Primitive Elvish Roots

ABA root. see BĀ/ABA
AD(A) root. “by (the side of), beside, alongside; against, opposed to, opposite”
AK root. “hostile return”
AKAS root. “neck, ridge”
AL(A) root. “good (physically), blessed, fortunate, prosperous, health(y)”
[ᴹ√]ALA root. “no, not; negative; not to be” see LA
ALAB root. “elm”
ALAK root. “rushing”
AM¹ root. “mother”
AM² root. “go up”
AMA root. “addition, increase, plus”
AMAN root. “good (morally), blessed, holy, unmarred, free from evil” see MAN
ANA root. see NA/ANA
ANAD root. “long; far”
ANGA root. “iron”
APA root. “touch” see PĀ/APA
APHA root. “before of time” see PHĀ/APHA
AR root. “beyond, further than; outside; beside, alongside”
ARA root. see RĀ/ARA
ARAN root. “good, excellent, noble”
ARAT root. “good, excellent, noble”
ARI root. “good, excellent, noble”
AS¹ root. “warmth”
AS² root. “beside”
AT root. “two, double, bi-, di-; back, re-; across, over, lying from side to side”
AT(AR) root. “father”
ATATA root. “two”
ATHA root. see THĀ/ATHA
ATTA root. see ATATA
AW root. “possess, own, keep (have in hand, use or with one)”
AYA(N) root. “blessed; treat with awe/reverence”
AY(AR) root. “sea”
BĀ/ABA root. “refuse, forbid, prohibit, say nay (in refusal or denial)”
BAL root. “power; powerful, mighty; have power”
BA(N) root. “meet, come up against; go (away)”
BAN root. “beauty (due to lack of fault or blemish); fair, beautiful”
#BAR root.
BARAD root. “lofty, high, height combined with strength/size/majesty”
BARAS root. “height combined with strength/majesty”
BARAT root. “lofty, high, height combined with strength/size/majesty”
BARATH root. “height combined with strength/size/majesty”
BEL root. “*strong”
BER root. “to mate, be mated, joined in marriage”
BUZBU root. “*large fly”
DAL root. “bottom, ground”
DANTA root. “*fall down” see DAT
DAT root. “fall down, fall to ground”
DAY root. “*great”
DEL¹ root. “walk, go, proceed, travel”
DEL² root. “*fair”
DEL³ root. “thick, dense”
DEL⁴ root. “will”
DER root. “hard, difficult”
DEW root. “go wrong, fail”
*DIN root. “silence”
DOM root. “dark”
DOR root. “hard, tough, dried up, unyielding”
DROB root. “*wild”
[ᴹ√]*DU root. “dark”
DUY root. “flow (strongly), flood, drench, inundate, pour”
EK root. “sharp point”
EKE root. “it is open” see KE/EKE
EL root. “lo, behold; star”
ELED root. “*Star-Folk, Elf”
EM¹ root. “depict, portray”
EM² root. “mother” see AM¹
EN root. “again, once more, go on doing; further, beyond”
root. “be, exist”
ENED root. “centre, middle; three”
ENEK root. “six”
ENEL root. “centre, middle; three” see ENED
ENET root. “*one more”
ER root. “one, single, alone”
ET root. “out, forth”
EWE root. see WĒ/EWE
EYE root. “feminine”
GAL¹ root. “light; shine, be bright”
GAL² root. “grow (like plants), flourish, be healthy, be vigorous, bloom”
GALAB root. “flower”
GALAM root. “elm”
GAP root. “bend (tr.)”
GAS root. “*warmth” see AS¹
GAY(AR) root. “awe, dread; astound, make aghast; sea”
GIL root. see (Ñ)GIL
(G)LAN root. “rim, edge, border, boundary”
(G)LAWAR root. “golden light”
GLAY root. “light [substance]”
GLIM root. “gleam, glint”
GLIN(D) root. “sing” see LIN²
GLIS root. “*sweet” see LIS
(G)LOS root. “snow, whiteness”
GOR root. “deep, profound; warn, counsel; urge, impel, move”
*GRAW root. “[unglossed]”
GRON root.
GROT root. “dig, excavate, tunnel” see ROT
GUR root. “hard, stiff, difficult, cumbrous, slow”
GWAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
(G)WAN root. “pale, fair”
GWAY root.
GWEN root. “fair, beautiful; (probably originally) fresh, fair, unblemished (especially of beauty of youth)”
GWETH root. “report, give account of, inform of things unknown or wished to be known”
GYEL root. “ringing”
GYOL root. see GYEL
HAN root. “add to, increase, enhance, enrich, honour (especially by gift); give”
HATH root. “treat kindly/make easy, (help to) cure”
HEK root. “aside, apart, separate”
HEN root. “again; middle”
HENET root. “middle”
HO root. “from, coming from”
HOR root. “urge, impel, move” see GOR
ƷAN root. “adorn; extend; long”
ƷOR root. see GOR
IBI root. “*cliff, sheer descent”
ID root. “desire, long for”
IL root. “all”
[ᴱ√]*IM root. “same, alike”
IMI root. “in” see MI/IMI
ING root. “*highest, top”
INI root. “*female” see NĪ/INI
IN(ID) root. “mind, (inner) thought, inmost heart, inner senses”
INIS root. “inmost heart, thought, mind” see IN(ID)
IR root. “desire, long for”
IS root. “know”
IT¹ root. “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle”
IT² root. “repeat, multiply; (great) enhancement”
ITH root. “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle” see IT¹
root. “after (later than) of time”
KAB root. “hold, contain, retain, possess, have in hand”
KAL root. “light; shine, be bright”
KALAK root. “glass”
KALAR root. “*be radiant”
KALAT root.
KAM root. “fit, suit, agree, be agreeable”
KAN root. “cry aloud; (Q. only) command; lead, rule”
KANAT root. “four”
KAR root. “do, make, build”
KARAK root. “*sharp fang, spike, tooth”
KARAP root. “*talk, speech”
KAS root. “head”
KAT root. “shape”
KATA root. “after (later than) of time” see
KAW root. “shelter”
[ᴱ√]*KAWAK root. “*caw, croak”
KAY root. “lie”
KAYAN root. “ten”
KE/EKE root. “may (be); have chance, opportunity or permission; it is open”
KEL root. “flow (down or away), run (of water or rivers), go away”
KEN root. “see, perceive, note”
KER root. “cut with tool/weapon” see KIR
KES root. “other”
KETH root. “enquire of, question, examine something”
KEW root. “new, fresh; anew, repeated; live of vegetables”
KEY root. “*suppose”
KHAB root. “heap up, pile up”
KHAD root. “sit”
KHAG¹ root. “stake”
KHAG² root. “pile up”
KHAL root. “raise; lift up or extend upwards”
KHAM root. “bind, make fast; restrain, deprive of liberty” see KHAP
KHAN¹ root. “brother”
KHAN² root. “back”
KHAP root. “bind, make fast; restrain, deprive of liberty; retain, keep, detain”
*KHAS root. “mar”
KHAW¹ root. “cover up, hide away, lay in store”
KHAW² root. “big”
KHAWAD root. “store, hoard”
KHEL root. “ice, [ᴹ√] freeze”
KHELEK root. “ice”
KHEN root. “base of eye-words”
KHEP root. “retain, keep, do not give away or release, keep hold of”
KHER root. “possess”
KHIL root. “follow (behind)”
KHIM root. “adhere”
KHIN root. “child”
KHIR root. “light on, find”
KHITH root. “mist”
KHOL¹ root. “shut, close” see SKOL
KHOL² root. “crow, cry aloud”
KHOM root. “heart (physical organ)”
KHOT¹ root. “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
KHOT² root. “be wroth, quarrel; hate” see KOT
KHŪ root. “curse” see SKŪ
KHY- root. “other”
KHYĀ root. “before, in front of place”
KIL root. “choose, select”
KIM root. “edge, brink of”
KIN root. “*small” see KIT
KIR root. “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
KIRIS root. “cleave”
KIT root. “*small”
KOB¹ root. “gather, collect” see KOM
[ᴹ√]*KOB² root. “*bay”
KOL root. “bear, carry, wear”
KOM root. “gather, collect”
KON root. “lord; to lead” see *KUN(DU)
KOR root. “round”
KOROK root. “hen” see POROK
KOT root. “hate; be wroth, quarrel”
KOY root. “*live, have life”
KUB root. “hide, secrete”
[ᴹ√]*KU(H) root. “bow, [ᴱ√] bend”
KUL root. “golden-red”
*KUN(DU) root. “to lead; lord”
KUR root. “have power, strength, ability inherent physically or mentally; skill”
KUY root. “awake; live”
KWA root. “complete, full, whole, all, every”
KWAL root. “die, pain”
KWAN root. “completion” see KWA
KWAR root. “press together, squeeze, wring, clench; clenched hand, fist”
KWAT root. “fill; full”
KWAY root. “ten”
KWE root. “vocal speech”
KWEL¹ root. “fade, die away, grow faint”
KWEL² root. “revolve” see KWER
KWEN root. “speak with rational words”
KWENED root. “spoken, articulate”
KWER root. “revolve”
KWET root. “say, speak, utter words”
KWI root. “suppose”
KWIN root. “crest, salient or top edge”
KWIS root. “inquire, suppose”
KYAB root. “taste” see KYAW
KYAW root. “taste, select, choose”
KYEL¹ root. “go down slowly”
KYEL² root. “(come to an) end, cease, run out”
KYELEP root. “silver”
KYELES root. “*at rear” see TELES
LA root. “no, not; negative; not to be”
root. “interjection of pleasure/assent”
LAB root. “lick, move the tongue”
LAD root. “bottom, ground”
LAG root. “*neck” see LAƷ
LAƷ root. “cross, pass over, go beyond”
LAL root. “laugh”
LAM root. “(inarticulate voiced) sound”
LAÑ root. “*beyond” see LAƷ
LAN root. “stretch, extend; ‽twine”
LAP root. “fold, bend, [ᴱ√] enfold”
LAS¹ root. “leaf”
LAS² root. “listen”
LAT¹ root. “open, unenclosed, free to entry; low, lowlying, at ground level”
LAT² root. “fall (to the ground)”
LAW root. “flourish (green), grow”
LAWAR root. see (G)LAWAR
LAY root. “*be alive, flourish”
LED root. “go, proceed”
LEK root. “loose, unbind, let, permit”
LEMEK root. “[unglossed]”
LEN root. “*way”
LEÑ root. “*way, method, manner”
LENEP root. “five” see LEPEN
LEP root. “pick up/out (with the fingers); finger”
LEPEM root. “five” see LEPEN
LEPEN root. “five”
LER root. “free”
LEWEK root. “worm”
LI root. “many”
LIK root. “glide, slip, slide, drip”
LIM root. “link, join”
LIN¹ root. “pool, mere, lake”
LIN² root. “sing, make a musical sound”
LIND root. “sing” see LIN²
LIP root. “oil”
LIR root. “sing, warble”
LIS root. “*sweet”
LISKI root. “?reed”
LOG root. “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy”
LOK root. “bend, loop”
LON¹ root. “*haven, harbour”
LON² root. “(general word for) noise” see SLON
LOR root. “*dream, vision” see (O)LOR
LOS root. see (G)LOS
LOT(H) root. “flower”
LOW root. “flow freely (fully)”
LOY root. “go wrong, fail”
LUB¹ root. “shadow, darkness”
LUB² root. “bend”
[ᴹ√]*LUB³ root. “lump”
LUK root. “haul, drag”
LUM root. “shadow, darkness” see LUB¹
LUT root. “float”
LUY root. “blue”
MA root. “interrogative base”
MAB root. “lump, mass”
MAG root. “good (physically); to thrive, be in a good state”
MAH root. “handle, manage, control, wield; serve, be of use”
MAƷ root. “handle, manage, control, wield; serve, be of use” see MAH
MAK root. “cut, hew with a sharp edge; kill, slay; forge metal”
MAL root. “gold”
MALAT root. “gold”
MAN root. “good (morally), blessed, holy, unmarred, free from evil”
MAP root. “take away, take hold of, grasp”
MASAG root. “*sticky”
MAT root. “eat”
MAY root. “excellent, admirable, beautiful; make [art]; suitable, useful, proper, serviceable; right”
MBAR root. “settle, dwell; establish, fix, decide, determine, make a decision”
M(B)ARAT root. “doom, fate”
MBAS root. “bake”
MBEL root. “*strong” see BEL
MBELEK root. “mighty, powerful, strong; power as force or strength; great, large”
(M)BOL root. “*labour” see
MBON root. “*lump, mass”
MEL root. “love”
MELEK root. “great, mighty, powerful, strong” see MBELEK
MEN root. “go, move, proceed (in any direction); make for, go towards; have as object, (in)tend; direction, object, point moved toward; region”
MENEL root. “heavens, firmament”
MET root. “end, finality”
MI/IMI root. “in, within, [ᴹ√] inside”
MIK root. “pierce”
[ᴱ√]*MIKW root. “kiss”
MILIK root. “*greed, lust”
MIN root. “one, first of a series”
MIR root. “precious; esteem, value”
MITH root. “grey”
MIZDI root. “*fine rain, dew”
root. “labour, be afflicted”
MOR root. “black, dark, darkness”
MOT root. “fen, marsh”
[ᴱ√]*MUL root. “grind (fine)”
root. “be (the same as another), exist”
NA/ANA root. “to, towards; at side of, alongside, besides; moreover, in addition, plus”
NAD root. “hollow (of structures or natural features more or less concave with rising sides)”
NAK root. “bite”
NAKH root. “narrow, thin”
[ᴱ√]*NAL root. “call, cry”
ÑAL root. see Ñ(G)AL
*NAM root. “judge”
NAP root. “take (hold), pick up, grasp, seize quickly (with fingers)”
ÑAR root. “by, beside, near”
NAR root. “fire”
NASAG root. “*bond, fetter”
NATH root. “welcome, be kind to”
NAY¹ root. “cause bitter grief or pain”
NAY² root. “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”
NDA root. “long; far” see ANAD
NDAB¹ root. “endeavor, try, seek opportunity”
NDAB² root. “to judge”
NDAK root. “hew, slay”
(N)DAN root. “back (again); retreat, go back, give way (as one advances), revert”
NDAY root. “dreadful, abominable, detestable”
NDEB root. see NDAB¹
N(D)ER root. “male (person), man”
N(D)IL root. “to love (as a friend or equal), be devoted to”
(N)DIP root. “bending and drooping”
NDOR root. “land; hard, firm; [ᴹ√] dwell, stay, rest, abide”
NDU root. “down, under, below; sink, descend, go down”
(N)DUB root. “bending and drooping”
(N)DUP root. see (N)DUB
(N)DUR root. “love, feeling of special concern with, care for, or interest in things”
NE root. “scent”
NEB root. “turn towards (speaker)”
NEG root. “‽ooze, drip”
NEK¹ root. “narrow”
NEK² root. “divide, separate, part; deprive”
NEL root. “three”
NELED root. “3”
NELEK root. “tooth”
[ᴹ✶]*NEM root. “seem, appear”
NEN root. “water”
NER root. see N(D)ER
NES root. “feminity (apart from sex)” see NETH
NET root. “trim, pretty, dainty”
NETER root. “nine”
NETH root. “(young) woman, female person; sister; fresh, lively, merry”
Ñ(G)AL root. “gleam, sheen, shine (by reflection)”
ÑGAW root. “howl; falsify, deform, disguise”
(Ñ)GAY root. “gape, become wide, open, vast”
(Ñ)GIL root. “shine (white); silver glint; white or silver light”
ÑGOL¹ root. “knowledge, wisdom, lore”
ÑGOL² root. “dark-hued, dark-brown”
ÑGOLOD root. “*one of the wise folk, Gnome”
ÑGOR root. “dread, terror, fear, horror”
ÑGUL root. “dark with sinister associations”
NGUR root. “horror” see ÑGOR
ÑGUR root. “death; to die”
(Ñ)GWAL root. “suffer torment”
NGWAW root. “howl” see ÑGAW
NĪ/INI root. “*female”
NID root. “force, press(ure), thrust; will”
NIƷ root.
NIK root. “small”
NIK(W) root. “(also of) snow, ice”
*NIM root. “seem, appear” see *NEM
NIP root. “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”
NIR root. “will, intention, conscious resolve to move or do”
NIS root. “woman”
[ᴱ√]*NITH root. “smell sweet”
NŌ/ONO root. “beget, give birth to; be born”
NOK root. “non-resonant sounds” see TOK
*NOM root. “place”
NOR root. “run (or leap) of animals or men”
NOT root. “count, reckon”
NŪ/UNU root. “down, under; go down, sink”
NUK root. “dwarf, stunted”
[ᴱ√]*NUR root. “*growl, grumble, mumble”
ÑYEL root. “ring(ing)”
ÑYOL root. “ring(ing)” see ÑYEL
OKO root. “evil, wicked, bad”
OL root. “*grow”
OLOB root. “branch”
(O)LOR root. “dream, vision”
OLOS root. “dream, vision, fantasy”
OM root. “of resonant sounds”
ONO root. see NŌ/ONO
OP root. “(opening of) mouth”
OPO root. “before of place, ahead, in front”
ORO root. “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount” see RŌ/ORO
OROK root. “anything that caused fear or horror”
OS root. “making a hissing foaming noise”
OTO root. see TŌ/OTO
OTOS/OTOK root. “seven”
OWO root. “masculine”
OY root. “ever, continual, unceasing”
PĀ/APA root. “touch; after, behind of place”
PAK root. “close, shut”
PAKAT root. “*talk, speech”
PAL root. “wide, broad, extended”
PAN root. “arrange, set in order”
PAR¹ root. “learn; arrange, [ᴹ√] compose, put together”
PAR² root. “peel”
PAS root. “smooth (to feel), silky” see PATH
[ᴱ√]*PAT root. “*step, walk”
PATA root. “after, behind of place” see PĀ/APA
PATH root. “smooth (to feel), silky”
PED root. “slope, slant down”
PEL root. “fence, border, edge; bound, limit; go round, encircle”
PEN root. “lack, be without, have not”
PEÑ root. “*lip, mouth”
PER root. “half”
PEY root. “*little”
PHA root. “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)”
PHĀ/APHA root. “before of time”
PHAL root. “foam, splash”
PHAN root. “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
PHAR(AN) root. “*rowan”
PHAW root. “emit (foul breath), *breath, puff of breath”
PHAY root. “spirit”
PHEL root. “*emotion”
*PHELEG root. “*excavation”
PHELEK root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
PHELES root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
PHEN root. “door”
PHER root. “*ready, prompt”
PHĪ root. “skill, dexterity” see PHIN¹
PHILIG root. “*cave” see *PHELEG
PHILIK root. “finch”
PHIM root. “*slender, slim”
PHIN¹ root. “clever, skillful; neat, fine, delicate; skill, dexterity”
PHIN² root. “hair” see SPIN(ID)
PHIR root. “exhale, expire, breathe out”
PHŌ/Ū root. “interjection of displeasure/dissent”
PHUT root. “[unglossed]”
PHUY root. “breathe out”
[√]*PI(N) root. “little”
PIR root. “close eyes, blink, wink”
POL root. “can, have physical power and ability; large, big (strong); pound up, break up small, reduce to powder”
POROK root. “hen”
PUT root.
RĀ/ARA root. “noble, high, royal”
RAB root. “astray, wandering, unsettled”
RAD root. “*back, return”
[ᴱ√]*RAK root. “break”
RAN root. “wander, stray, meander, go on an uncertain course, go aside from a course (commanded or self-chosen); err”
RAP root. “climb”
RAPH root. “seize, grab”
RAS root. “horn”
RAT¹ root. “to find a way”
RAT² root. “tower up”
RATH root. “climb (with hands and feet, as in a tree or up a rocky slope)”
RAY¹ root. “net, knit, contrive network or lace; involve in a network, enlace”
RAY² root. “smile”
REB root. “entangle, snare, trap” see REM
RED root. “scatter, sow”
REK root. “recover, get out/away, save from ruin/peril/loss”
REM root. “entangle, snare, trap”
REN root. “recall, have in mind”
RES root. “remain in same place” see RETH
RET root. “climb”
RETH root. “remain in same place”
RIG root. “wreathe, twine, wind about; wreath, garland, crown”
RIƷ root. “wind about, wreathe” see RIG
RIK¹ root. “put forth effort, strive, endeavour, try”
RIK² root. “twist”
RIL root. “brilliant (light), brilliance”
RINGI root. “cold”
RIS root. “cut, cleave”
RIT root. “to complete a work or design” see SRIT
RŌ/ORO root. “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount”
ROB root. “astray, wandering, unsettled” see RAB
ROM root. “horn noise”
*ROÑ root. “*soon”
RON¹ root. “arch over, roof in”
RON² root. “solid, tangible, firm”
ROS root. “spindrift, spray”
ROT root. “cave; delve underground, dig, excavate, tunnel, [ᴹ√] bore; [ᴱ√] hollow”
RUƷUS root.
RUK root. “terrible shapes and the fear they inspire”
RUN¹ root. “red, glowing”
RUN² root. “rub, grind, smooth, polish”
RUS root. “brownish red”
RUTH root. “anger, rage, wrath”
RUY root. “blaze (red)”
S- root. “privative”
SAB root. “believe (that statements, reports, traditions, etc. are) true, accept as fact”
SAD root. “strip, flay, peel off”
SAK root. “draw, pull”
SAL root. “[unglossed]”
SAM¹ root. “to have”
SAM² root. “mind, think, reflect, be aware”
SAN root. “think, use mind; (trans.) ponder, consider in thought”
SAP root. “*dig”
SAR root. “score, incise; write”
SAT root. “space, place; divide, apportion, mark off”
SAT(AR) root. “faithful, trust, loyal, rely, steadfast”
SATH root. “pair”
SAW root. “disgusting, foul, vile; bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
SED root. “rest”
SEN root. “let loose, free, let go”
SER root. see THER
SEREK root. “blood”
SI¹ root. “this”
SI² root. “know” see IS
SIB root. “rest, quiet”
SIL root. “shine (white or silver)”
SIN root. “this” see SI¹
SIR root. “flow”
SKAL root. “cover, veil, cloak, conceal”
SKEY root. “pass”
SKOL root. “shut, close”
SKOR root. “rough, marred, unequal or unsymmetrical in shape”
SKŪ root. “curse”
SLAS root. “ear”
SLŌN root. see SLOUN
SLON root. “sound, (general word for) noise”
SLOUN root. “*descend”
SLOW root. see LOW
SLOY root. “*poison”
SLŪN root. see SLOUN
SNAG root. “wound, gash”
SOK root. “drink, gulp, quaff, drain”
SOÑ root. “*mouth”
SOT root. “shelter, protect, defend”
[ᴱ√]*SPALAK root. “cleave, hew”
SPAN root. “cover, veil, cloak, conceal”
SPAR root. “hunt”
SPIN(ID) root. “fine thread, filament; hair”
SRAB root. “wild, not tamed/domesticated”
SRAG root. “awkward, awry; hard, (very) difficult”
SRAK root. “hard, difficult” see SRAG
SRAW root. “body, flesh”
SRAY root. “easy, pliant, moving with ease”
SRIS root. “snow”
SRIT root. “to complete a work or design”
SRITH root. “snow”
[ᴹ√]*(S)RŌ root. “east”
SROB root. see SRAB
SRON root. “flesh, substance, matter”
(S)ROT root. “delve underground, excavate, tunnel” see ROT
SRUG root. “*evil, wicked”
STAL root. “strong”
STAR root. “*stiff”
STEL root. “remain firm”
STEN root. “cut short, limit, confine, cramp”
STIN root. “grey”
[ᴹ√]*STIR root. “face”
STOL root. “helmet” see THOL
STOR root. “steadfast”
STUK root. “[unglossed]”
root. “blow, move with audible sound (of air)”
SUK root. “drink, drain, gulp, quaff” see SOK
SUR root. “noise of wind”
SWĀ root. “echoic representation of sound of wind”
SYAD root. “compress”
SYAR root. “score, incise; write” see SAR
TA root. “that, there, then; demonstrative”
TĀ/TAƷ root. “high”
TAK root. “fasten, fix”
TAL root. “foot; *flat; [ᴱ√] support”
TALAM root. “flat space”
TALAT root. “to slip (down), collapse, fall in ruin; slipping, sliding, falling down; ground (bottom)”
TAM root. “construct”
TAN¹ root. “construct, make with tools”
TAN² root. “indicate, show”
TAR root. “stand”
TAS root. “point out, indicate”
TATA root. see ATATA
TATHAR root. “*willow”
TAW root. “wood”
TAY root. “mark, line, limit; stretch, [ᴹ√] extend, make long(er)”
TEG root. “line”
TEK root. “make a written mark, sign, write”
TEL root. “close, end, complete, come to an end”
TELER root. “tribal name” see TELES
TELES root. “come at rear, end a line or series”
TELU root. “roof in, put the crown on a building”
TEN root. “direction; point (toward); end (in sense of point aimed at)”
TEÑ root. “indicate, signify, show, represent, betoken, mark, to point at”
TER root. “pierce”
TEW root. “show, sign, indicate” see TEÑ
THĀ/ATHA root. “ease, comfort, heal; be helpful; be willing to assist (in any work, etc.), agree, consent”
THAG root. “oppress, crush, press”
THAN root. “kindle, set light to, fire, light”
THAR¹ root. “*across, beyond”
THAR² root. “vigour”
THAW root. “cruel; stink”
THER root. “sew”
THIL root. “shine silver; white light”
THIN root. “*grey”
THOL root. “stand up, top; helmet”
THOR root. “steadfast” see STOR
THOS root. “frighten, terrify; show dread of”
THOW root. “stink”
THŪ root. “blow, cause an air movement”
THUS root. “evil mist, fog, darkness; blow, cause an air movement”
TIG root. “[unglossed]”
TIL root. “point, horn”
TIN root. “sparkle, spark”
TIR root. “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at”
TŌ/OTO root. “back”
TOK root. “non-resonant sounds”
TOL root. “stick up or out, stand up (out and above neighboring things), raise the head”
TOLOB root. “*protuberance”
TOLOD root. “eight”
TOLOT root. “eight” see TOLOD
TOM root. “of resonant sounds”
TOR root. “secrete, hide”
TOT root. “non-resonant sounds” see TOK
TUD root.
TUL root. “come, approach, move towards (point of speaker)”
TUP root. “cover over, hide”
TUR root. “dominate, master, conquer; power [over others], mastery (legitimate or illegitimate), control (of other wills); strong, mighty in power”
TURUK root. “*strong”
TUY root. “sprout, bud”
Ū root. “denial of fact, privation, negative element”
UB root. “have in mind, consider, ponder; impend, be imminent, approach, draw near”
UG root. “dislike”
UGU root. “expressing privation” see UMU
UK root. “nasty”
UL root. “pour (out), flow”
UM root. “abound; teem, throng; large”
UMU root. “not, expressing privation”
UÑG root. “spider”
UNU root. “down, under; go down, sink” see NŪ/UNU
UR root. “heat, be hot”
URUN root. “copper”
(U)RUTH root. see RUTH
USUK root. “dusk, evening”
UTHU root. “bad; unsuitable; improper, useless, wrong; [wrong] with a bad sense”
root. “blow; noise of wind, echoic representation of sound of wind”
WĀ/AWA root. “away (from); go (away), depart, pass away, move (from speaker); before (of time), ago”
WAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings” see GWAL
WAN root. see (G)WAN
WATH root. “*shade”
WATHAR root. “*shadow, veil”
WAW root. “blow (of wind), be disturbed” see WAY
WAY root. “blow (of wind), be disturbed”
WE root. “dual”
WĒ/EWE root. “person, being, individual”
WEG root. “live, be active”
WEƷ root. “masculinity apart from sex” see WEG
WEN(ED) root. “maiden, girl, virgin; woman”
WER root. “twine, weave” see WIR
WIG root. “weaving with cross-threads or withes” see WIR
WIN root. “young”
WIR root. “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
WIS root. “change, alter(nate), shift”
WIW root. “blow” see WAY
WO root. “together”
WOR root. “express, cause to exude (by pressure)”
YA root. “*there, over there; (of time) back, ago”
YAD root. “wide” see YAN¹
YAG root. “gap”
YAN¹ root. “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
YAN² root. “*join”
YE(L) root. “daughter”
YER root. “desire (for marriage and bodily union)”
[ᴹ√]*YESET root. “beginning”
YOD root. “fence, enclose”
YON¹ root. “son”
YON² root. “wide, extensive”
YU root. “both”
YUL root. “drink”