ᴺS. [S.] bôr n. “heat” (Category: Hot, Warm)
S. bôr n. “heat” (Category: Hot, Warm)
A noun appearing as bôr “heat” in notes on the Common Eldarin Article (CEA) from 1969 (PE23/136), where it was rejected and replaced by born¹ “hot” (PE23/136).
Neo-Sindarin: I think Tolkien rejected bôr because he changed his example from a noun to an adjective rather than abandoning the word outright. As such I would retain ᴺS. bôr “heat” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin.
Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱN. bordh “heat, rage” derived from primitive ᴱ✶mbúryā (PE13/139). On another page of this word list Tolkien had borth, bordh “hearth”, but that was revised to ᴱN. gorth. In the Early Noldorin Dictionary from this same period Tolkien gave ᴱN. bordh as an adjective glossed “hot, raging, wroth” with the same derivation as the corresponding noun.
Reference ✧ PE23/136 ✧ “heat”