S. Fui ’Ngorthrim loc. “Paths of the Dead”

S. Fui ’Ngorthrim, loc. “Paths of the Dead”

Sindarin name for the Paths of the Dead appearing in Tolkien’s “Unfinished Index” of The Lord of the Rings (RC/526). The initial element fui is apparently the plural of an otherwise unattested noun “path”. The second element is the lenited class-plural of gorth¹ “dead (person)”, which also appears in Dor Gyrth i Chuinar “Land of the Dead that Live” as its ordinarly plural.

Conceptual Development: This name replaced a deleted form Raith ’Ngorthrim.

Reference ✧ RC/526 ✧ “Paths of the Dead”


? “path” plural ✧ RC/526 (Fui)
#gorth¹ “dead; dead (person)” soft-mutation class-plural ✧ RC/526 (’Ngorthrim)

S. Raith ’Ngorthrim loc. “Paths of the Dead”

A rejected Sindarin name for the Paths of the Dead appearing in Tolkien’s “Unfinished Index” of The Lord of the Rings, replaced by Fui ’Ngorthrim (RC/526). It appears to be a combination of the plural of rath “street” and the lenited class-plural of gorth¹ “dead (person)”.

Reference ✧ RC/526 ✧ “Paths of the Dead”


rath “street” plural ✧ RC/526 (Raith)
#gorth¹ “dead; dead (person)” soft-mutation class-plural ✧ RC/526 (’Ngorthrim)