√NEM root. “seem, appear” (Category: to Seem)
This root appeared as ᴹ√NIM “it appears, occurs to (one’s mind)” in the first version of notes on Quenya Personal Pronouns (QPP1) from the late 1940s, with modern Quenya nimin(ye) “it seems to me” (PE23/89). In Quendian & Common Eldarin Verbal Structure (EVS1) from this same period, Tolkien had nemini “appears/seems to me”, revised to nimini, which was deleted and a new paragraph was written with nemin “it seems to me” (PE22/93 note #6 and #7).
In the Quenya Verbal System from 1948 Tolkien used nem- (PE22/99-100, 105, 111), and in Common Eldarin: Verb Structure (EVS2) from the early 1950s had Q. {nemeste} nemesta “appearance, seeming” (PE22/137). Eldarin Pronouns (EP1) also from the early 1950s had the root √NEM as the basis for ✶nemi-ne “it appears to me, me seems” (PE23/123). The forms Q. níma/nimulë and S. nîf/nivol appeared in 1957 notes, all glossed “phantom” or “seeming”, indicate Tolkien may have restored *√NIM “seem”. I prefer to stick with better attested √NEM for purposes of Neo-Eldarin.
Reference ✧ PE23/123
#ᴹ✶NIM v. “to seem”
References ✧ PE22/93; PE23/89
nemini | aorist with-1st-sg-object | “appears/seems to me” | ✧ PE22/93 |
nimini | aorist with-1st-sg-object | ✧ PE22/93 |