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Q. fanwë n. “vapour, steam” (Category: Mist, Fog, Haze)

Q. fanwë, eD5nR n. “vapour, steam” (Category: Mist, Fog, Haze)
ᴺQ. !hwestalauca “vapour”
ᴺQ. !hwestalaucata- “to vapourize”

A word for “vapour, steam” in some 1957 notes, derived from the same root √PHAN that is the basis for Q. fanya “cloud” (NM/237).

Reference ✧ NM/237 ✧ “vapour, steam”


Phonetic Developments

phan > fanwë [pʰanwe] > [ɸanwe] > [fanwe] ✧ NM/237