ᴹQ. me·mittanelme i·mbarenna yo sasse né Túro “we got into the house and there was Túro”

ᴹQ. me·mittanelme i·mbarenna yo sasse né Túro “we got into the house and there was Túro”

Reference ✧ PE23/97 ✧ “we got into the house and there was Túro”


me “we, us” ✧ PE23/97
mitta- “to insert; to come in” past 1st-pl-exclusive ✧ PE23/97 (mittanelme)
“the” ✧ PE23/97
mar “home, dwelling, house, habitation; earth” allative ✧ PE23/97 (mbarenna)
yo “and” ✧ PE23/97
sasse “there (already discussed)” ✧ PE23/97
ye- “to be” past ✧ PE23/97 ()
Túro ✧ PE23/97