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ᴹQ. an(ner) adv. “at hand” (Category: Near)

ᴹQ. an(ner), adv. “at hand” (Category: Near)

A word glossed “at hand” in the phrases Es sorni heruion an “the Eagles of the Lords are at hand” and Sorni Númevalion anner “the Eagles of the Powers of the West are at hand” (SD/290). Luinyelle suggested anner might be a plural past tense of anya- “arrive”, so that 2nd phrase might actually mean “*the Eagles of the Powers of the West arrived”. This is consistent with the Adûnaic form of the phrase: Ad. narîka ’nBâri ’nAdûn yanâkhim (SD/251), where the last word in the phrase appears to be a form of the verb: nakh- “come”, so that yanâkhim = “*are coming”.

References ✧ SD/290



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