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ᴺQ. !úhwalda adj. “unwashed” (Category: to Wash)

ᴺQ. !úhwalda, adj. “unwashed” [created by Gilruin] (Category: to Wash)

A neologism for “unwashed” coined by Gilruin posted on 2024-10-10 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a negative form of ᴺQ. hwalda “washed” based on Q. hwal- “wash” published within PE23 in 2024. Helge Fauskanger instead had ᴺQ. alasóvina in his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT) based on ᴱQ. sovo- “wash”, but that word was coined before the publication of hwal- “wash”.


!hwalda “washed”

ᴺQ. !alasóvina adj. “unwashed” (Category: to Wash)

See ᴺQ. !úhwalda for discussion.