Ad. Kadō zigūrun zabathān {hunekkū >>} unekkū “and so ‽ humbled he-came”

Ad. Kadō zigūrun zabathān {hunekkū >>} unekkū “and so ‽ humbled he-came”

Lament of Akallabêth (first draft) [Next Phrase >]

The first draft of the 1st phrase of the Lament of Akallabêth (SD/311), differing only from the the final version in its use of the verb (h)unekkū for later unakkha. In the draft, Tolkien changed the 3rd-person singular masculine suffix in this sentence from hu- to u- as he vacillated over the proper form of this inflection.

Reference ✧ SD/311 ✧ “and so ‽ humbled he-came”



kadô “and so” ✧ SD/311 (Kadō)
Zigûr “Sauron” draft-subjective ✧ SD/311 (zigūrun)
zabathân “humbled” ✧ SD/311 (zabathān)
#nakh- “to come” 3rd-sg-masc past ✧ SD/311 (unekkū)

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