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Q. #náma² n. “thing” (Category: Thing)

⚠️Q. #náma², n. “thing” (Category: Thing)
Q. nat “thing, [ᴹQ.] object”

A word for a “thing” in notes from 1969, likely a combination of ná- “be” and the instrumental suffix -ma, appearing in the phrase eleni námaron anírime “stars are the most beautiful of (created) things”. In the translation of the phrase Tolkien put a parenthetical “created” before the gloss “things”, but I don’t think he intended to imply that this was part of the meaning of the word, but rather a sense omitted from the Quenya phrase.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would stick to the better attested nat “thing”.

References ✧ PE23/133


námaron genitive plural “things” ✧ PE23/133


ná- “to be”
-ma “instrumental”

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