ᴺS. [N.] ^oeth n. “war” (Category: War)
Element In
N. auth n. “war, battle” (Category: War)
A word appearing as N. auth “war” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶OKTĀ of the same meaning (Ety/OKTĀ). In the entry for its root ᴹ√KOT “strive, quarrel” it was given the extra gloss “war, battle” (Ety/KOT). In the phonological system of the 1930s, okt vocalized to outh and then ou became au.
Neo-Sindarin: In the Sindarin phonology in the 1950s and 60s, okt vocalized to oith and then oi became oe. As such, a popular Neo-Sindarin variant of this word is ᴺS. oeth “war”. I personally prefer to retain the attested form of this word auth from the 1930s, and assume its abnormal phonetic development is the result of dialectical variations.
Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin wordlists of the 1920s had ᴱN. oith “feud” as cognate to ᴱQ. ohta “war” (PE13/151, 164), demonstrating yet another phonological development from the 1920s.
References ✧ Ety/KOT, OKTĀ; EtyAC/KOT
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ✶oktā > auth | [oktā] > [okta] > [oktʰa] > [oxθa] > [ouθa] > [auθa] > [auθ] | ✧ Ety/KOT |