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ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celu n. “source, origin” (Category: Cause, Reason)

ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celu, n. “source, origin” [created by Paul Strack] (Category: Cause, Reason)
ᴺQ. !celwë “spring, source”
See ᴱQ. qelu for discussion.

Element In



ᴱQ. qelu n. “well, spring, source” (Category: Spring, Well)

A noun appearing as ᴱQ. qelu “well, spring, source” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, derived from the root ᴱ√QEL+U, a variant of ᴱ√KELU (QL/76). It also appeared with the gloss “well, spring” in the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/76).

Neo-Quenya: Related words ᴱQ. qelume “source, origin” and ᴱQ. qeluva “original” indicate this word could be used for the “source” of things beyond just water. As such, I think this word might be salvaged in Neo-Quenya as ᴺQ. celu “source, origin”, from the later root √KELU. The form quel- can’t be retained, as this means “fade” in Tolkien’s later writings, and the abstract form celumë can’t be used, as this means “flowing”.

References ✧ PME/76; QL/76


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Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√QEL+U > qelu [kʷelū] > [kʷelu] ✧ QL/76

ᴱQ. qelume n. “source, origin” (Category: Cause, Reason)

References ✧ PME/76; QL/76



qelu “well, spring, source” ✧ QL/76
#-me “abstract noun” ✧ QL/76 (#-me)