ᴹQ. yo conj. “and” (Category: And)
References ✧ PE22/125; PE23/77, 91-92, 95, 97, 110; SD/56
Element In
- ᴹQ. A lámie B ye B túlie ye A ethequente: sí makiletya keróvie, tuvo te ye B ethetúvie “A called to B {and} B/he came and A said to him: here is {your} the sword that you {had} lost[,] take it, and B took it”
✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A lámie na B/thenna ye ethequente ‘sie makiletya i keróvie, tuvo te’; ye B ethetúvie “A called to B/him and said to him/B: ‘here is the sword that you lost, take it’; and B/he took it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A lámie thenna ye ethequente túvo he “A called to him and said take it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. lairesse nihare to tarassi, yu unta hrívesse landannar “in the summer I live in [i.e. on] the hills [as a rule], and come down to the plains in the winter” ✧ PE22/125
- ᴹQ. me·mittanelme i·mbarenna yo sasse né Túro “we got into the house and there was Túro” ✧ PE23/97
- ᴹQ. nanyunan “again-and-again” ✧ PE23/110
- ᴹQ. nikenne karnietta ye mírindanet/s “*I saw its redness and admired it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. Sinome nimaruva, yo hildinyar tenn’ Ambar-metta “Here will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world” ✧ SD/56
- ᴹQ. té ye thé (sé) ye hé “this and this [b] and this [c]” ✧ PE23/91
- ᴹQ. ye ethen·antas “*and he gives to him (another) it” ✧ PE23/95
- ᴹQ. y’esen·antahe “*and he gives to him (another) it (yet another)” ✧ PE23/95