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ᴺQ. !asahanyë [þ] adv. “understandably, of course, (lit.) easily understood” (Category: to Understand)

ᴺQ. !asahanyë [þ], `C3Dd#5Ì$ adv. “understandably, of course, (lit.) easily understood” [created by Tamas Ferencz, Paul Strack] (Category: to Understand)

A neologism coined by Tamas Ferencz as asahanya, a combination of as(a)- “easy” and [ᴹQ.] hanya- “to understand”. I think it should be asahanyë with a final ë, following the example asalastë “easily heard” based on the verb lasta- “listen”.


Q. as(a)- “easily”
ᴹQ. hanya- “to understand, know about, be skilled in dealing with”