S. go- pref. “together, co-, com-” (Category: Together)
- S. go-, pref. “together, co-, com-” (Category: Together)
References ✧ PE17/16, 191; WJ/367-368
Element In
- ᴺS. gobab- “to shake”
- ᴺS. !gobem “mouth”
- ᴺS. !gobeth “dictionary”
- ᴺS. !goianna- “to join with, add to”
- ᴺS. !golain “connection, relation, context, (lit.) threadage”
- ᴺS. !golof “consonant”
- ᴺS. !gothiol “similar”
- ᴺS. !gwachon “(sworn) brother, associate”
- ᴺS. gwalir “rhyme, rime (the two actual rhyming words), rhyming poem”
- ᴺS. gwanos “family, birth, heredity, *lineage”
- ᴺS. gwaren “[nuclear] family”
- S. #genedia- “to reckon”
- S. gobel “village, town (enclosure)”
- S. goloth “inflorescence, *collection of flowers”
- S. govan- “to meet, come to same place” ✧ PE17/16 (govan-)
- S. gwanon “twin” ✧ WJ/367 (gwanūn); WJ/367 (gwanunig)
Phonetic Developments
√WĂ/WO > go |
[wo-] > [gwo-] > [go-]
✧ PE17/16 |
√WO/WONO > go´ |
[wo-] > [gwo-] > [go-]
✧ PE17/191 |
√WO/WONO > gwa´ |
[wó-] > [wá-] > [gwá-]
✧ PE17/191 |
√WO > gwa- |
[wó-] > [wá-] > [gwá-]
✧ WJ/367 |
✶wo > gwo > go- |
[wo-] > [gwo-] > [go-]
✧ WJ/368 |
G. go-¹ pref. “together, in one; with” (Category: Together)
References ✧ GL/21-22, 34, 40-41, 43-44, 49, 56, 61, 68; LT2A/Golosbrindi
- gwa- cp. go- ✧ GL/43
- go “together, in one” often used merely intensive, partly influence by gor ✧ GL/40
Element In
- G. gochest “brother and brother, brother and sister, etc.” ✧ GL/40; GL/43 (gwachest)
- G. gochestri “consanguinity” ✧ GL/49
- G. godaithion “educated” ✧ GL/68
- G. godaithri “education, erudition; grammar” ✧ GL/40
- G. godaithri(o)n “learned, educated” ✧ GL/40 (godaithrin)
- G. gofedhin “united, allied, ‘friends’” ✧ GL/34
- G. gofedhra- “to unite in a band” ✧ GL/34
- G. gofedhrog “ally” ✧ GL/34
- G. gofel “exactly alike” ✧ GL/40; GL/43 (gwafel)
- G. gofeltha “*similar, like” ✧ GL/40
- G. gofelweg “one’s fellow or equal, rival” ✧ GL/40
- G. gogail “mouth” ✧ GL/40 (gogìl)
- G. golairin “rime, rhyme; riming poem” ✧ GL/41
- G. golaudri “deluge, flood” ✧ GL/41
- G. golesta- “to gather (intr.)” ✧ GL/44
- G. gomaithri “government” ✧ GL/56
- G. gomintha “together” ✧ GL/41
- G. gomol “the teeth, two rows of teeth” ✧ GL/41
- G. gonothri(n) “of same kindred” ✧ GL/61 (gonothri)
- G. goredhin “related, sib, akin” ✧ GL/41
- G. govaithum “clad” ✧ GL/21 (govaithum)
- G. govedhri “wedding” ✧ GL/22
- G. govedhwen “matrimony” ✧ GL/22
- G. gwalest “concourse, moot, folkmote” ✧ GL/44
- G. gwanos “family, birth, heredity” ✧ GL/44
- G. gwarest “cousinhood, -ship” ✧ GL/44
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ✶ŋu̯a > go |
[ŋʷa-] > [ŋgʷa-] > [gʷa-] > [gʷo-] > [go-]
✧ GL/40 |