Q. o- pref. “together” (Category: Together)
- Q. o-, `N pref. “together” (Category: Together)
References ✧ PE17/13, 16, 191; PE19/106; PE22/168; VT48/29; WJ/367
- o- is the unstressed form of ó- ✧ WJ/367
- ó- “with” [per editors, is probably related to] ó- ✧ VT43/29
- #yo- “together (used in words describing the union of three or more things)”
Element In
- ᴺQ. !ocantië “pattern”
- ᴺQ. !ocar- “to cooperate, work together, participate”
- ᴺQ. !ocaraitië “program, a set of activities”
- ᴺQ. !ofelmë “sympathy, compassion, pity, *(lit.) together-feeling”
- ᴺQ. !ofelmenca “tactless, indelicate, (lit.) without together-feeling”
- ᴺQ. !ohaimestië “civilisation, culture, (lit.) a shared set of customs”
- ᴺQ. !ohérë “government”
- ᴺQ. !ólëo “society, (lit.) together-people”
- ᴺQ. !ólië “society, (lit.) together-people”
- ᴺQ. !olindë “harmony”
- ᴺQ. !olirië “concert”
- ᴺQ. !omírë “jewelry (collectively)”
- ᴺQ. !omolmë “company, business, enterprise, firm”
- ᴺQ. !onyeli “choir”
- ᴺQ. !orendë “(nuclear) family”
- ᴺQ. ^ori “grain, ⚠️seed”
- ᴺQ. !ósana- “to counsel, think together”
- ᴺQ. !ósat- “to share”
- ᴺQ. !osírië “confluence”
- ᴺQ. !otarmië “colonnade”
- ᴺQ. !otolmië “keyboard”
- ᴺQ. *ovëa “(con)similar, alike”
- ᴺQ. ovesta “contract, compact, treaty”
- Q. oholima “confidential”
- Q. #ólama “consonant”
- Q. olass(i)ë “foliage, collection of leaves”
- Q. olië “company, people together”
- Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers (on one plant)”
- Q. olótë “bloom, the flowers collectively of a single plant”
- Q. ombari “company, dwellers together”
- Q. omentië “meeting (of pathways), (lit.) coming together of journey-path, meeting or junction of the directions of two people” ✧ PE17/13; PE17/13; WJ/367 (o-mentie)
- Q. onóna “twin-born; one of a pair of twins” ✧ WJ/367 (ónoni)
- Q. #onot- “*to count up, reckon”
- Q. #onótië “*reckoning”
- Q. ósanwë “communication of thought, interchange of thought; (lit.) thinking together (dual)”
- Q. #ostimë “blend”
- Q. ovéa “(con)similar, alike”
- Q. ohlon “diphthong” ✧ VT48/29
- Q. *omen- “to move to a common point, meet” ✧ PE17/13 (*o-men-)
Phonetic Developments