Q. Calaciryan (Calaciryand-) loc. “*Land of Calacirya”

Q. Calaciryan (Calaciryand-), loc. “*Land of Calacirya”
According to Tolkien: “the region of Eldamar near the entrance to the ravine [Calacirya] where the Light was brighter and more beautiful” (RGEO/62). It seems to be a combination of Calacirya “Pass of Light” with the suffix -yan(de) (from ✶yandē) “-land”. This suffix is rarely used in Quenya, but is commonly seen in Sindarin as the suffix -ian(d). In some places, Tolkien used this name to refer directly to the pass itself (MR/176, WJ/403).

References ✧ MR/87, 176; MRI/Kalakiryan; PE17/73; RGEO/62; WJ/403; WJI/Kalakiryan





Calacirya “Pass of Light” ✧ PE17/73; RGEO/62
yandē “a wide region or country”

Q. Calacirian loc. “Anglicanized Calaciryan”

An anglicanized form of Calaciryan appearing in Bilbo’s “Song of Eärendil” poem (LotR/235). In Lord of the Rings drafts it appeared in the form Calacilian (TI/93) matching the earier form ᴹQ. Kalakilya for the “Pass of Light”.

References ✧ LotR/235; PE17/20, 73; RGEO/62; TII


