Ad. #saphad- v. (triconsonantal-verb) “to understand” (Category: to Understand)

Ad. #saphad- v. (triconsonantal-verb) “to understand” (Category: to Understand)
A verb attested only in the form usaphda “he understood”, an aorist inflection with the 3rd person masculine pronominal prefix u- (SD/421). Archaically its aorist form underwent phonetic changes to become †saptha, but it was later reformed to be consistent with other inflections of the verb (such as the past tense *sapphada).

References ✧ SD/421



usaphda 3rd-sg-masc aorist “he understood” ✧ SD/421
usaptha 3rd-sg-masc aorist “he understood” ✧ SD/421

Element In


Phonetic Developments

√Ad. SAPHAD > †usaptha [usapʰda] > [usapʰtʰa] > [usapʰθa] > [usafθa] ✧ SD/421