ᴺQ. !indufasta adj. “looking forward to, (lit.) of a pleased mind” (Category: Happy; Happiness)
A neologist adjective meaning “looking forward to” coined by Luinyelle posted on 2024-12-24 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a combination of indo (indu-) “(state of) mind” and [ᴹQ.] fasta “pleased”, so more literally “of a pleased mind”. For example nánye indufasta omentielvan “I am of pleased mind about Omentielva” or horan omentielva indufasta “I am waiting for Omentielva [with] pleased mind”, both meaning “I’m looking forward to Omentielva”.
Q. indo | “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve” |
ᴹQ. fasta | “pleased” |