N. genitive grammar.

N. genitive grammar.

Examples (genitive)
Rewinion “of the hunters” [← rewinion] plural Duil Rewinion ✧ SM/225

Element In

ᴱN. genitive grammar.

G. genitive grammar.

Examples (genitive)
celeb ← celeb ✧ GG/12
a·geleb ← celeb ✧ GG/12
celba ← celeb ✧ GG/12
Eglon [← Egla] ✧ PE15/23
gadwethu [← gadweth] redhin gedweth’ ar gadwethu ✧ GL/38
glôn ← glâ ✧ GL/39
glôn ← glâ glonthen ✧ GL/40
glora ← glôr ✧ GG/12
a’lor ← glôr ✧ GG/12
guilan ← †gôl ✧ PE13/117
golt ← gul ✧ PE13/117
guilan ← †gôl ✧ PE13/117
guilan ← †gôl ✧ PE13/117
gwega [← gweg] gwega nert ✧ GG/15
oirba ← urf ✧ PE13/116
nôsa ← nôs ged nôsa u ✧ GL/61
suila [← suil] nôbi i·mab ’len suila ontha ✧ GG/11
-wint ← -wi ✧ GG/11
a·walim ← gwa·lim (class-plural) class-plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
lepthon ← leptha declension-B ✧ GG/13
comon ← coma declension-B ✧ GG/13
a·goma ← comon (genitive) declension-B ✧ GG/13
a·goman ← coma declension-B ✧ GG/13
brindin ← brindi declension-C ✧ GG/14
brindi ← brindin (genitive) declension-C ✧ GG/14
culon ← culu declension-C ✧ GG/14
culu ← culon (genitive) declension-C ✧ GG/14
urthon ← urthu declension-C ✧ GG/14
urthu ← urthon (genitive) declension-C ✧ GG/14
gwilthin ← gwilthi declension-C ✧ GG/14
cuo ←  declension-D ✧ GG/14
cûn ←  declension-D ✧ GG/14
fio ←  declension-D ✧ GG/14
fîn ←  declension-D ✧ GG/14
gwân ← gwâ declension-D ✧ GG/14
rôn ←  declension-D ✧ GG/14
gedweth’ ← gedweth elided redhin gedweth’ ar gadwethu ✧ GL/38
Gwal(a)thon [← Gwala] plural ✧ GL/44
gwal(o)thon [← Gwala] plural ✧ PE15/8
celebion ← celeb plural ✧ GG/12
a·gelebin ← celeb plural ✧ GG/12
celbion ← celeb plural ✧ GG/12
a·gelebion ← celeb plural ✧ GG/12
Eglathon [← Egla] plural ✧ PE15/23
glorion ← glôr plural ✧ GG/12
a’lorin ← glôr plural ✧ GG/12
go’lora ← glôr plural ✧ GG/12
gylt ← gul plural ✧ PE13/117
guilain ← guilan (genitive) plural ✧ PE13/117
guilant ← guilan (genitive) plural ✧ PE13/117
hirilion “ladies” [← hiril] plural ôni cailthi mabir gleni nan·hirilion ✧ GG/11
lassion [← lass] plural dodri·lassion ✧ GL/30
mabion “hands” [← mab] plural i·fast·a·mabion ✧ GL/34
Nauglithon “of the Dwarves” [← naugli] plural Fring na Nauglithon ✧ LT2A/Nauglafring
palthaion [← paltha] plural pant palthaion ✧ GL/63
cwention [← cwent] plural i band cwention laithi ✧ GG/12
taithron [← taith] plural pant taithron ✧ GL/63
Turion ← Tur plural Turion·Tur ✧ GG/15
lepthath ← leptha plural declension-B ✧ GG/13
lepthathon ← lepthath (genitive plural) plural declension-B ✧ GG/13
lepthaion ← lepthain (plural) plural declension-B ✧ GG/13
comathon ← comon (genitive) plural declension-B ✧ GG/13
a·gomath ← comon (genitive) plural declension-B ✧ GG/13
brindithon ← brindin (genitive) plural declension-C ✧ GG/14
culuthon ← culon (genitive) plural declension-C ✧ GG/14
culwion ← culon (genitive) plural declension-C ✧ GG/14
urthúion ← urthon (genitive) plural declension-C ✧ GG/14
gwithithon ← gwilthin (genitive) plural declension-C ✧ GG/14
cuion ←  plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
cuthon ← cuth (plural) plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
fithon ←  plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
glân ← glâ plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
glothon ← glâ plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
glathon ← glath (plural) plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
gwathon ← gwâ plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
ruthon ← rôn (genitive) plural declension-D ✧ GG/14
a·ngolui ← †gôl soft-mutation dual ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
i·ngolui ← †gôl soft-mutation dual ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
na·ngolui ← †gôl soft-mutation dual ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
dalwint “feet” [← tâl] soft-mutation dual t-mutation i·waneth na·dalwint gloss an Idril ✧ GG/11
a·nguilan ← †gôl soft-mutation ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
i·nguilan ← †gôl soft-mutation ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
na·nguilan ← †gôl soft-mutation ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
Vanion “of ... Valar” [← Ban¹] soft-mutation plural b-mutation i·walt na Vanion ✧ GL/44
gwention [← cwent] soft-mutation plural c-mutation ✧ GG/12
’othwenion [← gothwen] soft-mutation plural g-mutation û gwilthi – gwilm ’othwenion ✧ GL/45
#walion [← Gwala] soft-mutation plural gw-mutation cod·walion ✧ GL/26
Ngoldathon [← Golda] soft-mutation plural ng-mutation i·Lam na·Ngoldathon “Goldogrin” di Sacthoðrin ✧ GL/17
a·nguilt ← †gôl soft-mutation plural ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
i·nguilt ← †gôl soft-mutation plural ng-mutation ✧ PE13/117
na·nguilt ← †gôl soft-mutation plural ng-mutation i·lam na·Nguilt ✧ PE13/117

References ✧ GG/10-12, 15


Element In