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S. fennas n. “great door, doorway, gateway” (Category: Door, Gate)

S. fennas, n. “great door, doorway, gateway” (Category: Door, Gate)

A word that Tolkien variously glossed as “great door”, “doorway”, and “gateway” (PE17/45; RGEO/67). It is an elaboration of fen(n) “door” (PE17/45). The word fennas appeared in the Moria Gate Spell: fennas nogothrim, lasto beth lammen “doorway of the Dwarf-folk listen to the word of my tongue” (LotR/307; PE17/45).

References ✧ LotR/307; PE17/45; RGEO/67



fend “door” ✧ PE17/45 (fen)
#-as “abstract noun”

Element In
