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ᴱ√KḶTḶ root. “tilt; fling”

⚠️ᴱ√KḶTḶ root. “tilt; fling”
ᴹ√RIK(H) “jerk, sudden move, flirt”

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “tilt; fling” with derivatives in both Qenya and Gnomish, such as ᴱQ. kilt “tuck”, G. cilt “jerk”, ᴱQ. kilti- “jerk, tuck”, and G. ciltha- “tug, jerk (out)” (QL/47; GL/26). The later root ᴹ√RIK(H) has a similar meaning (Ety/RIK(H)).

Reference ✧ QL/47 ✧ KLTL “tilt; fling”

