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ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tintilië n. “sparkling, twinkling” (Category: Blinking)

ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tintilië, n. “sparkling, twinkling” (Category: Blinking)
Q. itila “twinkling, glinting”
ᴱQ. wimpelë “a twinkling”
ᴱQ. wintelë “*twinkling”
ᴱQ. winwë “a sparkling, flash”


Q. tintila- “to twinkle, sparkle, glitter, give tremulous light, †tremble”

ᴱQ. tintele n. “sparkling, twinkling (as of frosty stars)” (Category: Blinking)

Reference ✧ QL/92 ✧ “a sparkling, twinkling as of frosty stars”


tint “(silver) spark” ✧ QL/92
#-le “abstract noun” ✧ QL/92 (#-le)