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ᴱQ. aiqasse n. “precipice” (Category: Slope, Cliff)

A noun appearing as ᴱQ. aiqasse “precipice” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, a noun formation from ᴱQ. aiqa “steep” appearing nearby (QL/29). Since ᴹQ. aiqa “steep” continued to appear in Tolkien’s later writings (Ety/AYAK), perhaps this word can be salvaged for Neo-Quenya writing as ᴺQ. aiquassë.

Reference ✧ QL/29 ✧ “precipice”


aiqa “steep, tall; high, lofty, sublime; chief” ✧ QL/29
#-sse² “abstract noun” ✧ QL/29 (#-sse)