Ilk. [d] became [ð] after [r]; [rd] > [rð]
There are two examples indicating that Ilkorin [d] spirantalized after [r]. The simplest example is ᴹ✶eredē > Ilk. erdh [erð], where the [r] and [d] came into contact after the middle [e] was lost due to the Ilkorin syncope, as suggested by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Ilkorin/erdh).
A more complex example is Dor. garth, whose cognates N. ardh and ᴹQ. arda imply a primitive form of [ɣarda] or [garda] (Ety/ƷAR). This means that the [d] would first have become [ð] after the [r], and then after the vowel was lost the final [ð] became [θ] (= “th”). This change is more clearly indicated by the deleted Doriathrin form: garth (dh) (EtyAC/ƷARA). Helge Fauskanger originally suggested this development (AL-Doriathrin/garth).
In Noldorin, all voiced stops became spirants after liquids [l] and [r], but that does not seem to be the case in Ilkorin. Except for [rd], there are plenty of examples of voiced stops followed a liquid: [rg] in targ, [lg] in olg, [ld] in (n)gold and [lb] in galbreth.
Order (01900)
After | 01800 | second unstressed short vowel of same quality lost | ᴹ✶eredē > Ilk. erð | Ety/ERÉD |
Before | 06200 | final [ð] became [θ] | ᴹ√ƷAR > Dor. garth | Ety/ƷAR |
Phonetic Rule Elements
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Phonetic Rule Examples
erde > erðe | rd > rð | ᴹ✶eredē > Ilk. erð | ✧ Ety/ERÉD |
ɣarda > ɣarða | rd > rð | ᴹ√ƷAR > Dor. garth | ✧ Ety/ƷAR |