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PUT root.

PUT root. “[ᴹ√] stop, halt, pause”

This root first appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s as ᴹ√PUS “stop, halt, pause” with derivatives like ᴹQ. pusta- “to stop, put a stop to; (intr.) cease, stop”, N. post “pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite”, and ᴹQ. pusta “stop, in punctuation full stop” (Ety/PUS). Tolkien then wrote a new entry {ᴹ√PUS >>} ᴹ√PUT with similar derivatives but with {√pusta >>} ᴹQ. putta “stop (in punctuation)”. Another form in the new entry, ᴹQ. punta “stopped consonant”, reappeared in plural form in the first version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa from the 1930s (TQ1) as Puntar “stops”, the label for voiced, voiceless and aspirated stopped consonants (PE18/30). The word pusta “stop” was used for the dot tehta in The Feanorian Alphabet of the late 1930s, but this word was revised to putta (PE22/21 and note #63). Finally, √PUT appeared in the second version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa from around 1950 (TQ2) with etymological variant √PHUT, but in that document it was unglossed and had no derivatives (PE18/90).

Reference ✧ PE18/90


ᴹ√PUT root. “stop, halt, pause”

See √PUT for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/PUS; EtyAC/PUS



