Primitive Elvish Roots
- ABA root. see BĀ/ABA
- AD(A) root. “by (the side of), beside, alongside; against, opposed to, opposite”
- AK root. “hostile return”
- AKAS root. “neck, ridge”
- AL(A) root. “good (physically), blessed, fortunate, prosperous, health(y)”
- [ᴹ√]ALA root. “no, not; negative; not to be” see LA
- ALAB root. “elm”
- ALAK root. “rushing”
- AM¹ root. “mother”
- AM² root. “go up”
- AMA root. “addition, increase, plus”
- AMAN root. “good (morally), blessed, holy, unmarred, free from evil” see MAN
- ANA root. see NA/ANA
- ANAD root. “long; far”
- ANGA root. “iron”
- APA root. “touch” see PĀ/APA
- APHA root. “before of time” see PHĀ/APHA
- AR root. “beyond, further than; outside; beside, alongside”
- ARA root. see RĀ/ARA
- ARAN root. “good, excellent, noble”
- ARAT root. “good, excellent, noble”
- ARI root. “good, excellent, noble”
- AS¹ root. “warmth”
- AS² root. “beside”
- AT root. “two, double, bi-, di-; back, re-; across, over, lying from side to side”
- AT(AR) root. “father”
- ATATA root. “two”
- ATHA root. see THĀ/ATHA
- ATTA root. see ATATA
- AW root. “possess, own, keep (have in hand, use or with one)”
- AYA(N) root. “blessed; treat with awe/reverence”
- AY(AR) root. “sea”
- BĀ/ABA root. “refuse, forbid, prohibit, say nay (in refusal or denial)”
- BAL root. “power; powerful, mighty; have power”
- BA(N) root. “meet, come up against; go (away)”
- BAN root. “beauty (due to lack of fault or blemish); fair, beautiful”
- #BAR root.
- BARAD root. “lofty, high, height combined with strength/size/majesty”
- BARAS root. “height combined with strength/majesty”
- BARAT root. “lofty, high, height combined with strength/size/majesty”
- BARATH root. “height combined with strength/size/majesty”
- BEL root. “*strong”
- BER root. “to mate, be mated, joined in marriage”
- BUZBU root. “*large fly”
- DAL root. “bottom, ground”
- DANTA root. “*fall down” see DAT
- DAT root. “fall down, fall to ground”
- DAY root. “*great”
- DEL¹ root. “walk, go, proceed, travel”
- DEL² root. “*fair”
- DEL³ root. “thick, dense”
- DEL⁴ root. “will”
- DER root. “hard, difficult”
- DEW root. “go wrong, fail”
- *DIN root. “silence”
- DOM root. “dark”
- DOR root. “hard, tough, dried up, unyielding”
- DROB root. “*wild”
- [ᴹ√]*DU root. “dark”
- DUY root. “flow (strongly), flood, drench, inundate, pour”
- EK root. “sharp point”
- EKE root. “it is open” see KE/EKE
- EL root. “lo, behold; star”
- ELED root. “*Star-Folk, Elf”
- EM¹ root. “depict, portray”
- EM² root. “mother” see AM¹
- EN root. “again, once more, go on doing; further, beyond”
- EÑ root. “be, exist”
- ENED root. “centre, middle; three”
- ENEK root. “six”
- ENEL root. “centre, middle; three” see ENED
- ENET root. “*one more”
- ER root. “one, single, alone”
- ET root. “out, forth”
- EWE root. see WĒ/EWE
- EYE root. “feminine”
- GAL¹ root. “light; shine, be bright”
- GAL² root. “grow (like plants), flourish, be healthy, be vigorous, bloom”
- GALAB root. “flower”
- GALAM root. “elm”
- GAP root. “bend (tr.)”
- GAS root. “*warmth” see AS¹
- GAY(AR) root. “awe, dread; astound, make aghast; sea”
- GIL root. see (Ñ)GIL
- (G)LAN root. “rim, edge, border, boundary”
- (G)LAWAR root. “golden light”
- GLAY root. “light [substance]”
- GLIM root. “gleam, glint”
- GLIN(D) root. “sing” see LIN²
- GLIS root. “*sweet” see LIS
- (G)LOS root. “snow, whiteness”
- GOR root. “deep, profound; warn, counsel; urge, impel, move”
- *GRAW root. “[unglossed]”
- GRON root.
- GROT root. “dig, excavate, tunnel” see ROT
- GUR root. “hard, stiff, difficult, cumbrous, slow”
- GWAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
- (G)WAN root. “pale, fair”
- GWAY root.
- GWEN root. “fair, beautiful; (probably originally) fresh, fair, unblemished (especially of beauty of youth)”
- GWETH root. “report, give account of, inform of things unknown or wished to be known”
- GYEL root. “ringing”
- GYOL root. see GYEL
- HAN root. “add to, increase, enhance, enrich, honour (especially by gift); give”
- HATH root. “treat kindly/make easy, (help to) cure”
- HEK root. “aside, apart, separate”
- HEN root. “again; middle”
- HENET root. “middle”
- HO root. “from, coming from”
- HOR root. “urge, impel, move” see GOR
- ƷAN root. “adorn; extend; long”
- ƷOR root. see GOR
- IBI root. “*cliff, sheer descent”
- ID root. “desire, long for”
- IL root. “all”
- [ᴱ√]*IM root. “same, alike”
- IMI root. “in” see MI/IMI
- ING root. “*highest, top”
- INI root. “*female” see NĪ/INI
- IN(ID) root. “mind, (inner) thought, inmost heart, inner senses”
- INIS root. “inmost heart, thought, mind” see IN(ID)
- IR root. “desire, long for”
- IS root. “know”
- IT¹ root. “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle”
- IT² root. “repeat, multiply; (great) enhancement”
- ITH root. “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle” see IT¹
- KĀ root. “after (later than) of time”
- KAB root. “hold, contain, retain, possess, have in hand”
- KAL root. “light; shine, be bright”
- KALAK root. “glass”
- KALAR root. “*be radiant”
- KALAT root.
- KAM root. “fit, suit, agree, be agreeable”
- KAN root. “cry aloud; (Q. only) command; lead, rule”
- KANAT root. “four”
- KAR root. “do, make, build”
- KARAK root. “*sharp fang, spike, tooth”
- KARAP root. “*talk, speech”
- KAS root. “head”
- KAT root. “shape”
- KATA root. “after (later than) of time” see KĀ
- KAW root. “shelter”
- [ᴱ√]*KAWAK root. “*caw, croak”
- KAY root. “lie”
- KAYAN root. “ten”
- KE/EKE root. “may (be); have chance, opportunity or permission; it is open”
- KEL root. “flow (down or away), run (of water or rivers), go away”
- KEN root. “see, perceive, note”
- KER root. “cut with tool/weapon” see KIR
- KES root. “other”
- KETH root. “enquire of, question, examine something”
- KEW root. “new, fresh; anew, repeated; live of vegetables”
- KEY root. “*suppose”
- KHAB root. “heap up, pile up”
- KHAD root. “sit”
- KHAG¹ root. “stake”
- KHAG² root. “pile up”
- KHAL root. “raise; lift up or extend upwards”
- KHAM root. “bind, make fast; restrain, deprive of liberty” see KHAP
- KHAN¹ root. “brother”
- KHAN² root. “back”
- KHAP root. “bind, make fast; restrain, deprive of liberty; retain, keep, detain”
- *KHAS root. “mar”
- KHAW¹ root. “cover up, hide away, lay in store”
- KHAW² root. “big”
- KHAWAD root. “store, hoard”
- KHEL root. “ice, [ᴹ√] freeze”
- KHELEK root. “ice”
- KHEN root. “base of eye-words”
- KHEP root. “retain, keep, do not give away or release, keep hold of”
- KHER root. “possess”
- KHIL root. “follow (behind)”
- KHIM root. “adhere”
- KHIN root. “child”
- KHIR root. “light on, find”
- KHITH root. “mist”
- KHOL¹ root. “shut, close” see SKOL
- KHOL² root. “crow, cry aloud”
- KHOM root. “heart (physical organ)”
- KHOT¹ root. “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
- KHOT² root. “be wroth, quarrel; hate” see KOT
- KHŪ root. “curse” see SKŪ
- KHY- root. “other”
- KHYĀ root. “before, in front of place”
- KIL root. “choose, select”
- KIM root. “edge, brink of”
- KIN root. “*small” see KIT
- KIR root. “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
- KIRIS root. “cleave”
- KIT root. “*small”
- KOB¹ root. “gather, collect” see KOM
- [ᴹ√]*KOB² root. “*bay”
- KOL root. “bear, carry, wear”
- KOM root. “gather, collect”
- KON root. “lord; to lead” see *KUN(DU)
- KOR root. “round”
- KOROK root. “hen” see POROK
- KOT root. “hate; be wroth, quarrel”
- KOY root. “*live, have life”
- KUB root. “hide, secrete”
- [ᴹ√]*KU(H) root. “bow, [ᴱ√] bend”
- KUL root. “golden-red”
- *KUN(DU) root. “to lead; lord”
- KUR root. “have power, strength, ability inherent physically or mentally; skill”
- KUY root. “awake; live”
- KWA root. “complete, full, whole, all, every”
- KWAL root. “die, pain”
- KWAN root. “completion” see KWA
- KWAR root. “press together, squeeze, wring, clench; clenched hand, fist”
- KWAT root. “fill; full”
- KWAY root. “ten”
- KWE root. “vocal speech”
- KWEL¹ root. “fade, die away, grow faint”
- KWEL² root. “revolve” see KWER
- KWEN root. “speak with rational words”
- KWENED root. “spoken, articulate”
- KWER root. “revolve”
- KWET root. “say, speak, utter words”
- KWI root. “suppose”
- KWIN root. “crest, salient or top edge”
- KWIS root. “inquire, suppose”
- KYAB root. “taste” see KYAW
- KYAW root. “taste, select, choose”
- KYEL¹ root. “go down slowly”
- KYEL² root. “(come to an) end, cease, run out”
- KYELEP root. “silver”
- KYELES root. “*at rear” see TELES
- LA root. “no, not; negative; not to be”
- LĀ root. “interjection of pleasure/assent”
- LAB root. “lick, move the tongue”
- LAD root. “bottom, ground”
- LAG root. “*neck” see LAƷ
- LAƷ root. “cross, pass over, go beyond”
- LAL root. “laugh”
- LAM root. “(inarticulate voiced) sound”
- LAÑ root. “*beyond” see LAƷ
- LAN root. “stretch, extend; ‽twine”
- LAP root. “fold, bend, [ᴱ√] enfold”
- LAS¹ root. “leaf”
- LAS² root. “listen”
- LAT¹ root. “open, unenclosed, free to entry; low, lowlying, at ground level”
- LAT² root. “fall (to the ground)”
- LAW root. “flourish (green), grow”
- LAWAR root. see (G)LAWAR
- LAY root. “*be alive, flourish”
- LED root. “go, proceed”
- LEK root. “loose, unbind, let, permit”
- LEMEK root. “[unglossed]”
- LEN root. “*way”
- LEÑ root. “*way, method, manner”
- LENEP root. “five” see LEPEN
- LEP root. “pick up/out (with the fingers); finger”
- †LEPEM root. “five” see LEPEN
- LEPEN root. “five”
- LER root. “free”
- LEWEK root. “worm”
- LI root. “many”
- LIK root. “glide, slip, slide, drip”
- LIM root. “link, join”
- LIN¹ root. “pool, mere, lake”
- LIN² root. “sing, make a musical sound”
- LIND root. “sing” see LIN²
- LIP root. “oil”
- LIR root. “sing, warble”
- LIS root. “*sweet”
- LISKI root. “?reed”
- LOG root. “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy”
- LOK root. “bend, loop”
- LON¹ root. “*haven, harbour”
- LON² root. “(general word for) noise” see SLON
- LOR root. “*dream, vision” see (O)LOR
- LOS root. see (G)LOS
- LOT(H) root. “flower”
- LOW root. “flow freely (fully)”
- LOY root. “go wrong, fail”
- LUB¹ root. “shadow, darkness”
- LUB² root. “bend”
- [ᴹ√]*LUB³ root. “lump”
- LUK root. “haul, drag”
- LUM root. “shadow, darkness” see LUB¹
- LUT root. “float”
- LUY root. “blue”
- MA root. “interrogative base”
- MAB root. “lump, mass”
- MAG root. “good (physically); to thrive, be in a good state”
- MAH root. “handle, manage, control, wield; serve, be of use”
- MAƷ root. “handle, manage, control, wield; serve, be of use” see MAH
- MAK root. “cut, hew with a sharp edge; kill, slay; forge metal”
- MAL root. “gold”
- MALAT root. “gold”
- MAN root. “good (morally), blessed, holy, unmarred, free from evil”
- MAP root. “take away, take hold of, grasp”
- MASAG root. “*sticky”
- MAT root. “eat”
- MAY root. “excellent, admirable, beautiful; make [art]; suitable, useful, proper, serviceable; right”
- MBAR root. “settle, dwell; establish, fix, decide, determine, make a decision”
- M(B)ARAT root. “doom, fate”
- MBAS root. “bake”
- MBEL root. “*strong” see BEL
- MBELEK root. “mighty, powerful, strong; power as force or strength; great, large”
- (M)BOL root. “*labour” see MŌ
- MBON root. “*lump, mass”
- MEL root. “love”
- MELEK root. “great, mighty, powerful, strong” see MBELEK
- MEN root. “go, move, proceed (in any direction); make for, go towards; have as object, (in)tend; direction, object, point moved toward;
- MENEL root. “heavens, firmament”
- MET root. “end, finality”
- MI/IMI root. “in, within, [ᴹ√] inside”
- MIK root. “pierce”
- [ᴱ√]*MIKW root. “kiss”
- MILIK root. “*greed, lust”
- MIN root. “one, first of a series”
- MIR root. “precious; esteem, value”
- MITH root. “grey”
- MIZDI root. “*fine rain, dew”
- MŌ root. “labour, be afflicted”
- MOR root. “black, dark, darkness”
- MOT root. “fen, marsh”
- [ᴱ√]*MUL root. “grind (fine)”
- NĀ root. “be (the same as another), exist”
- NA/ANA root. “to, towards; at side of, alongside, besides; moreover, in addition, plus”
- NAD root. “hollow (of structures or natural features more or less concave with rising sides)”
- NAK root. “bite”
- NAKH root. “narrow, thin”
- [ᴱ√]*NAL root. “call, cry”
- ÑAL root. see Ñ(G)AL
- *NAM root. “judge”
- NAP root. “take (hold), pick up, grasp, seize quickly (with fingers)”
- ÑAR root. “by, beside, near”
- NAR root. “fire”
- NASAG root. “*bond, fetter”
- NATH root. “welcome, be kind to”
- NAY¹ root. “cause bitter grief or pain”
- NAY² root. “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”
- NDA root. “long; far” see ANAD
- NDAB¹ root. “endeavor, try, seek opportunity”
- NDAB² root. “to judge”
- NDAK root. “hew, slay”
- (N)DAN root. “back (again); retreat, go back, give way (as one advances), revert”
- NDAY root. “dreadful, abominable, detestable”
- NDEB root. see NDAB¹
- N(D)ER root. “male (person), man”
- N(D)IL root. “to love (as a friend or equal), be devoted to”
- (N)DIP root. “bending and drooping”
- NDOR root. “land; hard, firm; [ᴹ√] dwell, stay, rest, abide”
- NDU root. “down, under, below; sink, descend, go down”
- (N)DUB root. “bending and drooping”
- (N)DUP root. see (N)DUB
- (N)DUR root. “love, feeling of special concern with, care for, or interest in things”
- NE root. “scent”
- NEB root. “turn towards (speaker)”
- NEG root. “‽ooze, drip”
- NEK¹ root. “narrow”
- NEK² root. “divide, separate, part; deprive”
- NEL root. “three”
- NELED root. “3”
- NELEK root. “tooth”
- [ᴹ✶]*NEM root. “seem, appear”
- NEN root. “water”
- NER root. see N(D)ER
- NES root. “feminity (apart from sex)” see NETH
- NET root. “trim, pretty, dainty”
- NETER root. “nine”
- NETH root. “(young) woman, female person; sister; fresh, lively, merry”
- Ñ(G)AL root. “gleam, sheen, shine (by reflection)”
- ÑGAW root. “howl; falsify, deform, disguise”
- (Ñ)GAY root. “gape, become wide, open, vast”
- (Ñ)GIL root. “shine (white); silver glint; white or silver light”
- ÑGOL¹ root. “knowledge, wisdom, lore”
- ÑGOL² root. “dark-hued, dark-brown”
- ÑGOLOD root. “*one of the wise folk, Gnome”
- ÑGOR root. “dread, terror, fear, horror”
- ÑGUL root. “dark with sinister associations”
- NGUR root. “horror” see ÑGOR
- ÑGUR root. “death; to die”
- (Ñ)GWAL root. “suffer torment”
- NGWAW root. “howl” see ÑGAW
- NĪ/INI root. “*female”
- NID root. “force, press(ure), thrust; will”
- NIƷ root.
- NIK root. “small”
- NIK(W) root. “(also of) snow, ice”
- *NIM root. “seem, appear” see *NEM
- NIP root. “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”
- NIR root. “will, intention, conscious resolve to move or do”
- NIS root. “woman”
- [ᴱ√]*NITH root. “smell sweet”
- NŌ/ONO root. “beget, give birth to; be born”
- NOK root. “non-resonant sounds” see TOK
- *NOM root. “place”
- NOR root. “run (or leap) of animals or men”
- NOT root. “count, reckon”
- NŪ/UNU root. “down, under; go down, sink”
- NUK root. “dwarf, stunted”
- [ᴱ√]*NUR root. “*growl, grumble, mumble”
- ÑYEL root. “ring(ing)”
- ÑYOL root. “ring(ing)” see ÑYEL
- OKO root. “evil, wicked, bad”
- OL root. “*grow”
- OLOB root. “branch”
- (O)LOR root. “dream, vision”
- OLOS root. “dream, vision, fantasy”
- OM root. “of resonant sounds”
- ONO root. see NŌ/ONO
- OP root. “(opening of) mouth”
- OPO root. “before of place, ahead, in front”
- ORO root. “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount” see RŌ/ORO
- OROK root. “anything that caused fear or horror”
- OS root. “making a hissing foaming noise”
- OTO root. see TŌ/OTO
- OTOS/OTOK root. “seven”
- OWO root. “masculine”
- OY root. “ever, continual, unceasing”
- PĀ/APA root. “touch; after, behind of place”
- PAK root. “close, shut”
- PAKAT root. “*talk, speech”
- PAL root. “wide, broad, extended”
- PAN root. “arrange, set in order”
- PAR¹ root. “learn; arrange, [ᴹ√] compose, put together”
- PAR² root. “peel”
- PAS root. “smooth (to feel), silky” see PATH
- [ᴱ√]*PAT root. “*step, walk”
- PATA root. “after, behind of place” see PĀ/APA
- PATH root. “smooth (to feel), silky”
- PED root. “slope, slant down”
- PEL root. “fence, border, edge; bound, limit; go round, encircle”
- PEN root. “lack, be without, have not”
- PEÑ root. “*lip, mouth”
- PER root. “half”
- PEY root. “*little”
- PHA root. “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)”
- PHĀ/APHA root. “before of time”
- PHAL root. “foam, splash”
- PHAN root. “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
- PHAR(AN) root. “*rowan”
- PHAW root. “emit (foul breath), *breath, puff of breath”
- PHAY root. “spirit”
- PHEL root. “*emotion”
- *PHELEG root. “*excavation”
- PHELEK root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
- PHELES root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
- PHEN root. “door”
- PHER root. “*ready, prompt”
- PHĪ root. “skill, dexterity” see PHIN¹
- PHILIG root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
- PHILIK root. “finch”
- PHIM root. “*slender, slim”
- PHIN¹ root. “clever, skillful; neat, fine, delicate; skill, dexterity”
- PHIN² root. “hair” see SPIN(ID)
- PHIR root. “exhale, expire, breathe out”
- PHŌ/Ū root. “interjection of displeasure/dissent”
- PHUT root. “[unglossed]”
- PHUY root. “breathe out”
- [√]*PI(N) root. “little”
- PIR root. “close eyes, blink, wink”
- POL root. “can, have physical power and ability; large, big (strong); pound up, break up small, reduce to powder”
- POROK root. “hen”
- PUT root.
- RĀ/ARA root. “noble, high, royal”
- RAB root. “astray, wandering, unsettled”
- RAD root. “*back, return”
- [ᴱ√]*RAK root. “break”
- RAN root. “wander, stray, meander, go on an uncertain course, go aside from a course (commanded or self-chosen); err”
- RAP root. “climb”
- RAPH root. “seize, grab”
- RAS root. “horn”
- RAT¹ root. “to find a way”
- RAT² root. “tower up”
- RATH root. “climb (with hands and feet, as in a tree or up a rocky slope)”
- RAY¹ root. “net, knit, contrive network or lace; involve in a network, enlace”
- RAY² root. “smile”
- REB root. “entangle, snare, trap” see REM
- RED root. “scatter, sow”
- REK root. “recover, get out/away, save from ruin/peril/loss”
- REM root. “entangle, snare, trap”
- REN root. “recall, have in mind”
- RES root. “remain in same place” see RETH
- RET root. “climb”
- RETH root. “remain in same place”
- RIG root. “wreathe, twine, wind about; wreath, garland, crown”
- RIƷ root. “wind about, wreathe” see RIG
- RIK¹ root. “put forth effort, strive, endeavour, try”
- RIK² root. “twist”
- RIL root. “brilliant (light), brilliance”
- RINGI root. “cold”
- RIS root. “cut, cleave”
- ‽RIT root. “to complete a work or design” see SRIT
- RŌ/ORO root. “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount”
- ROB root. “astray, wandering, unsettled” see RAB
- ROM root. “horn noise”
- *ROÑ root. “*soon”
- RON¹ root. “arch over, roof in”
- RON² root. “solid, tangible, firm”
- ROS root. “spindrift, spray”
- ROT root. “cave; delve underground, dig, excavate, tunnel, [ᴹ√] bore; [ᴱ√] hollow”
- RUƷUS root.
- RUK root. “terrible shapes and the fear they inspire”
- RUN¹ root. “red, glowing”
- RUN² root. “rub, grind, smooth, polish”
- RUS root. “brownish red”
- RUTH root. “anger, rage, wrath”
- RUY root. “blaze (red)”
- S- root. “privative”
- SAB root. “believe (that statements, reports, traditions, etc. are) true, accept as fact”
- SAD root. “strip, flay, peel off”
- SAK root. “draw, pull”
- SAL root. “[unglossed]”
- SAM¹ root. “to have”
- SAM² root. “mind, think, reflect, be aware”
- SAN root. “think, use mind; (trans.) ponder, consider in thought”
- SAP root. “*dig”
- SAR root. “score, incise; write”
- SAT root. “space, place; divide, apportion, mark off”
- SAT(AR) root. “faithful, trust, loyal, rely, steadfast”
- SATH root. “pair”
- SAW root. “disgusting, foul, vile; bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
- SED root. “rest”
- SEN root. “let loose, free, let go”
- SER root. see THER
- SEREK root. “blood”
- SI¹ root. “this”
- SI² root. “know” see IS
- SIB root. “rest, quiet”
- SIL root. “shine (white or silver)”
- SIN root. “this” see SI¹
- SIR root. “flow”
- SKAL root. “cover, veil, cloak, conceal”
- SKEY root. “pass”
- SKOL root. “shut, close”
- SKOR root. “rough, marred, unequal or unsymmetrical in shape”
- SKŪ root. “curse”
- SLAS root. “ear”
- SLŌN root. see SLOUN
- SLON root. “sound, (general word for) noise”
- SLOUN root. “*descend”
- SLOW root. see LOW
- SLOY root. “*poison”
- SLŪN root. see SLOUN
- SNAG root. “wound, gash”
- SOK root. “drink, gulp, quaff, drain”
- SOÑ root. “*mouth”
- SOT root. “shelter, protect, defend”
- [ᴱ√]*SPALAK root. “cleave, hew”
- SPAN root. “cover, veil, cloak, conceal”
- SPAR root. “hunt”
- SPIN(ID) root. “fine thread, filament; hair”
- SRAB root. “wild, not tamed/domesticated”
- SRAG root. “awkward, awry; hard, (very) difficult”
- SRAK root. “hard, difficult” see SRAG
- SRAW root. “body, flesh”
- SRAY root. “easy, pliant, moving with ease”
- SRIS root. “snow”
- SRIT root. “to complete a work or design”
- SRITH root. “snow”
- [ᴹ√]*(S)RŌ root. “east”
- SROB root. see SRAB
- SRON root. “flesh, substance, matter”
- (S)ROT root. “delve underground, excavate, tunnel” see ROT
- SRUG root. “*evil, wicked”
- STAL root. “strong”
- STAR root. “*stiff”
- STEL root. “remain firm”
- STEN root. “cut short, limit, confine, cramp”
- STIN root. “grey”
- [ᴹ√]*STIR root. “face”
- STOL root. “helmet” see THOL
- STOR root. “steadfast”
- STUK root. “[unglossed]”
- SŪ root. “blow, move with audible sound (of air)”
- SUK root. “drink, drain, gulp, quaff” see SOK
- SUR root. “noise of wind”
- SWĀ root. “echoic representation of sound of wind”
- SYAD root. “compress”
- SYAR root. “score, incise; write” see SAR
- TA root. “that, there, then; demonstrative”
- TĀ/TAƷ root. “high”
- TAK root. “fasten, fix”
- TAL root. “foot; *flat; [ᴱ√] support”
- TALAM root. “flat space”
- TALAT root. “to slip (down), collapse, fall in ruin; slipping, sliding, falling down; ground (bottom)”
- TAM root. “construct”
- TAN¹ root. “construct, make with tools”
- TAN² root. “indicate, show”
- TAR root. “stand”
- TAS root. “point out, indicate”
- TATA root. see ATATA
- TATHAR root. “*willow”
- TAW root. “wood”
- TAY root. “mark, line, limit; stretch, [ᴹ√] extend, make long(er)”
- TEG root. “line”
- TEK root. “make a written mark, sign, write”
- TEL root. “close, end, complete, come to an end”
- TELER root. “tribal name” see TELES
- TELES root. “come at rear, end a line or series”
- TELU root. “roof in, put the crown on a building”
- TEN root. “direction; point (toward); end (in sense of point aimed at)”
- TEÑ root. “indicate, signify, show, represent, betoken, mark, to point at”
- TER root. “pierce”
- TEW root. “show, sign, indicate” see TEÑ
- THĀ/ATHA root. “ease, comfort, heal; be helpful; be willing to assist (in any work, etc.), agree, consent”
- THAG root. “oppress, crush, press”
- THAN root. “kindle, set light to, fire, light”
- THAR¹ root. “*across, beyond”
- THAR² root. “vigour”
- THAW root. “cruel; stink”
- THER root. “sew”
- THIL root. “shine silver; white light”
- THIN root. “*grey”
- THOL root. “stand up, top; helmet”
- THOR root. “steadfast” see STOR
- THOS root. “frighten, terrify; show dread of”
- THOW root. “stink”
- THŪ root. “blow, cause an air movement”
- THUS root. “evil mist, fog, darkness; blow, cause an air movement”
- TIG root. “[unglossed]”
- TIL root. “point, horn”
- TIN root. “sparkle, spark”
- TIR root. “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at”
- TŌ/OTO root. “back”
- TOK root. “non-resonant sounds”
- TOL root. “stick up or out, stand up (out and above neighboring things), raise the head”
- TOLOB root. “*protuberance”
- TOLOD root. “eight”
- TOLOT root. “eight” see TOLOD
- TOM root. “of resonant sounds”
- TOR root. “secrete, hide”
- TOT root. “non-resonant sounds” see TOK
- TUD root.
- TUL root. “come, approach, move towards (point of speaker)”
- TUP root. “cover over, hide”
- TUR root. “dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong,
mighty in power”
- TURUK root. “*strong”
- TUY root. “sprout, bud”
- Ū root. “denial of fact, privation, negative element”
- UB root. “have in mind, consider, ponder; impend, be imminent, approach, draw near”
- UG root. “dislike”
- UGU root. “expressing privation” see UMU
- UK root. “nasty”
- UL root. “pour (out), flow”
- UM root. “abound; teem, throng; large”
- UMU root. “not, expressing privation”
- UÑG root. “spider”
- UNU root. “down, under; go down, sink” see NŪ/UNU
- UR root. “heat, be hot”
- URUN root. “copper”
- (U)RUTH root. see RUTH
- USUK root. “dusk, evening”
- UTHU root. “bad; unsuitable; improper, useless, wrong; [wrong] with a bad sense”
- WĀ root. “blow; noise of wind, echoic representation of sound of wind”
- WĀ/AWA root. “away (from); go (away), depart, pass away, move (from speaker); before (of time), ago”
- WAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings” see GWAL
- WAN root. see (G)WAN
- WATH root. “*shade”
- WATHAR root. “*shadow, veil”
- WAW root. “blow (of wind), be disturbed” see WAY
- WAY root. “blow (of wind), be disturbed”
- WE root. “dual”
- WĒ/EWE root. “person, being, individual”
- WEG root. “live, be active”
- WEƷ root. “masculinity apart from sex” see WEG
- WEN(ED) root. “maiden, girl, virgin; woman”
- WER root. “twine, weave” see WIR
- WIG root. “weaving with cross-threads or withes” see WIR
- WIN root. “young”
- WIR root. “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
- WIS root. “change, alter(nate), shift”
- WIW root. “blow” see WAY
- WO root. “together”
- WOR root. “express, cause to exude (by pressure)”
- YA root. “*there, over there; (of time) back, ago”
- YAD root. “wide” see YAN¹
- YAG root. “gap”
- YAN¹ root. “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
- YAN² root. “*join”
- YE(L) root. “daughter”
- YER root. “desire (for marriage and bodily union)”
- [ᴹ√]*YESET root. “beginning”
- YOD root. “fence, enclose”
- YON¹ root. “son”
- YON² root. “wide, extensive”
- YU root. “both”
- YUL root. “drink”