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ᴺS. !abor n. “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day” (Category: Tomorrow)

ᴺS. !abor, n. “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day” [created by Fiona Jallings] (Category: Tomorrow)
ᴺS. !ordolel “tomorrow”


S. #ab “after”
S. aur “(whole) day”

G. nôn n. “tomorrow, the next day on from one mentioned or in thought, the morrow” (Category: Tomorrow)

Reference ✧ GL/61 ✧ “tomorrow, the next day on from one mentioned or in thought, the morrow”


Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶n(u̯)ou̯n > nôn [nwoun] !!! [noun] > [nōn] ✧ GL/61