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N. #gwedh- v. “to bind” (Category: to Bind)

N. #gwedh-, v. “to bind” (Category: to Bind)
G. heb- “to bind, bind round”

A verb in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “bind” appearing in its (Noldorin) infinitive form gwedi, with an archaic past form gwend/gwenn and a later past gweðant, all under the root ᴹ√WED “bind” (Ety/WED). Given its root, the expected stem form would be *gwedh-, so the form gwedi is probably either archaic or malformed.

Neo-Sindarin: For purposes of Neo-Sindarin, I would assume its stem form was gwedh-, and I would modernize its past forms as described in the entry on the Sindarin past tense.

References ✧ Ety/WED


gwedi infinitive “bind” ✧ Ety/WED
gwend/gwenn past   ✧ Ety/WED
gweðant past   ✧ Ety/WED: later


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√WED > †gwedi [wed-] > [gwed-] > [gweð-] ✧ Ety/WED