ᴹQ. me·mittanelme i·mbarenna yo sasse né Túro “we got into the house and there was Túro”
Reference ✧ PE23/97 ✧ “we got into the house and there was Túro”
me | “we, us” | ✧ PE23/97 | |
mitta- | “to insert; to come in” | past 1st-pl-exclusive | ✧ PE23/97 (mittanelme) |
i¹ | “the” | ✧ PE23/97 | |
mar | “home, dwelling, house, habitation; earth” | allative | ✧ PE23/97 (mbarenna) |
yo | “and” | ✧ PE23/97 | |
sasse | “there (already discussed)” | ✧ PE23/97 | |
ye- | “to be” | past | ✧ PE23/97 (né) |
Túro | ✧ PE23/97 |