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ᴹQ. nim- v. “to seem, appear” (Category: to Seem)

⚠️ᴹQ. nim-, v. “to seem, appear” (Category: to Seem)
Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”

References ✧ PE22/93; PE23/73, 89, 92, 94-95



nime aorist “appears” ✧ PE23/92
nimin aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me” ✧ PE22/93
nimin aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me, I think” ✧ PE23/89
nimin aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me, I suppose, I think” ✧ PE23/94
nimin(ye) aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me” ✧ PE23/73; PE23/95
nimine aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me” ✧ PE23/73
niminye aorist with-1st-sg-object “it seems to me, I think” ✧ PE23/89
niminye aorist with-1st-sg-object “seems to me” ✧ PE23/92
niminye aorist with-1st-sg-object “appears to me” ✧ PE23/92

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