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ᴱQ. solto- v. “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)” (Category: Wave, Surge)

⚠️ᴱQ. solto-, v. “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)” (Category: Wave, Surge)
ᴺQ. ^solta- “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)”

A verb in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s appearing as ᴱQ. solto- “wave, heave, surge (up and down)”, a derivative of the root ᴱ√SOLO (QL/39).

Neo-Quenya: I think this word can be salvaged as ᴺQ. solta- as a derivative of the later root ᴹ√SOL, as suggested in Ales Bican’s New Words (ABNW) from the early 2000s.

Reference ✧ QL/85 ✧ “wave, heave, surge (up and down)”


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√SOLO > solto- [solto-] ✧ QL/85