S. plural nouns grammar.
Sindarin plural forms are a distinctive feature of the language. Sindarin plurals are (for the most part) formed using vowel mutations rather than a suffix like English’s plural suffix “-(e)s”. This makes Sindarin plurals more like German which often changes vowel sounds in the plural, or like “irregular” English plurals like “man” vs. “men” or “mouse” vs. “mice”. This mutation in Sindarin plurals is called i-affection, and is the result of an ancient plural suffix ī which has been lost in modern Sindarin plurals. Tolkien discussed Sindarin plural formation on numerous occasions:
The plural element in nouns is [i] as a suffix [ī] ... In Sindarin the old ī plurals causing “affection” (PE17/62).
Sindarin ... had no declensions, but formed its plurals by the addition of -ī which had vanished b[ut] affected the preceding vowels (as in Welsh and English, “angel”, pl. “engyl”, “man”, pl. “men”, S adan, pl. edain, orch, pl. yrch) (PE17/127).
In Sindarin plurals were mostly made with vowel-changes: Adan, Edain; orch, yrch; etc. (RGEO/66).
Sindarin plurals were made usually by vowel change due to [?influence] of the primitive plural ending -ī. silivren, pl. silivrin. el(en), [pl.] elin. craban, [pl.] crebain. ae no change. ū [>] ui. au, o [>] oe. au ... (draft of the above, PE17/25).
Vowel Mutation in Plurals: The historical origins of i-affection are discussed in the entry on vowel mutations, but the results are summarized here for purposes of discussion. I divide i-affection up into three “flavors”: internal i-affection, final i-affection, and final i-intrusion. The common plural mutations, along with examples, are as follows:
Sindarin words with short u are rare; there are no attested examples of Sindarin plurals with u → y, so the best example is Noldorin tulus → tylys, but this word is still consistent with Sindarin phonology. Likewise, there are no attested Sindarin nouns showing i-intrusion for long û in monosyllables so the example given is an adjective; Tolkien also specifically mentioned this plural mutation in the quote from PE17/25 above, with “ū [>] ui”. Finally, the lack of mutation of long ú in non-final syllables is most clearly demonstrated by the (Noldorin) adjective: N. dúven “*western” → dúvin (Ety/NDŪ; EtyAC/NDŪ).
In a few examples, the mutation of short o in non-final syllables was to œ rather than e, which in some documents is ambiguously written as oe (and thus easily confused with diphthongal oe). This œ is archaic, a rounded e in much the same way that y is a rounded i. In modern Sindarin, [œ] became [e]. For a discussion of the lack of mutation for long ó in non-final syllables, see the entry on unusual plurals.
Words with short a in final syllables are a special case, since their plural form depends on whether or not they end in a single consonant (adan → edain) vs. a consonant cluster (narn → nern). Consonant clusters inhibit i-intrusion, so ordinary final i-affection (a → e) is the result. The inhibition of i-intrusion applies to some words that used to end in consonants clusters, but don’t any longer:
The second example superficially resembles a consonant cluster, but its final consonant is actually pronounced like single velar spirant [ŋ] (LotR/1114). Both final m and final ng [ŋ] can only arise from more ancient clusters, because a single ancient m became v and a single [ŋ] vanished. Thus there were no forms that might draw such plurals back to i-intrusion by analogy, and they retained their simpler (non-intrusive) plural forms even after the final clusters reduced to a single consonant.
Conversely, some “clusters” behave like single consonants in that they fail to inhibit i-intrusion. The most notable example is -ss as in lass “leaf” → lais “leaves” (PE17/62, 97). The same seems to be true for other ancient clusters as well, such as with the plural Periain of Perian “Halfling”, whose class-plural Periannath indicates it once ended with long nn. I think the three double-consonant clusters ss, ll, nn were probably particularly “weak” and unable to inhibit i-intrusion, since all of them were weak enough to shorten at the end of polysyllables. I think the same applies to monosyllables ending in nn, but not those ending in nd, hence *ain “gifts” plural of ann (< ✶annā) but *bend “prisons” plural of band (< ✶mbandō).
Also remember that the digraphs ph, th, ch, dh represent single consonants at the end of words and would likewise have i-intrusion plurals, as in rath “street” → raith (RC/526) or galadh “tree” → gelaidh (PE17/60). Finally, there are a few Sindarin examples of i-intrusion plurals for words ending in clusters, notably morchant “dark shape” → morchaint (VT42/9) and alph “swan” → eilph (UT/265); compare the second of these to [N.] alf “swan” → elf (Ety/ÁLAK; KHOP). It is unclear whether these represent conceptual vacillations or are additional exceptions to clusters resisting i-intrusion.
Nasal Mutation in Definite Plurals: The definite article i has a plural form in. This form is retained before plurals beginning with vowels, as in in Edhil “the Elves” (RGEO/62), but before consonants the n generally vanishes and causes nasal mutation. Examples include:
See the entry on nasal mutation for a more lengthy discussion of the rules for this consonant mutation. One of the biggest challenges with Sindarin is recognizing that all the various mutations represent different forms of the same word: i dâl “the foot”, tail “feet”, and i thail “the feet” are all different forms of tâl “foot”.
Plurals of Compounds: Normally the plural mutation applies to the entire word, but in compounds it frequently applies only to the final element of the word. As Tolkien described it:
As a pronoun, usually enclitic, the form pen, mutated ben, survived. A few compounds survived, such as rochben “rider” (m. or f.), orodben “a mountaineer” or “one living in the mountains”, arphen “a noble”. Their plurals were made by i-affection, originally carried through the word: as roechbin, oerydbin, erphin, but the normal form of the first element was often restored when the nature of the composition remained evident: as rochbin, but always erphin (WJ/376).
As indicated by this quote, the compound must still be recognized for the plural to be limited to the final element. The compound rochben is formed with the still active soft mutation making it easy to recognize. However, arphen is formed with older and (possibly) no longer active sound change rp > rph, making it seem more like a single word. Furthermore, Tolkien was rather inconsistent on whether he applied the rule that only the final element of a compound is pluralized:
Compare the above to:
Whether these variations represent some specialized rule or are simply vacillations on Tolkien’s part is unclear, but it might be notable that all of the exceptions involve the mutation of a → e, which may have been more prone to mutation than other vowels in non-final syllables. Perhaps the vowel a still mutates in compounds unless (a) it is a loose compound like tad-dal or (b) a non-mutating vowel intervenes as in galadhremmin.
Conceptual Development: The Gnomish Grammar and Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s did not use i-affection for plurals, and instead had various plural suffixes like -in and -th (GG/12-13). Plurals with i-affection began to appear in the Gnomish Lexicon Slips, addendums to the Gnomish Lexicon, such as: ailf plural of G. alf “swan” (PE13/109), emyn plural of G. amon “hill” (PE13/110). In the slips these i-affection plurals supplemented but did not entirely replace plural suffixes, though the suffix -in itself sometimes caused i-affection: elmin plural of G. alm “back” (PE13/109).
This remained the case in the Early Noldorin Grammar, with pure i-affection plurals being mixed with suffixal plurals, where some suffixes also caused i-affection (PE13/121-123). The use of i-affection alone became the norm in Noldorin plurals appearing in The Etymologies of the 1930s, though suffixal plurals never completely vanished, for example: conin plural of S. caun “prince” (LotR/953; PE17/102); see the entry on unusual plurals for further discussion.
A complete discussion of the earlier forms of i-affection is beyond the scope of this entry, but it is worth highlighting some of the major differences between Noldorin plurals of the 1930s and Sindarin plurals of the 1950s and 60s.
The variation between e and ei in the final syllables of Noldorin plurals is a bit tricky; it seems that in Noldorin [ei] sometimes became [e] in unstressed final syllables (PE22/39), as with: ᴹ✶talrunya > tellein > tellen (Ety/TAL), so the appearance of e vs ei in final syllables was sporadic. In any case, the Noldorin plural mutations o → ei/e seems to have been abandoned by the 1950s.
For reasons unclear, Tolkien chose to retain the Noldorin-style plural ered for orod in The Lord of the Rings itself; this is the only remnant of Noldorin plural mutation o → e in final syllables appearing in Tolkien’s later writing. This forced Tolkien to contrive a new explanation for this plural, and he decided y > e was a late (possibly Gondorian only) sound change in limited circumstances (Let/224; PE17/33). Indeed, Tolkien fully intended to use eryd when he got around to publishing the Silmarillion (PE17/33). However, Christopher Tolkien chose to leave this plural as ered when he posthumously edited his father’s work, most likely because Christopher did not want to confront readers with a new Sindarin plural form that they would (incorrectly) assume was mistaken.
Neo-Sindarin: The plural system proposed above has mostly been long-established in Neo-Sindarin, appearing in courses and books from the early 2000s. However, many Neo-Sindarin writers suggest that the plural of monosyllabic words with ô should be ŷ based on attested Noldorin plurals and what is known about Sindarin phonology. I instead propose ô → ui in monosyllables.
In researching Sindarin phonology I (re)discovered that there were a number of Sindarin words with o/ô → ui in monosyllabic plurals in the 1940s and 50s:
The last example is a bit peculiar, in that it gives two plurals. The first plural thely is probably the “historical” plural derived from eroded ancient forms, probably *tholosī (compare Q. solos < *tholos). The second is probably a “reformed” plural converted to fit more modern plural patterns. This only makes sense if ô → ui is the normal plural mutation in monosyllables.
Conversely, the last attested Noldorin plurals showing ô → ŷ date back to the 1930s or (at the latest) early 1940s:
Therefore, there is very strong evidence that, starting with the 1940s, monosyllables with ô have plurals with ui. The main problem with this plural pattern is that it is hard to explain phonologically. We know that long ô in monosyllables only arises from ancient short ŏ (ancient long ō became ū), which should have undergone i-raising to y. Such a y resisted i-mutation in other circumstances, such as polysyllabic amon → emyn, or mŷl plural of mŷl “gull” (probably < *miulē). My best explanation is that the monosyllabic y from raised o was somehow of slightly different character and broken into the diphthong ui under i-intrusion.
See the phonetic entry on how the final [i] intruded into preceding syllable for further discussion. In any case, I recommend the plural mutation of ô → ui in monosyllables instead of the more commonly recommended ô → ŷ: *duir plural of dôr “land”, *bruig plural of brôg “bear”. For polysyllables, however, o → y is the correct plural mutation for Sindarin, and likewise for monosyllables with short o: *rych plural of roch “horse”.
Examples (plural) | |||||||||
Edain | “fathers of men” | ← Adan | ✧ Let/282 | ||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LotR/1034 | |||||||
Edain | “[to the] Dúnedain” | [← Adan] | ✧ LotR/1061 | ||||||
Edain | “Fathers of Men” | [← Adan] | ✧ LotR/1128 | ||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LotRI/Atani | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LotRI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LRI/Atani | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LRI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LT1I/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ LT2I/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ MRI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | “the Second (kindred); men” | [← Adan] | ✧ PE17/89 | ||||||
Edain | “to Men” | [← Adan] | ✧ PE17/117 | ||||||
edain | ← adan | ✧ PE17/127 | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ PMI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | ← Adan | ✧ RGEO/66 | |||||||
Edain | ← adan | ✧ SA/adan | |||||||
Edain | “The Second People, Men” | ← Adan | ✧ SI/Atani | ||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ SI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ SMI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ UTI/Atani | |||||||
Edain | ← Adan | ✧ UTI/Edain | |||||||
edain | “*men” | [← Adan] | ✧ VT50/14 | ||||||
edain | “*men” | [← Adan] | ✧ VT50/18 | ||||||
Edain | “Men” | [← Adan] | ✧ WJ/219 | ||||||
Edain | ← Adan | ✧ WJ/387 | |||||||
Edain | ← Adan | ✧ WJI/Adan | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ WJI/Atani | |||||||
Edain | ← Adan | ✧ WJI/Edain | |||||||
Edain | [← Adan] | ✧ WRI/Edain | |||||||
aelin | “lake, pool” | [← #ael] | ✧ SA/aelin | ||||||
Eilph | “swans” | ← alph | ✧ NM/378 | ||||||
eilph | “swan” | ← alph | ✧ UT/265 | ||||||
Emyn | “hills” | [← amon] | ✧ LotR/1097 | ||||||
emyn | ← amon | ✧ LotR/1115 | |||||||
Emyn | “hills” | [← amon] | ✧ LotRI/Emyn Uial | ||||||
Emyn | ← Amon | ✧ PE17/33 | |||||||
emyn | ← amon | ✧ PE17/61 | |||||||
emyn | ← amon | ✧ PE17/121 | |||||||
Emyn | [← amon] | ✧ PM/186 | |||||||
Emyn | “hills” | ← amon | ✧ RC/334 | ||||||
Emyn | “mountains” | [← amon] | ✧ UT/280 | ||||||
Emyn | “mountains” | [← amon] | ✧ UTI/Emyn-nu-Fuin | ||||||
Emyn | ← Amon | ✧ VT42/17 | |||||||
Ennyn | “Doors” | [← annon] | ✧ LotR/305 | ||||||
Ennyn | ← annon | ✧ PE17/40 | |||||||
Ennyn | “Gates” | ← annon | ✧ PE17/40 | ||||||
ennyn | ← annon | ✧ SA/annon | |||||||
Ephedyn | “Followers” | ← Aphadon | ✧ WJ/387 | ||||||
erain | ← aran | ✧ PE17/40 | |||||||
erain | ← aran | ✧ PE17/111 | |||||||
Erain | “kings” | ← aran | ✧ SA/ar(a) | ||||||
erphin | ← arphen | ✧ WJ/376 | |||||||
Ethraid | “Fords” | [← athrad] | ✧ UT/264 | ||||||
**Belain | [← Balan] | ✧ Let/427 | |||||||
Belain | ← Balan | ✧ PE17/48 | |||||||
Belain | “Valar” | ← Balan | ✧ SA/val | ||||||
Bair | “lands” | [← bâr] | ✧ AotM/62 | ||||||
bair | ← bar | ✧ PE17/164 | |||||||
Beraid | “tower[s]” | [← barad] | ✧ LotR/1097 | ||||||
Beraid | ← barad | ✧ SA/barad | |||||||
cîr | [← cair] | ✧ PE17/147 | |||||||
celerdain | ← calardan | ✧ PE17/96 | |||||||
Celerdain | ← calardan | ✧ RC/523 | |||||||
cem | “?hands” | [← cam] | ✧ VT50/22 | ||||||
Conin | “princes” | [← caun¹] | ✧ Let/448 | ||||||
Conin | [← caun¹] | ✧ LotR/953 | |||||||
Cōnin | ← caun | ✧ PE17/102 | |||||||
cebir | ← ceber | ✧ RC/327 | |||||||
cebir | “stakes” | ← ceber | ✧ SA/sarn | ||||||
Cirth | [← certh] | ✧ LotR/1117 | |||||||
cirth | ← certh | ✧ LotR/1123 | |||||||
Cirth | [← certh] | ✧ LotRI/Certar | |||||||
Cirth | “Runes” | [← certh] | ✧ LotRI/Cirth | ||||||
Cirdh | [← certh] | ✧ NM/164 | |||||||
Cirth | [← certh] | ✧ PE17/122 | |||||||
cirth | [← certh] | ✧ PE22/150 | |||||||
Cirth | “Runes” | [← certh] | ✧ PMI/Cirth | ||||||
Cirth | [← certh] | ✧ SA/kir | |||||||
Cirth | “Runes” | [← certh] | ✧ SI/Cirth | ||||||
Cirth | “Runes” | [← certh] | ✧ WJ/14 | ||||||
cirth | ← certh | ✧ WJ/396 | |||||||
Cirth | ← Certh | ✧ WJI/Cirth | |||||||
crebain | [← craban] | ✧ LotR/285 | |||||||
Crebain | [← craban] | ✧ LotRI/Crebain | |||||||
crebain | ← craban | ✧ PE17/25 | |||||||
crebain | ← craban | ✧ PE17/37 | |||||||
Crebain | [← craban] | ✧ TII/Crebain | |||||||
Echil | “followers” | [← #echil] | ✧ WJ/219 | ||||||
edil | ← edel | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
Edhil | [← Edhel] | ✧ LRI/Edhil | |||||||
eðil | ← eðel | ✧ PE17/139 | |||||||
eðil | ← eðel | ✧ PE17/152 | |||||||
Edhil | [← Edhel] | ✧ RGEO/62 | |||||||
Edhil | ← edhel | ✧ SA/edhel | |||||||
Edhil | ← Edhel | ✧ SA/êl | |||||||
Edhil | ← Edhel | ✧ SI/Sindar | |||||||
Edhil | ← Edhel | ✧ WJ/364 | |||||||
Edhil | “Elves” | ← Edhel | ✧ WJ/377 | ||||||
edhil | “elves” | [← Edhel] | ✧ WJ/378 | ||||||
Edhil | “Elves” | ← Edhel | ✧ WJI/Edhel | ||||||
elidh | ← †eledh | ✧ Let/281 | |||||||
elið | ← eleð | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
elið | ← eleð | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
eleðir | ← eleð | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
elidh | ← eledh | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
Elin | “Elves” | ← Elen | ✧ WJ/363 | ||||||
†Elin | ← †Elen | ✧ WJ/377 | |||||||
Elin | “Elves” | ← Elen | ✧ WJI/Elen | ||||||
eglir | ← eglon | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
eithil | [← eithel] | ✧ WJ/139 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ Let/281 | |||||||
elin | ← elen | ✧ PE17/24 | |||||||
elin | ← el(en) | ✧ PE17/25 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ PE17/67 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ PE17/127 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ PE17/139 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ PE17/151 | |||||||
elin | [← †êl] | ✧ PE22/150 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ RGEO/65 | |||||||
elin | ← êl | ✧ RGEO/67 | |||||||
†elin | ← †êl | ✧ WJ/363 | |||||||
ellir | ← †ell | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
ellir | ← eledh | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ellir | ← †ell | ✧ PE17/152 | |||||||
ellith | ← elleth | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
ellyn | ← ellon | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
Ethir | “spies” | [← #ethir²] | ✧ S/217 | ||||||
i·felais | ← falas | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||||
Fîr | ← Feir | ✧ WJ/387 | |||||||
Fîr | “Mortals” | ← Feir | ✧ WJI/Feir | ||||||
fili | [← fela] | ✧ NM/304 | |||||||
Fírib | ← Fíreb | ✧ WJ/387 | |||||||
Fírib | “Mortals” | ← Fíreb | ✧ WJI/Fíreb | ||||||
Fui | “paths” | [← ?fû] | ✧ RC/526 | ||||||
gîl | “silver spark” | ← gail | ✧ PE17/152 | ||||||
Glam | “a body of orcs” | [← glamog] | ✧ WJ/391 | ||||||
Glam | [← glamog] | ✧ WJI/Glamhoth | |||||||
glim | “voices” | [← #glim] | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
glîm | [← #glim] | ✧ PE17/97 | |||||||
Gelydh | ← golodh | ✧ SA/golodh | |||||||
Goelydh | ← Golodh | ✧ WJ/364 | |||||||
Goelydh | ← Golodh | ✧ WJ/379 | |||||||
Goelydh | ← Golodh | ✧ WJI/Golodh | |||||||
gœlyð | ← goloð | ✧ PE17/139 | |||||||
gelyð | ← goloð | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
Goerthaid | [← gorthad] | ✧ PMI/Tyrn Goerthaid | |||||||
Gwenyn | “twins” | [← gwanon] | ✧ PM/365 | ||||||
Gwenyn | [← gwanon] | ✧ PMI/Ambarussa | |||||||
ceðaid | ← cađad | ✧ PE17/45 | |||||||
Hîn | “Children” | [← hên] | ✧ S/198 | ||||||
Hîn | “children” | [← hên] | ✧ SA/híni | ||||||
Hîn | “Children” | [← hên] | ✧ UT/57 | ||||||
Hîn | “Children” | [← hên] | ✧ UT/140 | ||||||
hîn | ← hên | ✧ WJ/403 | |||||||
in·ioryn | ← ioron | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||||
Ithryn | “Wizards” | [← ithron] | ✧ Let/448 | ||||||
Ithryn | “Wizards” | ← ithron | ✧ UT/390 | ||||||
ithryn | ← ithron | ✧ UT/392 | |||||||
Ithryn | [← ithron] | ✧ UTI/Istari | |||||||
lais | ← las | ✧ PE17/62 | |||||||
lais | “leaves” | [← las(s)] | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
Levain | [← lavan] | ✧ WJ/388 | |||||||
levain | ← lavan | ✧ WJ/416 | |||||||
lebir | ← leber | ✧ VT47/10 | |||||||
lebid | ← lebed | ✧ VT47/23 | |||||||
lebir | ← leber | ✧ VT47/24 | |||||||
lebir | ← leber | ✧ VT48/5 | |||||||
lhewig | ← lheweg | ✧ PE23/136 | |||||||
mellyrn | [← mallorn] | ✧ LotR/342 | |||||||
mellyrn | ← Mallorn | ✧ LotRI/Mallorn | |||||||
mellyrn | “golden-trees” | [← mallorn] | ✧ NM/362 | ||||||
mellyrn | ← mallorn | ✧ PE17/50 | |||||||
mellyrn | ← mallorn | ✧ PE17/51 | |||||||
mellyrn | [← mallorn] | ✧ PE17/80 | |||||||
mellyrn | ← mallorn | ✧ SA/orn | |||||||
mellyn | [← mellon] | ✧ PE17/97 | |||||||
mellyn | “lovers, friends” | [← mellon] | ✧ WJ/412 | ||||||
Mírdain | “Jewel Smiths” | [← #mírdan] | ✧ UTI/Gwaith-i-Mírdain | ||||||
Mírdain | [← #mírdan] | ✧ UTI/Mírdain | |||||||
mithrir | ← mĭth | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
mithril | ← mithrel | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
mithryn | ← Mithron | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
morchaint | “dark shapes, shadows cast by light” | [← #morchant] | ✧ SA/gwath | ||||||
morchaint | “dark-shapes” | [← #morchant] | ✧ VT42/9 | ||||||
i·muil | ← mûl | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||||
Mŷl | “gulls” | [← #mŷl] | ✧ WJ/379 | ||||||
Nern | “Legendarium” | ← Narn | ✧ MR/373 | ||||||
nern | ← narn | ✧ MR/471 | |||||||
noeg | [← naug] | ✧ UT/100 | |||||||
Neweg | “Dwarves” | [← Nawag] | ✧ WJI/Neweg | ||||||
Nîn | “Water-lands” | [← nen] | ✧ NM/378 | ||||||
nœgid | “Petty dwarves” | ← noged | ✧ PE17/46 | ||||||
Nognith | “Petty-dwarves” | [← Noegin] | ✧ WJI/Nognith | ||||||
nogoth | “dwarves” | ← nogon | ✧ PE17/45 | ||||||
negyth | ← nogoth | ✧ PE17/45 | |||||||
noegyth | ← nogoth | ✧ SA/naug | |||||||
Negyth | “Dwarves” | ← Nogoth | ✧ WJ/338 | ||||||
Noegyth | ← Nogoth | ✧ WJ/388 | |||||||
Noegyth | ← Nogoth | ✧ WJI/Nogoth | |||||||
nellir | ← noll | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
ygli | [← Ogol] | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygil | [← Ogol] | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygl | ← ogl | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
œgyl | ← ogl | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygli | ← ogol | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygil | ← ogol | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygl | ← ogl | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygil | ← ogol | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygli | ← ogol | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ogyl | [← Ogol] | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
egyl | [← Ogol] | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
ygyl | [← Ogol] | ✧ PE17/142 | |||||||
enyd | ← onod | ✧ Let/224 | |||||||
ened | ← onod | ✧ Let/224 | |||||||
Enyd | “Ents” | [← Onod] | ✧ LotR/1130 | ||||||
Enyd | “Ents” | [← Onod] | ✧ LotRI/Ents | ||||||
enyd | ← onod | ✧ PE17/83 | |||||||
Enyd | “Ents” | ← Onod | ✧ UTI/Enyd | ||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ Let/178 | |||||||
Yrch | “Orcs” | [← orch] | ✧ LotR/345 | ||||||
yrch | “Orcs” | [← orch] | ✧ LotRI/Orcs | ||||||
yrch | “Orcs” | ← orch | ✧ MR/195 | ||||||
yrch | “Orcs” | ← orch | ✧ MRI/Orcs | ||||||
yrch | “orc” | ← orch | ✧ PE17/47 | ||||||
yrch | “orcs” | [← orch] | ✧ PE17/52 | ||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ PE17/54 | |||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ PE17/127 | |||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ RC/762 | |||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ RGEO/66 | |||||||
Yrch | ← Orch | ✧ WJ/390 | |||||||
Yrch | ← Orch | ✧ WJI/Orc(s) | |||||||
yrn | “trees” | [← orn] | ✧ WJI/Taur-i-Melegyrn | ||||||
ered | ← orod | ✧ PE17/33 | |||||||
†eryd | ← orod | ✧ PE17/33 | |||||||
eryd/ered | ← orod | ✧ PE17/64 | |||||||
ered | [← orod] | ✧ PE17/89 | |||||||
eryd | [← orod] | ✧ PE17/89 | |||||||
Ered | “mountain-range” | [← orod] | ✧ PE23/133 | ||||||
Eryd | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ RC/621 | ||||||
eryd/ered | “mountains” | ← orod | ✧ RC/765 | ||||||
Ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ S/118 | ||||||
ered | ← orod | ✧ SA/orod | |||||||
ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ UT/40 | ||||||
ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ UT/54 | ||||||
Eryd | [← orod] | ✧ WJ/192 | |||||||
†oerydbin | ← orodben | ✧ WJ/376 | |||||||
Periain | “Hobbits” | [← Perian] | ✧ Let/427 | ||||||
Periain | “Halflings” | [← Perian] | ✧ LotR/966 | ||||||
Periain | “Hobbits” | ← Perian | ✧ LotRI/Hobbit | ||||||
Periain | “Hobbits” | [← Perian] | ✧ LotRI/Periain | ||||||
periain | “the Hobbits (as a race)” | ← perian | ✧ RGEO/67 | ||||||
Periain | “Halflings” | [← Perian] | ✧ SDI1/Periain | ||||||
regain | “wain” | [← rasg] | ✧ NM/363 | ||||||
resg | “wain” | ← rasg | ✧ PE17/28 | ||||||
#raich | “wain” | [← rasg] | ✧ UTI/Stonewain Valley | ||||||
rais | ← ras (suffix) | ✧ SA/ras | |||||||
Raith | “paths” | [← rath] | ✧ RC/526 | ||||||
†roechbin | ← rochben | ✧ WJ/376 | |||||||
rochbin | ← rochben | ✧ WJ/376 | |||||||
Rodyn | [← Rodon] | ✧ MR/200 | |||||||
Rodyn | ← Rodon | ✧ PE17/33 | |||||||
Rodyn | ← Rodon | ✧ PE17/118 | |||||||
Rodyn | ← Rodon | ✧ PE17/186 | |||||||
sedair | ← sadar | ✧ PE17/183 | |||||||
sedryn | ← sadron | ✧ PE17/183 | |||||||
telain | “flets” | [← talan] | ✧ NM/362 | ||||||
telain | ← talan | ✧ PE17/52 | |||||||
telain | ← talan | ✧ PE17/52 | |||||||
telain | “flets” | ← talan | ✧ UT/245 | ||||||
telain | ← talan | ✧ UT/246 | |||||||
telain | ← talan | ✧ UTI/talan | |||||||
Tîw | “letters” | [← têw] | ✧ LotR/1117 | ||||||
tīw | ← tēw | ✧ PE17/43 | |||||||
tiw | ← tew | ✧ PE17/44 | |||||||
tiw | “letters” | ← tēw | ✧ PE17/44 | ||||||
tîw | ← tēw | ✧ PE17/44 | |||||||
tîw | ← tēw | ✧ PE17/122 | |||||||
tîw | ← têw | ✧ WJ/396 | |||||||
Thinnir | ← thend | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
thind | ← thend | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
Thennir | ← Thend | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
Thinnir | ← Thend | ✧ PE17/140 | |||||||
†thinn | ← †thend | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
thinið | ← thineð | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
thennyn | ← thennon | ✧ PE17/141 | |||||||
thely | ← thôl | ✧ PE17/188 | |||||||
thuil | ← thôl | ✧ PE17/188 | |||||||
thoen | ← thaun | ✧ PE17/81 | |||||||
thuin | ← Thôn | ✧ PE17/81 | |||||||
i·theryn | ← thoron | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||||
þuin | [← #tôn] | ✧ PE23/138 | |||||||
úgerth | “*trespasses” | ← ugarth | ✧ VT44/28 | ||||||
ogil | ← ogl | ? | ✧ PE17/142 | ||||||
i·Wenyn | “the twins” | ← Gwenyn (plural) | definite nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PM/353 | |||||
i·Wenyn | “the twins” | ← Gwenyn (plural) | definite nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PMI/Ambarussa | |||||
chem | “?hands” | ← cem (plural) | liquid-mutation c-mutation | ✧ VT50/22 | |||||
#chaint | “shapes” | [← #cant] | liquid-mutation c-mutation | ✧ VT42/9 | |||||
thindryn | ← thindron | masc | ✧ PE17/140 | ||||||
chend | [← hand] | nasal-mutation | ✧ PE23/138 | ||||||
i·mair | ← bâr | nasal-mutation b-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·mbair | [← bâr] | nasal-mutation b-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
chîr | ← cîr (plural) | nasal-mutation c-mutation | ✧ PE17/147 | ||||||
chelair | [← calar] | nasal-mutation c-mutation | ✧ PE23/138 | ||||||
in·chelair | ← calar | nasal-mutation c-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·nuir | ← dôr | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·nduir | ← dôr | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·nŷr | ← dôr | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·ndŷr | ← dôr | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
Ngelaið | ← galað | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE17/60 | ||||||
i·ngelaið | “the trees” | [← galadh] | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||
nguin | “stones” | ← gôn | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||
i·ñuin | “the stones” | ← gôn | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||
i·ñguin | [← gond] | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·ñuind | ← gond | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·ñguind | ← gond | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
†in·wind | ← gwend | nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·ñwind | ← gwend | nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·ngwind | ← gwend | nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·chelig | “ice-pinnacle” | ← heleg | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | |||||
Chîn | [← hên] | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ LR/322 | ||||||
Chîn | [← hên] | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ MR/373 | ||||||
Chîn | “*children” | [← hên] | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ VT50/12 | |||||
chîn | “*children” | [← hên] | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ VT50/18 | |||||
Chîn | [← hên] | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ WJ/160 | ||||||
i·chery | ← herw | nasal-mutation h-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·chwist | ← whest | nasal-mutation hw-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
†i·thlewig | ← lheweg | nasal-mutation lh-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
i·lhewig | ← lheweg | nasal-mutation lh-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
m(b)air | “houses” | [← bâr] | nasal-mutation mb-mutation | ✧ PE17/97 | |||||
Mbair | “lands” | [← bâr] | nasal-mutation mb-mutation | ✧ SD/129 | |||||
Gelydh | “Noldor” | [← Golodh] | nasal-mutation ng-mutation | ✧ S/238 | |||||
in·pherth | ← parth | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
Pheriain | “Halflings” | [← Perian] | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ Let/448 | |||||
Pheriain | [← Perian] | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ LotR/953 | ||||||
i pheriain | “the halflings” | ← perian | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ PE17/66 | |||||
pheriain | [← Perian] | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ PE17/96 | ||||||
Pheriain | “Halflings” | [← Perian] | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ PE17/102 | |||||
Sedryn | [← sadron] | nasal-mutation s-mutation | ✧ UT/153 | ||||||
in·þewair | ← tawar | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ PE23/139 | ||||||
thîw | [← têw] | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ Let/427 | ||||||
thiw | “signs” | [← têw] | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ LotR/305 | |||||
thiw | “letters” | ← tiw (plural) | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ PE17/44 | |||||
thiw | ← tiw (plural) | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ PE17/44 | ||||||
aiwon | [← aew] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
aewon | [← aew] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
aewion | [← aew] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
Edhellion | [← Edhel] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
Edhellon | [← Edhel] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | ||||||
geledhion/galaðon | “of trees” | [← galadh] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | |||||
maewion | “of gulls” | [← #maew] | old-genitive | ✧ PE17/97 | |||||
#gerth | [← #carth] | soft-mutation c-mutation | ✧ VT44/28 | ||||||
vellyn | “friends” | [← mellon] | soft-mutation m-mutation | ✧ AotM/62 | |||||
mhellyn | “friends” | [← mellon] | soft-mutation m-mutation | ✧ SD/129 | |||||
vellyn | “lovers” | ← mellyn (plural) | soft-mutation m-mutation | ✧ WJ/412 | |||||
Mbair | “lands” | [← bâr] | soft-mutation mb-mutation | ✧ AotM/62 | |||||
-il | ← -el (suffix) | suffix | ✧ WJ/363 | ||||||
-il | ← ell- | suffix | ✧ WJ/364 | ||||||
-il | ← -el (suffix) | suffix | ✧ WJ/377 |
References ✧ PE17/25, 62, 127; RGEO/66
Element In
N. plural nouns grammar.
Examples (plural) | |||||||||
edeb | ← adab | ✧ Ety/TAK | |||||||
Edeb | “houses” | [← adab] | ✧ WR/380 | ||||||
Edain | “Western Men, Fathers of Men” | [← Adan] | ✧ MR/7 | ||||||
eder | ← adar | ✧ Ety/ATA | |||||||
Oeges | “Peaks” | ← oegas | ✧ Ety/AYAK | ||||||
oelin | ← oel | ✧ Ety/AY | |||||||
lelf | ← lalf | ✧ Ety/ÁLAM | |||||||
Elf | [← alf] | ✧ Ety/KHOP | |||||||
emyn | ← amon | ✧ Ety/AM² | |||||||
Emyn | “hills” | [← amon] | ✧ TI/313 | ||||||
ennyn | ← annon | ✧ Ety/AD | |||||||
Ennyn | “doors” | [← annon] | ✧ TI/182 | ||||||
Ennyn | “gates” | [← annon] | ✧ WR/113 | ||||||
erain | ← aran | ✧ Ety/ƷAR | |||||||
erain | ← aran | ✧ EtyAC/ƷARA | |||||||
Erain | [← aran] | ✧ WR/98 | |||||||
ernin | [← arnen] | ✧ WR/370 | |||||||
Belen | ← Balan | ✧ Ety/BAL | |||||||
†bĕı̯r | ← †băr | ✧ PE22/36 | |||||||
be͡ır | ← bār | ✧ PE22/36 | |||||||
Berin | [← bár] | ✧ WR/379 | |||||||
Bair | “houses” | [← bár] | ✧ WR/380 | ||||||
Bered | [← barad¹] | ✧ WR/340 | |||||||
brethil | ← brethel | ✧ Ety/NEL | |||||||
cebir | ← ceber | ✧ Ety/KEPER | |||||||
cebir | ← ceber | ✧ EtyAC/KEPER | |||||||
ceif | ← cef | ✧ Ety/KEM | |||||||
cyry | ← curu | ✧ EtyAC/KUR | |||||||
Dein | ← Dân | ✧ Ety/NDAN | |||||||
Duil | “hills” | [← dôl] | ✧ SM/225 | ||||||
Duil | “hills” | [← dôl] | ✧ TI/268 | ||||||
dylt | ← dolt | ✧ Ety/NDOL | |||||||
dȳr | “lands” | [← dôr] | ✧ PE22/38 | ||||||
†dy̆r | “lands” | [← dôr] | ✧ PE22/38 | ||||||
dúvin | ← dúven | ✧ EtyAC/NDŪ | |||||||
Elidh | ← Eledh | ✧ Ety/ELED | |||||||
elidh | [← Eledh] | ✧ Ety/LÁYAK | |||||||
eithil | [← eithel] | ✧ SM/323 | |||||||
emelin | ← amalen | ✧ EtyAC/SMAL | |||||||
erig | ← ereg | ✧ Ety/ERÉK | |||||||
eregdes | ← eregdos | ✧ EtyAC/ERÉK | |||||||
feles | ← falas | ✧ Ety/PHAL | |||||||
fîr | “mortal men” | [← feir¹] | ✧ Ety/KHIL | ||||||
fîr | “mortals” | ← feir | ✧ Ety/PHIR | ||||||
fili | ← fela | ✧ Ety/PHÉLEG | |||||||
†ferin | ← †fêr | ✧ Ety/BERÉTH | |||||||
filig | ← fileg | ✧ Ety/PHILIK | |||||||
gíl | ← geil | ✧ Ety/GIL | |||||||
gil | “stars” | [← geil] | ✧ Ety/OT | ||||||
geleidh | ← golodh | ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD | |||||||
geleidh | [← Golodh] | ✧ PE21/57 | |||||||
Geleidh | “Gnomes” | [← Golodh] | ✧ PE21/57 | ||||||
Gelydh | “Gnomes” | [← Golodh] | ✧ PE21/57 | ||||||
gwedeir | ← gwador | ✧ Ety/TOR | |||||||
gwethil | ← gwathel | ✧ Ety/THEL | |||||||
guin | ← gwaun | ✧ Ety/WA-N | |||||||
gwîn | ← gwein | ✧ Ety/WIN | |||||||
hebeid | ← habad | ✧ Ety/SKYAP | |||||||
herfin | ← harfen | ✧ EtyAC/KHYAR | |||||||
hervin | ← harven | ✧ EtyAC/KHYAR | |||||||
heleth | ← ?halath | ✧ EtyAC/SKEL | |||||||
hint/hinn | ← hent/henn | ✧ Ety/KHEN-D-E | |||||||
hîn | ← hên | ✧ Ety/KHEN-D-E | |||||||
iui | ← iau | ✧ EtyAC/YAB | |||||||
lelvin | ← lalven | ✧ Ety/ÁLAM | |||||||
lelwin | “elm-tree” | ← lhalwen | ✧ Ety/LÁLAM | ||||||
meil | ← mâl | ✧ Ety/SMAL | |||||||
mely | ← mâl | ✧ Ety/SMAL | |||||||
mellyrn | ← mallorn | ✧ TI/233 | |||||||
mellyrn | ← mallorn | ✧ TII/mallorn | |||||||
Meldir | “friends” | [← meldir] | ✧ RS/452 | ||||||
Mellyn | “friends” | [← mellon] | ✧ RS/452 | ||||||
Mellyn | “friends” | [← mellon] | ✧ RSI/Mellyn | ||||||
Mellyn | ← Mellon | ✧ TI/181 | |||||||
nuig | ← naug | ✧ EtyAC/NAUK | |||||||
Nauglin | ← naugol | ✧ Ety/NAUK | |||||||
nui | ← naw | ✧ Ety/NOWO | |||||||
neweg | ← nawag | ✧ Ety/NAUK | |||||||
neweig | ← nawag | ✧ EtyAC/NAUK | |||||||
newaig | ← nawag | ✧ EtyAC/NAUK | |||||||
neweg | ← nawag | ✧ EtyAC/NAUK | |||||||
Neweg | “The Stunted” | [← Nawag] | ✧ LR/274 | ||||||
Neweg | “The Stunted” | [← Nawag] | ✧ LRI/Neweg | ||||||
Nelig | “teeth” | [← neleg] | ✧ WR/113 | ||||||
nîn | ← nen | ✧ Ety/NEN | |||||||
dœrœin/deren | ← doron | ✧ Ety/DÓRON | |||||||
hnyf | “noose, snare” | ← hniof/hnuif | ✧ Ety/SNEW | ||||||
elei | “dream” | ← ôl | ✧ Ety/ÓLOS | ||||||
yrch | ← orch | ✧ Ety/ÓROK | |||||||
†yrchy | [← orch] | ✧ EtyAC/ÓROK | |||||||
erch | [← orch] | ✧ EtyAC/ÓROK | |||||||
eirch/erch | “goblins” | ← orch | ✧ LR/406 | ||||||
yrch | “Orcs” | [← orch] | ✧ TI/229 | ||||||
yrch | “Orcs” | ← orch | ✧ TII/Orcs | ||||||
yrn | ← orn | ✧ Ety/ÓR-NI | |||||||
ern | [← orn] | ✧ EtyAC/ORO | |||||||
yrn | ← orn | ✧ SD/302 | |||||||
Ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ Ety/LUG² | ||||||
ered | ← orod | ✧ Ety/ÓROT | |||||||
Ered | [← orod] | ✧ LR/298 | |||||||
ered | [← orod] | ✧ PE22/41 | |||||||
†œrœid | [← orod] | ✧ PE22/41 | |||||||
ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ TI/124 | ||||||
Ered | “mountains” | [← orod] | ✧ TI/124 | ||||||
pein | ← pân | ✧ Ety/PAN | |||||||
perf | ← parf | ✧ Ety/PAR | |||||||
perf | [← parf] | ✧ EtyAC/PAR | |||||||
peli | ← pêl | ✧ Ety/PEL(ES) | |||||||
pinn | ← penn | ✧ PE22/67 | |||||||
penidh | ← penedh | ✧ Ety/KWEN(ED) | |||||||
pŷd | ← pôd | ✧ Ety/POTŌ | |||||||
†rhengy | ← rhanc | ✧ Ety/RAK | |||||||
rhenc | ← rhanc | ✧ Ety/RAK | |||||||
rhui | ← rhaw | ✧ Ety/RAW | |||||||
rhofel | ← rhofal | ✧ Ety/RAM | |||||||
seleb | ← salab | ✧ Ety/SALÁK | |||||||
sui | ← saw | ✧ Ety/SAB | |||||||
teil | ← tâl | ✧ Ety/TAL | |||||||
teil | “foot” | [← tâl] | ✧ TAI/150 | ||||||
teleif | ← talaf | ✧ Ety/TAL | |||||||
tilch | ← telch | ✧ Ety/TÉLEK | |||||||
telei | ← tele | ✧ Ety/TELES | |||||||
thelyn | ← thalion | ✧ Ety/STÁLAG | |||||||
thelei | ← thêl | ✧ Ety/THEL | |||||||
muinthil | ← muinthel | ✧ Ety/THEL | |||||||
thuin | ← thaun | ✧ Ety/THŌN | |||||||
#Thuin | [← thaun] | ✧ TI/420 | |||||||
therein | ← thoron | ✧ Ety/THOR | |||||||
tyll | ← toll | ✧ Ety/TOL² | |||||||
†terein | ← †tôr | ✧ Ety/TOR | |||||||
muindyr | ← muindor | ✧ Ety/TOR | |||||||
tylys | ← tulus | ✧ Ety/TYUL | |||||||
Rewinion | “of the hunters” | [← rewinion] | genitive | ✧ SM/225 | |||||
Mbelain | “Gods” | [← Balan] | nasal-mutation b-mutation | ✧ Ety/KIRIK | |||||
Chelerdain | [← #calardan] | nasal-mutation c-mutation | ✧ WR/388 | ||||||
i·nnýr | “the lands” | ← dór | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE22/33 | |||||
i·nnýr | “the lands” | ← dór | nasal-mutation d-mutation | ✧ PE22/36 | |||||
†i·Ngœlœiđ | [← Golodh] | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE22/41 | ||||||
i·Ngeleð | [← Golodh] | nasal-mutation g-mutation | ✧ PE22/41 | ||||||
i ngweið | “the bonds” | ← gwaeð | nasal-mutation gw-mutation | ✧ PE22/32 | |||||
i·mmeir | ← bár | nasal-mutation mb-mutation | ✧ PE22/35 | ||||||
ndíw | [← tew] | nasal-mutation nd-mutation | ✧ TI/182 | ||||||
nGeleidh | “Gnomes” | [← Golodh] | nasal-mutation ng-mutation | ✧ LR/201 | |||||
Ngoelaidh | “Noldoli” | [← Golodh] | nasal-mutation ng-mutation | ✧ SM/77 | |||||
i-phinn | “the Elves” | ← penn | nasal-mutation p-mutation | ✧ PE22/67 | |||||
ithail | “the feet” | [← tâl] | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ PE22/67 | |||||
thíw | “signs” | [← tew] | nasal-mutation t-mutation | ✧ TI/182 | |||||
kambaio | [← cam] | old-genitive | ✧ PE21/60 | ||||||
derio | [← †dîr] | old-genitive | ✧ PE21/60 | ||||||
derion | [← †dîr] | old-genitive | ✧ PE21/60 | ||||||
lais | [← lhass] | soft-mutation | ✧ PM/135 | ||||||
welein | [← Balan] | soft-mutation b-mutation | ✧ Ety/LEP | ||||||
ledin | “field[s]” | [← #lhad] | soft-mutation lh-mutation | ✧ TI/114 | |||||
duir | “kings” | ← taur | soft-mutation t-mutation | ✧ EtyAC/LEP | |||||
dirien | “towers” | [← #tirion] | soft-mutation t-mutation | ✧ Ety/LUG² |
Element In
ᴱN. plural nouns grammar.
References ✧ PE13/121-124, 138
G. plural nouns grammar.
References ✧ GG/10, 13, 15; PE13/113