ᴺQ. !yullas (yullass-) n. “tea” (Category: Food (Other))
A neologism for “tea” coined by Tamas Ferencz, a combination of yul- “drink” and lassë “leaf”; compare G. suithlas “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf”.
Q. yul- | “to drink” |
Q. lassë | “leaf” |
ᴱQ. tyé n. “tea” (Category: Food (Other))
A word for “tea” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, clearly a loan word from some mortal language, though the path of transmission isn’t clear (QL/49). European words for “tea” are generally based on either Mandarin ch’a via Portuguese or Amoy t’e (a Chinese dialect) via Dutch, becoming in English “chai” or “tea” respectively.
Reference ✧ QL/49 ✧ “tea”