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Q. alahen (alahend-) adj. “eyeless” (Category: Eye)

Q. alahen (alahend-), `CjEd$5 adj. “eyeless” (Category: Eye)

An adjective for “eyeless” appearing in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969 as a combination of Q. al(a)- “not” and Q. hen “eye”, so perhaps more literally “*not eyed” (PE22/153). This use of al(a)- to mean “-less, without” was a normal but somewhat archaic function of that prefix:

Older formations were those in which al functioned as E[nglish] “-less” or “no, non-, without”. As alahen, pl. alahendi “eyeless” (PE22/153).

References ✧ PE22/153




alahendi plural “eyeless” ✧ PE22/153


al(a)-¹ “in-, un-, not; †-less, without” ✧ PE22/153 (al)
#hen “eye”