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ᴺQ. !únut- v. “to untie” (Category: to Bind)

ᴺQ. !únut-, v. “to untie” (Category: to Bind)

A neologism coined by Paul Strack in 2018 specifically for Eldamo, a negation of [ᴹQ.] nut- “to tie”. Helge Fauskanger had ᴺQ. avanut- for “untie” in his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT), but the prefix ava- means refusal or forbiddance, so I think the connotation is wrong.


Q. ú- “no, not, un-, in-; hard, difficult, bad, uneasy; hardly, with difficulty, ‘badly’”
ᴹQ. #nut- “to tie”

ᴺQ. !avanut- v. “to untie” (Category: to Bind)

See ᴺQ. !únut- for discussion.


Q. ava-² “negation (refusing or forbidden)”
ᴹQ. #nut- “to tie”