S. final [l], [r] usually became syllabic; [-C{lr}] > [-Co{lr}]
In both Sindarin and Noldorin, a final [l] or [r] after a consonant usually became syllabic, and developed into [-ol] and [-or] respectively, as noted by David Salo (GS/§4.192). There are a large number of examples in both Sindarin and Noldorin:
There are also examples where this sound change did not occur:
The last two examples are part of 1969 notes where Tolkien indicated the full development of -or/-ol occurred only in North Sindarin, and in other Sindarin dialects remained as syllabic ṛ/ḷ (or perhaps -ǝr/-ǝl). This mean represent a reversion back to the system of the 1910s and 20s (see below).
There are a couple more examples where it seems the vowel that developed was not [o]:
Here it is more difficult to guess Tolkien’s thinking. Perhaps this represents some kind of earlier metathesis of liquids and vowels, such as: idrē > *ider > idher.
Conceptual Developments: The analysis of these changes in the early stages of the language are complicated by the fact that syllabic [ḷ] and [ṛ] were ordinary vowels in the Primitive Elvish of the 1910s and 1920s. There are also quite a few examples where a final [l] or [r] did not develop a vowel after another consonant in the Early Period:
Thus, it seems that in most cases a syllabic final [-ḷ] or [-ṛ] simply remained in the Gnomish and Early Noldorin versions of the language from the 1910s and 1920s.
Order (07200)
After | 00100 | initial nasals vanished before stops | ON. ndakro > dagr > N. dagor | Ety/NDAK |
After | 00900 | voiced stops became spirants after vowels | ᴹ✶ubrā > ofr (ovr) > N. ovor | Ety/UB |
After | 02400 | short final vowels vanished | ✶ū̆k’la > ogl > ᴸN. ogol | PE18/88 |
After | 02800 | voiceless stops voiced after vowels | ✶ū̆k’la > ogl > ᴸN. ogol | PE18/88 |
After | 04500 | nasals vanished before spirantal clusters | ✶tanklā > tankla > tachl > ᴸN. tachol | PE18/100 |
After | 06500 | non-initial [m] usually became [v] | ᴹ✶tamrō > tafr > N. tavor | Ety/TAM |
After | 06700 | [mm] shortened | ᴹ√G-LAM > glambr > glamr > N. glamor | Ety/GLAM |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
> |
Phonetic Rule Examples
naθl > naθol | -Cl > -Col | ✶nathlo > S. nathal | ✧ PE17/141 |
ogl > ogol | -Cl > -Col | ✶oklō > S. ogl | ✧ PE17/142 |
ogl > ogol | -Cl > -Col | √OKO > S. ogol | ✧ PE17/149 |
ogl > ogol | -Cl > -Col | ‽✶UKLA > S. ogl | ✧ PE17/149 |
ogl > ogol | -Cl > -Col | ✶oklā > S. ogol | ✧ PE17/170 |
ogl > ogol | -Cl > -Col | ✶ū̆k’la > ogl > ᴸN. ogol | ✧ PE18/88 |
oθl > oθol | -Cl > -Col | ✶Oþlō > S. Othol | ✧ PE17/141 |
tagl > tagol | -Cl > -Col | !✶takala > S. #dagol | ✧ VT42/8 |
taxl > taxol | -Cl > -Col | ✶tanklā > tankla > tachl > ᴸN. tachol | ✧ PE18/100 |
taxl > taxol | -Cl > -Col | ✶tanklă > S. tachl | ✧ PE23/137 |
ygl > ygil | -Cl > -Col | ✶okli > S. ygil | ✧ PE17/142 |
dagr > dagor | -Cr > -Cor | √ndak- > S. dagor | ✧ SA/dagor |
megr > megor | -Cr > -Cor | ✶mikrā > S. megr | ✧ WJ/337 |
sadr > sador | -Cr > -Cor | ✶satrā > S. sador | ✧ PE17/183 |
N. final [l], [r] usually became syllabic; [-C{lr}] > [-Co{lr}]
Order (06200)
After | 00100 | initial nasals vanished before stops | ON. ndakro > dagr > N. dagor | Ety/NDAK |
After | 00900 | voiced stops became spirants after vowels | ᴹ✶ubrā > ofr (ovr) > N. ovor | Ety/UB |
After | 02100 | short final vowels vanished | ᴹ✶akrā
agr > N. agor ᴹ√MAK > magl > N. magol |
Ety/AK Ety/MAK |
After | 02400 | voiceless stops voiced after vowels | ᴹ✶akrā > agr > N. agor | Ety/AK |
After | 03800 | nasals vanished before spirantal clusters | ᴹ✶tankla > tachl > N. tachol | Ety/TAK |
After | 05300 | non-initial [m] usually became [v] | ᴹ✶tamrō > tafr > N. tavor | Ety/TAM |
After | 06000 | [mm] shortened | ᴹ√G-LAM > glambr > glamr > N. glamor | Ety/GLAM |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
> |
> |
Phonetic Rule Examples
magl > magol | -Cl > -Col | ᴹ√MAK > magl > N. magol | ✧ Ety/MAK |
naugl > naugol | -Cl > -Col | ᴹ√NAU̯K > N. naugol | ✧ Ety/NAUK |
taxl > taxol | -Cl > -Col | ᴹ✶tankla > tachl > N. tachol | ✧ Ety/TAK |
tegl > tegol | -Cl > -Col | ᴹ✶tekla > tegl > N. tegol | ✧ Ety/TEK |
agr > agor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶akrā > agr > N. agor | ✧ Ety/AK |
baðr > baðor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶bad- > N. badhor | ✧ Ety/BAD |
baxr > baxor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√MBAKH > N. bachor | ✧ Ety/MBAKH |
dagr > dagor | -Cr > -Cor | ON. ndakro > dagr > N. dagor | ✧ Ety/NDAK |
gadr > gador | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√GAT(H) > gadr > N. gador | ✧ Ety/GAT(H) |
glamr > glamor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√G-LAM > glambr > glamr > N. glamor | ✧ Ety/GLAM |
hadr > hador | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√KHAT > N. hador | ✧ Ety/KHAT |
kabr > kabor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√KAP > cabr > N. cabor | ✧ Ety/KAP |
lobr > lobor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√LOP > N. lobor | ✧ EtyAC/LOP |
naðr > naðor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ√NAD > N. naðor | ✧ Ety/NAD |
naðr > naðor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶nyadrō > naðr > ON. naðor | ✧ EtyAC/NYAD |
ovr > ovor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶ubrā > ofr (ovr) > N. ovor | ✧ Ety/UB |
taθr > taθor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶tatharē > tathrē > N. tathor | ✧ Ety/TATHAR |
tavr > tavor | -Cr > -Cor | ᴹ✶tamrō > tafr > N. tavor | ✧ Ety/TAM |
iðr > iðer | -iCr > -iCer | ᴹ✶idrē > N. idher | ✧ Ety/ID |