Saidhon | ✧ GL/66 |
falk > falx | lk > lx | ᴱ√FḶKḶ > G. Falc | ✧ LT2A/Glorfalc |
falkan > falxan | lk > lx | ᴱ√FḶKḶ > G. falchon | ✧ LT2A/Glorfalc |
helk > helx | lk > lx | ᴱ√χele-k > G. helc | ✧ GL/48 |
ndolk > ndolx | lk > lx | ᴱ√ndolo- > G. dolc | ✧ GL/30 |
alpa > alfa | lp > lf | ᴱ✶alchwa > G. alfa | ✧ GL/18 |
ndolpa > ndolfa | lp > lf | ᴱ√ndolo- > G. dolfa | ✧ GL/30 |
balt > balθ | lt > lθ | ᴱ√vḷt > G. balt | ✧ GL/23 |
falt > falθ | lt > lθ | ᴱ√fal-² > G. falt | ✧ GL/33 |
gilt > gilθ | lt > lθ | ᴱ√Gil- > G. gilt | ✧ GL/38 |
gilta > gilθa | lt > lθ | ᴱ√Gil- > G. giltha | ✧ GL/38 |
gulta- > gulθa- | lt > lθ | ᴱ√dyulu > G. gultha | ✧ GL/38 |
gʷalt > gʷalθ | lt > lθ | ᴱ√gwal > G. gwalt | ✧ GL/44 |
bent > benθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√VENE > G. bent | ✧ LT1A/Glorvent |
blant > blanθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√PALA > G. blant | ✧ LT1A/Palúrien |
finta- > finθa- | nt > nθ | ᴱ√fṇt > G. fintha- | ✧ GL/35 |
gant > ganθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√yṇt > G. gant | ✧ GL/37 |
ganta > ganθa | nt > nθ | ᴱ√yṇt > G. gantha | ✧ GL/37 |
gʷant > gʷanθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√VANA > G. gwant | ✧ LT1A/Vána |
gʷent > gʷenθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√gwene- > G. gwent | ✧ GL/45 |
gʷent > gʷenθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√gwed² > G. gwent | ✧ GL/46 |
inta- > inθa- | nt > nθ | ᴱ√yṇt > G. intha- | ✧ GL/37 |
kʷent > kʷenθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√QETE > G. cwent | ✧ LT2A/Tôn a Gwedrin |
lent > lenθ | nt > nθ | ᴱ√LENE > G. glent | ✧ LT2A/Glend |
kʷipta- > kʷipθa- | pt > pθ | ᴱ√QIP > G. cwiptha- | ✧ GL/28 |
sapta- > sapθa- | pt > pθ | ᴱ√sab- > G. saptha- | ✧ GL/67 |
ark > arx | rk > rx | ᴱ✶ṝkă > G. arch | ✧ PE13/110 |
gʷert > gʷerθ | rt > rθ | ᴱ√gwer- > G. gwert | ✧ GL/46 |
blatt > blaθθ | tt > θθ | ᴱ√PALA > G. blath | ✧ LT1A/Palúrien |
gatt > gaθθ | tt > θθ | ᴱ✶yatt- > G. gath¹ | ✧ GL/36 |
gotta- > goθθa- | tt > θθ | ᴱ✶ı̯otta > G. gôtha- | ✧ GL/42 |
koitt > koiθθ | tt > θθ | ᴱ√KOYO > G. cuith | ✧ LT1A/Koivië-néni |
kʷett > kʷeθθ | tt > θθ | ᴱ√QETE > G. cweth | ✧ LT2A/Tôn a Gwedrin |
mbritt- > mbriθθ- | tt > θθ | ᴱ√M(B)ṚTṚ > G. brith- | ✧ QL/63 |
-tt > -θθ | tt > θθ | G. -tt > G. -th | ✧ GG/10 |
kavta- > kavθa- | vt > vθ | #ᴱ√tyav- > G. cautha- | ✧ GL/24 |
ext > exθ | xt > xθ | ᴱ✶eχtă- > G. aith¹ | ✧ GL/18 |
extaθ > exθaθ | xt > xθ | ᴱ✶eχt·taþ· > G. aithos | ✧ GL/18 |
foxta- > foxθa- | xt > xθ | ᴱ√foχo > G. fuitha¹ | ✧ GL/36 |
kaxt > kaxθ | xt > xθ | ᴱ✶kahta > G. caith | ✧ GL/24 |
gʷiŋk > gʷiŋx | ŋk > ŋx | ᴱ√GWINI > G. gwinc | ✧ LT1A/Morwinyon |
baɣta- > baɣða- | ɣt > ɣð | ᴱ√Baʒ̔- > G. baidha- | ✧ GL/21 |
fuɣta- > fuɣθa- | ɣt > ɣθ | ᴱ√fuʒu > G. fuitha² | ✧ GL/36 |