Ad. êphalak îdô Yôzâyan “far away now (is) the Land of Gift”

Ad. êphalak îdô Yôzâyan “far away now (is) the Land of Gift”

[< Previous Phrase] Lament of Akallabêth [Next Phrase >]

The 13th phrase of the Lament of Akallabêth (SD/247). The first word êphalak “far away” is an adverb or emphatic adjective; see the entry for -ak for further discussion. The second word îdô “now” is an adverb. The last word Yôzâyan “Land of Gift” is one of the names for Númenor. There is no subjective noun or a verb, so this phrase is a fragment rather than a full sentence.

The typescript version (and all earlier versions) had īdōn “now (is)” instead of īdō “now”. See the entry for îdô for further discussion.

References ✧ SD/247; VT24/12




êphalak “far away” ✧ SD/247 (ēphalak)
îdô “now” ✧ SD/247 (īdō)
Yôzâyan “Land of Gift” ✧ SD/247 (Yōzāyan)
-n “predicate suffix” ✧ SD/247

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Ad. ēphalek īdōn akallabēth “far away lo!now is She-that-is-fallen”

[< Previous Phrase] Lament of Akallabêth (first draft) [Next Phrase >]

The first draft of the 13th phrase of the Lament of Akallabêth (SD/312). It differs from the final version mainly in its use of ēphalek “far away” for later êphalak and akallabēth instead of later Yôzâyan (Akallabêth appears instead in the last sentence of the final version). Like the final typescript version but unlike the final manuscript version, it uses īdōn “lo! now is” instead of īdō “now”. This is may be a combination of the adverb īdō “now” and the predicate suffix -n “is” used elsewhere in the draft version.

Reference ✧ SD/312 ✧ “far away lo!now is She-that-is-fallen”



êphalak “far away” ✧ SD/312 (ēphalek)
îdô “now” ✧ SD/312 (īdō)
-n “predicate suffix” ✧ SD/312
Akallabêth “Downfallen” ✧ SD/312 (akallabēth)

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