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ᴺS. [G.] laud n. “tide, motion of the sea; ⚠️flood; high tide” (Category: to Flow)

ᴺS. [G.] laud, j]ê2 n. “tide, motion of the sea; ⚠️flood; high tide” (Category: to Flow)
See G. laud for discussion.


G. laud n. “flood; high tide; tide, motion of the sea” (Category: to Flow)

A noun appearing as G. laud in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s with glosses “1) flood, 2) high tide, 3) tide, motion of the sea”, the third meaning also assigned to a longer variant G. olaud or olod, all of these based on the early root ᴱ√LUTU (GL/53). The longer variant appears as oland [sic], olod “tide, motion of sea” later in GL (GL/62), but I believe oland is a slip or misreading for olaud.

Conceptual Development: Since √LUT “float” survives in Tolkien’s later writings (VT42/18; Ety/LUT), I would retain ᴺS. laud for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, but only for the limited sense “tide, motion of the sea”. For “flood, high tide” I would use the later word duinen.

References ✧ GL/41, 53; QL/57




laudin plural ✧ GL/53

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√lutu- > laud [lūto] > [lauto] > [laut] > [laud] ✧ GL/53