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ᴹ√KEM root. “soil, earth”

ᴹ√KEM root. “soil, earth”

This root was established as the basis for “earth” words early in Tolkien’s writing. It first appeared as ᴱ√KEME “soil” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, its most notable Qenya derivative being ᴱQ. kemen “soil, earth” (QL/46). The root ᴹ√KEM “soil, earth” reappeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s along with ᴹQ. kén (kem-) or kemen “earth”, as well as various other Quenya and Noldorin derivatives (Ety/KEM). Tolkien’s continued use of Q. cemen and S. ceven for “earth” or “the Earth” in later writings indicates the continued validity of this root.

Reference ✧ Ety/KEM ✧ “soil, earth”


ᴱ√KEME root. “soil”

See ᴹ√KEM for discussion.

References ✧ LT1A/Kémi; QL/46

