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G. biltha- v. “to flutter, flit” (Category: to Fly)

⚠️G. biltha-, w`j3] v. “to flutter, flit” (Category: to Fly)
ᴺS. !gwilwa- “to flutter, flit”

The verb G. biltha- “flutter, flit” appeared in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of G. bil “bird” (GL/23).

Neo-Sindarin: Since G. bil “bird” is no longer used, for purposes of Neo-Sindarin I would alter this verb to ᴺS. gwilwa- “to flutter, flit”, inspired by Q. wilwa “fluttering to and fro”.

Reference ✧ GL/23 ✧ “flutter, flit”


bil “bird” ✧ GL/23
#-tha¹ “verb suffix” ✧ GL/23 (#-tha)
