ᴹQ. íre ilqa yéva nótina, hostainiéva, yallume “when all is counted, and all numbered at last”

ᴹQ. íre ilqua yéva nótina, hostainiéva, yallumë “when all is counted, and all numbered at last”

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Reference ✧ LR/72 ✧ “when all is counted, and all numbered at last”


íre² “when” ✧ LR/72
ilqa “everything, all” ✧ LR/72
ye- “to be” future ✧ LR/72 (yéva)
not- “to reckon” passive-participle ✧ LR/72 (nótina)
hosta- “to collect” passive-participle stative-future ✧ LR/72 (hostainiéva)
yallume “at that (far distant) time, at last” ✧ LR/72

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