Q. genitive grammar.

Q. genitive grammar.

The Quenya genitive is formed with the suffix -o and is roughly equivalent to the English preposition “of”. Tolkien talked about the circumstances in which the genitive would be used at some length in his Quendi and Eldar essay written in the 1960s, mostly comparing it to the possessive case (WJ/368-369):

This was the source of the most used “genitive” inflexion of Quenya. Properly it was used partitively, or to describe the source or origin, not as a “possessive”, or adjectivally to describe qualities; but naturally this “derivative genitive” (as English of) could be used in many circumstances that might have possessive or adjectival implications, though “possession” was indicated by the adjectival suffix -va, or (especially in general descriptions) by a “loose compound”. Thus “Oromë’s horn” was róma Oroméva (if it remained in his possession); Oromë róma would mean “an Oromë horn”, sc. one of Oromë’s horns (if he had more than one); but róma Oromëo meant “a horn coming from Oromë”, e.g. as a gift, in circumstances where the recipient, showing the gift with pride, might say “this is Oromë’s horn”. If he said “this was Oromë’s horn”, he would say Oroméva. Similarly lambe Eldaron would not be used for “the language of the Eldar” (unless conceivably in a case where the whole language was adopted by another people), which is expressed either by Elda-lambe or lambe Eldaiva.

There remained naturally many cases where either possessive-adjectival or partitive-derivative genitives might be used, and the tendency to prefer the latter, or to use them in place of the former, increased. Thus alkar Oromëo or alkar Oroméva could be used for “the splendour of Oromë”, though the latter was proper in a description of Oromë as he permanently was, and the former of his splendour as seen at the moment (proceeding from him) or at some point in a narrative. “The Kings of the Eldar” might be either i arani Eldaron or i arani Eldaive, though the former would mean if accurately used “those among the Eldar who were kings” and the latter “those (kings) in a particular assembly who were Elvish”. In such expressions as “Elwe, King of the Sindar (people), or Doriath (country)” the derivative form was usual: Elwe, Aran Sindaron, or Aran Lestanórëo.

As indicated above, the suffix -o was principally a “partitive-derivative” genitive, whose two main functions were to (a) indicate that one thing originated from another (róma Oromëo = “a horn coming from Oromë”) or one thing was a constituent of another (i arani Eldaron = “those among the Eldar who were kings”). As further examples, consider: Atan Númeno “Man of [from] the West” and macil ango “sword [made] of iron”.

Originally the o-genitive was not used to describe possession or permanent attributes (adjectives): this was the function of the possessive (or possessive-adjectival) suffix -va. However, as noted above, the line between the two inflections has blurred. Tolkien said this blurring is characteristic of “modern” Quenya (Tarquesta), so presumably Classical Quenya (Parmaquesta) is more strict:

Also the use of the ablative-genitive as a possessive or adjectival genitive in ómaryo, Vardo while miruvóreva is adjectival where the partitive use of ablative vóreo would have been more classical (PE17/76).

Hence in the Namárië poem, Vardo tellumar “Varda’s halls” would in Classical Quenya have been a proper possessive Vardava tellumar, and yuldar miruvóreva “draughts of mead” would have been a proper partitive genitive yuldar miruvóreo. Many Neo-Quenya writers use -va only for possessives (’s) and use the genitive -o anywhere else English might use “of”. Of course even in English the two are ambiguous: “the soldier’s sword” and “the sword of the soldier” mean almost the same thing.

The genitive for larger phrases: When a larger noun phrase is inflected in the genitive, the last word is in the phrase receives the genitive suffix, following the “last declinable word” rule. In most cases, the “last word” is a noun, but in some cases it is an adjective, which is then declined using the normal genitive suffixes for nouns:

The second example is especially interesting, because the adjective is declined as a genitive plural noun rather than a plural adjective (though in the text where it originally appeared, sindar is giving as the plural adjective form rather than the more usual sinde).

The genitive and definiteness: The genitive can have some complicated interactions with the definite article. See the entry on definiteness and the genitive/possessive for further details.

Forming the genitive: The basic genitive suffix is -o, which is added directly to both vocalic and consonantal nouns. In the case of (rare) nouns ending in -o, the genitive suffix merges with the final vowel, and there is no distinction between the genitive and the unmarked noun: see the title Indis i·Kiryamo “The Mariner’s Wife” (UT/8), where the genitive is indistinguishable from the uninflected form kiryamo “mariner”. Likewise, for genitive nouns (or adjectives) ending in -a, the final -a becomes -o, as in nominative cirya vs. genitive ciryo (Plotz). This is because [ae], [ao] generally became [ē], [ō] in Quenya, so ✶kiryā-ō > kiryō > ciryo.

For plurals, the plural genitive suffix -on is added to the plural noun, thus -ion for i-plurals and -ron for r-plurals, as well as -lion for partitive plurals (triggering prosodic lengthening for trisyllabic words). The n at the end of genitive plural -on was a remnant of the ancient plural suffix -m (VT47/10). This addition of n in plural genitives was a comparatively late construction with archaic †lassio becoming lassion (WJ/407); thus this n may have been borrowed from the locative and ablative inflections. The dual simply adds the genitive -o suffix to the dual form (-t or -u).

To summarize:

Genitives Sg. Du. Part. Pl. Pl.
vocalic: cirya ciryo ciryato ciryalion ciryaron
e-noun: lasse lasseo lasseto lasselion lassion
consonantal: atan atano atanuo atallion atanion

The consonantal dual form -uo is attested in a deleted honorific dual suffix -táruo (PE17/58).

Note that nouns with er-plurals (those ending in -ie and -le) would form their genitive plural with -eron, often with prosodic lengthening: tyaliéron “of the plays”. However, there are examples of e-nouns that form their genitive plural with -eron rather than the expected -ion for no clear reason: esseron (VT42/17), Ingweron (PM/340), Wenderon (VT44/18). As discussed under plural nouns, I would treat these aberrant er-plural forms as irregular, but given their frequency they may be a competing formation (either in-universe or in Tolkien’s conception of Quenya).

The long genitive: In notes on comparison from around 1964, there is one example where a longer genitive suffix -no is used with a noun ending in -ie to avoid an awkward sequence of three short vowels: máriéno rather than márieo:

Abstracts could add an -n which appears in declension but not before possessive or adverbial suffixes. So márie || márien, genitive máriéno, dative máriéna, but máriesse (PE17/59).

In notes on the Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings from the late 1950s or early 1960s, there is an example indicating that genitive suffix -o may be added directly to a noun ending in -ie: sindiëo “of grayness” (PE17/72). For purposes of Neo-Quenya writing, I think -ieo is probably the safer option, though I believe the main stress would fall on the e in violation of the normal Quenya rules for stress: sìndiéo, mā̀riéo.

In the early 1930s, nouns ending in -ie formed their genitives with -io: tyalie became tyalio (PE21/7, 45, 47). A similar (probably) genitive form mélio appeared in a 1955 inscription to Christopher Tolkien’s copy of The Return of the King. The phonological developments leading to this form are unclear, and I think forms like sindiëo (see above) are preferable.

Superlative genitives: The genitive can be used to form “superlative” expressions in combination with the intensive prefix an-:

Here the formula elenion ancalima = “[lit.] very bright of stars” functions as a superlative: “the most bright of stars”. See the section on the comparative for further details. The partitive genitive can function as an intensifier by itself, sometimes in conjunction with mi “in” or imíca “among”:

Here the formula yénion yéni “years of years” describes a great length of time, whereas wende mi wenderon “virgin of [among] virgins” and manna mi nínaron “blessed amongst women” indicates the importance or uniqueness of the individual entity (wende) vs. the collective (wenderon).

Origins of the genitive: Tolkien described the origin of the genitive -o suffix in the Quendi and Eldar essay written around 1960, where he said it was derived from the root √HO “(coming) from”:

As a noun enclitic *-hō became , since medial h was very early lost without trace in CE. This was the source of the most used “genitive” inflexion of Quenya (WJ/368).

A similar derivation appeared in rough notes from the late 1960s, where Tolkien contrasted primitive meaning “from ... as described by a genitive” with the ancient ablative meaning “from a place within the world” (PE22/168). Unlike the dative and allative which were both derived from the same root √NA/ANA “to, towards”, the genitive was only semantically similar to the ablative suffix -llo. Nevertheless, it can be considered a more abstract version of that suffix: “originating from” vs. “moving away from”, in much the same way that the dative can be considered a more abstract allative.

Tolkien also described the origin of the genitive in Common Eldarin: Noun Structure from the 1950s, where he gave the origin of its plural form:

Partitive ō. This was used in all the Eldarin languages, but in CE probably remained still an enclitic particle or “postposition” not included in the flexional system. Later it tended to replace other genitival inflexions or syntactic arrangements, and become a general genitive (like Romance “de”) — in plural nouns, or nouns denoting materials or groups: as, e.g. water, people. Only in Q. did it become used with all singular nouns (owing to the abandonment of n-genitives because of their coalescence with the Q. “allative”). In Q. consequently it was also pluralized by the addition of m. So CE gondōij·ō “of rocks” to Primitive Quenya ʒondōijōm, AQ ondoion ... ō was prepositional in origin. Its most ancient form was probably ʒō̆ surviving in Telerin preposition ho “from” (PE21/78).

In this quote, the genitive is derived from ʒō, and Tolkien gave a similar ancient origin for the genitive -o in The Etymologies from the 1930s (Ety/ƷŌ̆). The change of primitive ʒō in the 1930s-50s to in the 1960s is more a reflection on Tolkien’s vacillation on the isolated form of the primitive velar spirant (voiced [ɣ] vs. unvoiced [x]) than a genuine conceptual shift on Tolkien’s part regarding the origin of -o.

Conceptual Development: In Tolkien’s earliest writings from the 1910s, the genitive seems to be formed with the suffix -(t)a:

The -ta suffixes might instead be the partitive; hat-tip to Magradhaid for this suggestion.

In the Gnomish Grammar written shortly after this, Tolkien said that the genitive suffix was -o (PE11/10). In the Early Qenya Grammar (EQG) from the 1920s, the suffix was -o for consonantal nouns and -n for vocalic nouns, with plural form -(l)ion and dual -qint (PE14/73, 76):

Genitives Sg. Du. Pl.
vocalic: pelko pelkon pelqint pelkolion
consonantal: hen hendo henqint hendion

In declension charts from later in the 1920s, Tolkien applied the -o suffix to vocalic nouns as well, with final -a becoming -o and final -o sometimes becoming -u and sometimes remaining -o; the plural forms remained the same as in EQG (PE16/111-115). The Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension (EEED) used -n for vocalic nouns but -o for consonantal, and may have been a brief restoration of the EQG paradigm (VT36/8). Tolkien had essentially the same paradigm in the lengthy Declension of Nouns document from the 1930s except (a) nouns ending in -e sometimes had genitives with -io (PE21/6) and (b) Tolkien introduced “short vocalic plurals” with a genitive plural suffix -ion (PE21/8).

In declension charts after this point, the “short vocalic plural” form became -ron as it was in Plotz, though it continued to coexist with longer -lion (PE21/42-43, 46). Finally in a declension chart from the mid-to-late 1930s the long plural dropped away, and the genitive declension became identical to those of Plotz (PE21/53): vocalic -o/-ron and e-noun -o/-ion. The same vocalic forms appear in the Bodleian Declension from around this time (VT28/8).

That is not the end of the story, though, since in the 1930s and 1940s vocalic nouns use the suffix -n for genitive singular, while consonantal nouns use -en This n-genitive was the norm for both vocalic and consonantal nouns in The Etymologies in the mid-1930s and appeared in contemporaneous drafts of The Silmarillion as well as the poem Fíriel’s Song, also from the 1930s. The n-genitive appeared in the Lament of Atalante from “The Notion Club Papers” written around 1945:

Here Ilúvatáren “of Ilúvatar” and Eldalien “of the Elves” are an n-genitive, versus later o-genitive Ilúvatáro from the 1950s (PE21/83). These n-genitives did not appear in the 1950s and 60s, so it seems the Plotz paradigm was the norm in the Late Quenya conceptual period.

The full set of conceptual developments is given in the table below, using the version numbers for the declension charts from PE16 and PE21, with version QL for declensions from the 1910s, EQG for the Early Qenya Grammar from the 1920s, MQ for the n-genitive of the 1930s and 40s and LQ for Late Quenya forms (in Plotz and elsewhere). The Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension (EEED) is inserted between versions 2 and 3, and the Bodleian Declension (BD) between versions 5c and 6, as discussed in the entry on noun cases. The introduction of new forms is indicated by bold, except for the dual which changed frequently. Sh. Pl. = “Short Plural” for those declension charts that had archaic short plurals for vocalic nouns. Starting with version 2, the e-nouns could use the consonantal plural genitive forms (-ion rather than -lion).

V Genitives Sg. Du. Pl. Sh. Pl.
QL vocalic -ta
QL consonantal -a
EQG vocalic -n -qint -lion
EQG consonantal -o -qint -ion
1 vocalic -o¹ -vint -lion
1 consonantal -o -ion
2 vocalic -o¹ -u/-ur -lion
2 consonantal -o -ion
EEED vocalic -n -u
EEED consonantal -o -u
3 vocalic -o² -u -lion
3 consonantal -o -u -ion
4 vocalic -o² -u -lion -ion
4 consonantal -o -uhta -ion
5a vocalic -o² -tu -lion -ron
5b vocalic -o¹⁺² -tu -lion -ron
5c vocalic -o¹⁺² -tu -lion -ron
5c consonantal -o/-u -(a)tu -ion
BD vocalic -o -tu -lion -ron
6 vocalic -o² -tos -ron
MQ vocalic -n -ron
MQ consonantal -en -uen -ion
LQ vocalic -o² -to -ron
LQ consonantal -o -uo -ion

¹ becoming -u in combination with final -o (and sometimes -a).
² becoming -o in combination with final -a and -o (unless otherwise specified).

Examples (genitive)
Altariello [← Altáriel] ✧ NM/353
Altariello “Galadriel’s” [← Altáriel] Altariello nainië Lóriendesse ✧ RGEO/58
atto “of 2” ← atta elen atto ✧ VT49/45
calo “light” [← cala] ú calo ✧ PE17/143
calo “light” [← cala] ú calo ✧ VT39/14
Calaciryo “of Calacirya” [← Calacirya] ar hísië untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë ✧ LotR/377
Calaciryo ← Calacirya ✧ PE17/73
Càlacíryo “of Calacirya” [← Calacirya] ar hī́sië̀ ùn-tū́pa Càlacíryo mī́ri óialè ✧ RGEO/58
Calaciryo “Kalakirya’s” [← Calacirya] ar hīsië un-tūpa Calaciryo mīri oiale ✧ RGEO/59
Calaciryo ← Calacirya ✧ RGEO/62
calmo [← calma] ú calmo ✧ PE17/144
kiryo “from some ship, of some ship” [← cirya¹] tyulma kiryo, tyulma i kiryo ✧ PE21/80
ciryō ← cirya ✧ Plotz/3
Kiryamo “Mariner’s” [← ciryamo] Indis i·Kiryamo ✧ UT/8
Eldō “Elf’s” [← Elda] Sinda Eldō ✧ PE21/77
Elenna-nóreo “of the Land of the Star” [← Elenna-nórë] Vanda sina termaruva Elenna·nóreo alcar enyalien ✧ UT/305
Elesarno “of A[ragorn]” [← Elessar] savin Elesarno quetie, savin i E[lesarno] quetie naite ✧ PE22/158
Elesarno “of A[ragorn]” [← Elessar] savin Elesarno quetie, savin i E[lesarno] quetie naite ✧ VT49/28
Eruo “The One’s” [← Eru] Oienkarmë Eruo ✧ MR/329
Eruo “*of God” [← Eru] Aire María Eruo ontaril ✧ VT43/32
Eruanno “*of grace” [← #Eruanna] Aia María quanta Eruanno ✧ VT43/28
Hristo “*of Christ” [← Hristo] {Hristo amille >>} Amille Hristo ✧ VT44/18
Ilúvataro “of Ilúvatar” [← Ilúvatar] Híni Ilúvataro ✧ SI/Children of Ilúvatar
Írildeo “of Idril” [← Irildë] Menelluin Írildeo Ondolindello ✧ TAI/193
lasseo ← lasse ✧ Plotz/13
lasseo “of a leaf” [← lassë] ✧ WJ/407
Lestanórëo “of Doriath” [← #Lestanórë] Aran Lestanórëo ✧ WJ/369
lisseo “*of grace” [← lissë²] Amille Eruva lisseo ✧ VT44/18
-elmo “exclusive form” ← -lme ✧ PE17/13
-lmo ← -lma ✧ PE17/13
-lmo ← -lma ✧ PE17/13
-lmo “of you and us” [← -lma²] ✧ PE17/135
máo ←  ✧ PE17/161
Manwëo “of Manwë” [← Manwë] Ar thúlë Manwëo etsurinye ar {Melkoro >> in indor Eld >> in Eldar >>} Eldaron indor turyaner, Sustane {i sul >>} Manwëo súle ten i indo {Sindicolluo >>} Sindicollo ar he lastane ar carnes ✧ NM/239
Mardo “*of the world” [← mar(da)] Mardorunando ✧ VT44/17
mariendo ← márien ✧ PE17/59
mélio [← #mélië] mélima yondion, lenna antanyes mélio cenwa ✧ Minor-Doc/1955-CT
Melkor [← Melkor] ✧ NM/240
Míriello “of ... Míriel” [← Míriel] Namna Finwë Míriello ✧ MR/258
neldeo “of 3” ← nelde ⇒ †elenion neldeo ✧ VT49/45
nóreo “of the land” [← nórë] Elenna-nóreo ✧ UT/305
nóreo [← nórë] ✧ UT/317
#nórëo [← nórë] Lestanórëo ✧ WJ/369
oiolossëo “from Mt. Uilos” ← Oiolosse ✧ Let/278
Oiolossëo “from Mount Everwhite” [← Oiolossë] An sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë ✧ LotR/377
Oiolossëo “of Ever-snowy” ← Oiolosse ✧ PE17/69
Óiolóssëò “from Mount Everwhite” [← Oiolossë] An sī́ Tìntálle Várda Óiolóssëò ve fányar mā́ryat Élentā́ri órtanè ✧ RGEO/58
Oio-lossëo “Ever-white-from” [← Oiolossë] An sī Varda, Tintallë, Elen-tāri ortane mā-rya-t Oio-lossëo ve fanyar ✧ RGEO/59
ómo “of the voice” [← óma] lírinen ómo i·aire tário, lírinen ómo i·aire táríva ✧ PE17/76
ómentiendo ← omentiën ✧ PE17/58
Ondóreo “of Gondor” [← Ondonórë] savin Elessar ar i náne aran Ondóreo ✧ PE22/158
Ondóreo “of Gondor” [← Ondonórë] savin Elessar ar i náne aran Ondóreo ✧ VT49/27
Oromëo “coming from Orome” ← Orome róma Oromëo ✧ WJ/368
Oromëo “of Oromë” [← Oromë] alkar Oromëo ✧ WJ/369
Ráno “of the Moon” [← Rána] imbi Menel Kemenye mene Ráno tie ✧ VT47/11
rómeno ← Rómen ✧ PE17/59
rómeo ← Róme ✧ PE17/59
romendo ← Rómen ✧ PE17/59
Rúmilo “of Rúmil” [← Rúmil] I Equessi Rúmilo ✧ WJ/398
Sindicollo [← Sindicollo] Sustane {i sul >>} Manwëo súle ten i indo {Sindicolluo >>} Sindicollo ar he lastane ar carnes ✧ NM/239
Sindicolluo [← Sindicollo] ✧ NM/240
sindiëo “of greyness” ← sindie ✧ PE17/72
-táro [← -tar] ✧ PE17/58
tário “of the queen” ← tári lírinen ómo i·aire tário ✧ PE17/76
tário [← tári] tintilar lirinen ómaryo Airë-tário ✧ PM/364
tārio “queen’s” [← tári] ōma-ryo līrinen aire-tārio ✧ RGEO/59
umbarto ← umbar ✧ NM/228
Malariando “of Beleriand” [← #Valariandë] Sindar i Eldar Malariando ✧ PE21/78
Valinóreo [← Valinórë] Yénie Valinóreo ✧ MR/200
Vardo “of Varda” [← Varda] Andúnë pella Vardo tellumar nu luini ✧ LotR/377
Vardo “Varda’s” ← Varda ✧ PE17/65
Vardo “Varda’s” [← Varda] ✧ PE17/67
Várdo “of Varda” [← Varda] Àndū́ne pélla Várdo téllumàr nu luíni ✧ RGEO/58
Vardo “Varda’s” [← Varda] Andūne pella Vardo nu luini tellumar ✧ RGEO/58
vórimo ← vórima ✧ UT/317
Vorondo “of ... the Faithful” [← voronda] ar Elendil Vorondo voronwë ✧ UT/305
Vorondo ← voronda ✧ UT/317
yeo “from who” ← ye ✧ VT47/21
fíriemmo “*of our death” [← fírië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss si ar lumesse {urtulm >> menya urt >>} i fíriemmo ✧ VT43/34
effíriemmo “*of our death” [← fírië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss sí {are >>} ar lúmesse effíriemmo ✧ VT43/34
omentielmo [← omentië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE17/130
omentielmo [← omentië] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss ✧ PE17/131
omentielmo “of our meeting” [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss elen síla lúmenn’ omentielmo ✧ Let/265
omentielvo [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss síla lúmenna omentielvo ✧ Let/425
omentielmo “of our meeting” [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ Let/447
omentielvo “of our meeting” [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ Let/447
omentielvo “of our meeting” [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo ✧ LotR/81
omentielmo “of the meeting of you and me/us” [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss elen síla lummenn(a) omentielmo ✧ PE17/13
omentielvo [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ PE17/131
omentielmo [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ RC/90
omentielvo [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ RC/90
omentielvo “of the meeting of our ways” ← o-mentie 1st-pl-inclusive-poss Elen síla lúmenna omentielvo ✧ WJ/367
omentielmo [← omentië] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ WJ/417
tengwiesto “of your (dual, of you both) reading” [← #tengwië] 2nd-dual-poss nai laure lantuva parmastanna lúmissen tengwiesto ✧ VT49/47
veryanwesto “*of your wedding” ← veryanwe 2nd-dual-poss nai elen atta siluvat aurenna veryanwesto ✧ VT49/45
veryanweldo “*of your wedding” ← veryanwe 2nd-pl-poss nai elen atta siluvat rénna veryanweldo ✧ VT49/45
mónalyo “*of thy womb” [← #móna] 2nd-sg-polite-poss ar aistana i yave mónalyo Yésus ✧ VT43/31
carvalyo “*of thy womb” [← #carva] 2nd-sg-polite-poss {are >>} ar manna i yáva carvalyo Yésus ✧ VT43/31
ómaryo “of her voice” [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss ómaryo airetári-lírinen ✧ LotR/377
ōmaryō “of her voice” ← óma 3rd-sg-poss ✧ PE17/67
ómaryo [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss ✧ PE17/76
ómaryo [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss tintilar lirinen ómaryo Airë-tário ✧ PM/364
ṑmáryo “of her voice” [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss ṑmáryo aíre-tā́ri-lī́rinèn ✧ RGEO/58
ōma-ryo “voice-hers” [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss ōma-ryo līrinen aire-tārio ✧ RGEO/59
óma-yo “of her voice” [← óma] 3rd-sg-poss colloquial-possessive ✧ PE17/130
ciryato ← cirya dual ✧ Plotz/3
-táruo [← -tar] dual ✧ PE17/58
aldalion ← alda partitive-plural ✧ PE17/63
ciryalion [← cirya¹] partitive-plural Aran linta ciryalion ✧ PE17/147
ciryalion ← cirya partitive-plural ✧ Plotz/3
malinornelion “of malinorni” ← malinorni (plural) partitive-plural ✧ PE17/80
vanimalion “of fair ones” [← vanima²] partitive-plural ✧ PE17/111
malinornélion [← malinornë] partitive-plural prosodic-lengthening Laurelindórinan lindelorendor malinornélion ornemalin ✧ Let/448
malinornélion [← malinornë] partitive-plural prosodic-lengthening Laurelindórenan lindelorendor malinornélion ornemalin ✧ LotR/467
malinornélion “of yellow trees” ← malinorni (plural) partitive-plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE17/80
vanimálion “of beautiful children” [← vanima²] partitive-plural prosodic-lengthening A vanimar, vanimálion nostari ✧ Let/448
vanimálion [← vanima²] partitive-plural prosodic-lengthening A vanimar, vanimálion nostari ✧ LotR/981
aldaron “of trees” [← alda] plural yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron ✧ LotR/377
aldăron ← alda plural ✧ PE17/63
aldaron “of trees” ← alda plural ✧ PE17/136
áldaròn “of trees” [← alda] plural yḗni ū̀nṓtimè ve rā́mar áldaròn ✧ RGEO/58
aldaron “trees-of” [← alda] plural yēni ū-nōt-ime ve aldaron rāmar ✧ RGEO/58
aldaron “of trees” ← alda plural ✧ RGEO/65
aranion [← aran] plural asëa aranion ✧ LotR/864
aranion [← aran] plural ✧ LotRI/Asëa aranion
aranion “of the Kings” [← aran] plural asëa aranion ✧ PE17/49
aranion “of the Kings” [← aran] plural asëa aranion ✧ PE17/100
ciryaron ← cirya plural ✧ Plotz/3
koaron “of bodies” [← cöa] plural Valar ar Maiar fantaner nassentar fanainen ve quenderinwe koaron, ve quenderinwe koaron ✧ PE17/174
Cormaron “of ... rings” [← #corma] plural i Túrin i Cormaron ✧ Minor-Doc/1973-05-30
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] plural Ar thúlë Manwëo etsurinye ar {Melkoro >> in indor Eld >> in Eldar >>} Eldaron indor turyaner ✧ NM/239
Eldaron [← Elda] plural Sindar Eldaron ✧ PE21/77
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] plural Mana i·coimas Eldaron? ✧ PM/395
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] plural Mana i·coimas in·Eldaron? ✧ PM/403
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] plural lambe Eldaron ✧ WJ/368
Eldaron “of the Eldar” [← Elda] plural i arani Eldaron ✧ WJ/369
Elenion “of Stars” [← elen] plural ✧ Let/385
Elenion [← elen] plural Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima ✧ LotR/720
elenion [← elen] plural Aiya elenion ancalima ✧ LotR/915
elenion “of the ... stars” [← elen] plural ancalima elenion, arcalima [elenion], elenion arcalima ✧ PE17/56
elenion “among the stars” [← elen] plural elenion ancalima ✧ PE17/57
elenion “among stars” [← elen] plural Earendil elenion ancalima ✧ PE17/90
elenion “of stars” [← elen] plural ankalima elenion ✧ PE17/91
elenion [← elen] plural aiya elenion ancalima ✧ PE17/101
elenion “of stars” ← elen plural ⇒ †elenion neldeo, elenion nelde ✧ VT49/45
Erulingaron “of the Rohirrim” [← Erulingar] plural rokkor i Erulingaron máre nár (ma naite)? ✧ PE22/166
ilyaron “of all” ← ilya plural A arimelda na ilyaron ✧ PE17/57
Istarion “of Wizards” ← istar plural Heren Istarion ✧ UT/388
Lambion “of tongues” [← lambë] plural ✧ PE18/8
Lambion “of Tongues” [← lambë] plural ✧ PE18/71
lassion ← lasse plural ✧ Plotz/13
lassio “of leaves” ← lasseo (genitive) plural ✧ WJ/407
lassion “of leaves” ← lasseo (genitive) plural ✧ WJ/407
máron ←  plural ✧ PE17/161
Maiaron [← Maia] plural Nasser ar Kenime Kantar Valaron ar Maiaron ✧ PE17/175
million “of ... rings” [← #millë] plural Heru imillion ✧ DTS/54
mittarion “*of enterings” [← #mittar(ë)] plural parma mittarion ✧ PMCH/1
mittarion “*of enterings” [← #mittar(ë)] plural parma mittarion ✧ TMME/192
nínaron “*women” [← nís] plural {elye na manna >>} manna nalye mi nínaron ✧ VT43/31
Noldorion [← Noldo] plural Quenta Noldorion ✧ PM/30
Ñoldoron “of the Noldor” [← Noldo] plural quentale Ñoldoron ✧ VT39/16
#nómion [← #nómë] plural Quentalë Ardanómion ✧ WJ/206
ollion ← olli (plural) plural ✧ PE17/57
Periandion “*of Hobbits” [← #Perian] plural Elainen tárin Periandion ar meldenya anyáran ✧ VT49/40
Quendion “of the Elves” [← Quendë] plural Manen lambë Quendion ahyanë ✧ PM/395
Silmarillion “of the Silmarils” [← Silmaril] plural Quenta Silmarillion ✧ S/33
Sindaron “of the Sindar” [← Sinda] plural Elwe, Aran Sindaron ✧ WJ/369
sindaron [← sinda] plural Eldar sindaron ✧ PE21/77
-tárion [← -tar] plural ✧ PE17/58
tasarion ← tasarë plural Nan-tasarion ✧ SA/tathar
Valion [← Vala] plural Pelóri Valion ✧ MR/18
Valaron [← Vala] plural Nasser ar Kenime Kantar Valaron ar Maiaron ✧ PE17/175
Valaron “*of the Valar” [← Vala] plural lan arkanwar Valaron tauvar, lan i Valaron arkanwar tauvar ✧ PE22/147
ion “from who” ← ye plural ✧ VT47/21
yénion “*of ages” [← yén] plural et // {sinon...} sillumello // {tenna} yéni {apo yéni} pa yéni {pa} // ter yénion yéni tenn’ ambarmetta ✧ VT44/36
yondion [← yondo] plural mélima yondion, lenna antanyes mélio cenwa ✧ Minor-Doc/1955-CT
esseron “of ... names” [← essë¹] plural er-plural Nómesseron ✧ VT42/17
Ingweron “of the chieftains” [← Ingwi] plural er-plural Ingwë Ingweron ✧ PM/340
Nómesseron “into the Place-names” [← #nómessë] plural er-plural Ondonóre Nómesseron Minaþurie ✧ VT42/17
Wenderon “*of virgins” ← Wende plural er-plural Aina Wende mi Wenderon ✧ VT44/18
Atanatárion “[Legendarium] of the Fathers of Men” [← Atanatar] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ WJI/Atanatári
Ilúvatáro “of Ilúvatar” ← Ilúvatar prosodic-lengthening Híni Ilúvatáro ✧ PE21/83
máriéno ← márien prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE17/59

References ✧ PE17/76; WJ/368

Element In

ᴹQ. genitive grammar.

Examples (genitive)
[ahtu]matto [← ahtumat] ✧ PE21/37
ailinen ← ailin ✧ Ety/AY
oiwo [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
oiwo [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
[Ala]karwo [← Alakaru] ✧ PE21/41
Alaryo [← Alari] ✧ PE21/41
amaliondo [← Amalion] lilótime alda amaliondo aranyallesse túno ✧ TMME/182
amano [← aman] ✧ PE21/34
ambaren ← a-mbar ✧ Ety/MBAR
Ambaren [← Ambar] Talmar Ambaren ✧ SM/241
ambarónen ← ambaron/Ambaróne ✧ Ety/AM²
amboro [← ambor] ✧ PE21/33
andulo [← andul] ✧ PE21/34
arako [← arat] ✧ PE21/35
allen ← ala ✧ EtyAC/GAL¹
alanen ← alan ✧ EtyAC/GAL¹
[Astul]ahto [← Astulat] ✧ PE21/37
[kalm]u [← kalma] ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]o [← kalma] ✧ PE21/52
karo [← kas¹] ✧ PE21/22
kiryo [← kirya] ✧ PE21/4
kiryo [← kirya] ✧ PE21/46
kiryo [← kirya] ✧ PE21/53
kiryo “ship’s” [← kirya] i kiryo sorasta ✧ PE21/69
kiryo [← kirya] ✧ VT28/8
kornen ← koron ✧ Ety/KOR
[Earend]elo [← Earendel] ✧ PE21/34
Eldalien “of the Elves” [← Eldalie] ✧ SD/303
endo [← en] ✧ VT36/8
entan [← enta] ✧ VT36/8
enten [← ente] ✧ VT36/8
enton [← ento] ✧ VT36/8
fasso [← fas] ✧ PE21/26
fileko [← filet] ✧ PE21/35
halatirnen ← halatir ✧ Ety/TIR
hahto [← hat] ✧ PE21/27
helemo [← helen] ✧ PE21/34
hendu [← hen] ✧ PE21/52
hendan [← hen] ✧ PE21/61
[← ] ✧ PE21/38
huo [← ] ✧ PE21/38
homo [← hón] ✧ PE21/23
homu [← hón] ✧ PE21/52
húnen ← huan ✧ Ety/KHUGAN
húnen ← huan ✧ Ety/KHUGAN
huno [← hún] ✧ PE21/24
ildumo [← ilduma] ✧ PE21/4
istyo [← istya] ✧ PE21/13
[kaima]sambo [← kaimasan] ✧ PE21/37
kelulindio [← kelulinde] ✧ PE21/10
[kel]uto [← kelut] ✧ PE21/35
[kel]oto [← kelut] ✧ PE21/35
untamo [← untamo] ✧ PE21/5
lamno [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lamuo [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lambio [← lambe] ✧ PE21/9
láren ← Lar ✧ EtyAC/LAR
lasseo [← lasse] ✧ PE21/6
lassio [← lasse] ✧ PE21/6
lasso [← lasse] ✧ PE21/7
lasso [← lasse] ✧ PE21/9
lasseo [← lasse] ✧ PE21/9
lassio [← lasse] ✧ PE21/9
lasseo [← lasse] ✧ PE21/47
lasseo [← lasse] ✧ PE21/53
[lass]o [← lasse] ✧ VT28/8
[lass]eo [← lasse] ✧ VT28/8
Laurelinden ← Laurelin ✧ Ety/LIN²
Laurelingen “hanging-gold” ← Laurelin ✧ Ety/LIN²
Laurelingen ← Laurelin ✧ EtyAC/LING
lestuo [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
[lest]uo [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lestuo [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lepso [← let] ✧ PE21/26
lindio [← linde²] ✧ PE21/10
lissen ← lis ✧ Ety/LIS
Lómen ← lóme Ando Lómen ✧ EtyAC/LOƷ
Lómen “of Night” ← lómë Ando Lómen ✧ SM/241
[Lung]umo [← Lunguma] ✧ PE21/41
[← má¹] ✧ PE21/40
[← †má²] ✧ PE21/38
malo [← mál] ✧ PE21/24
malleo [← malle] ✧ PE21/44
malwo [← malo²] ✧ PE21/12
Manwen [← Manwe] ✧ Ety/LEP
maren “of the house” [← mar] hon-maren ✧ LR/63
mardo [← mar] ✧ PE21/27
mernen ← meren ✧ EtyAC/MBER
mintyo [← mintye] ✧ PE21/44
miuyo [← miue] ✧ PE21/13
mulwo [← mulo] ✧ PE21/11
yako [← yat²] ✧ PE21/24
kanteleleo [← kantele] ✧ PE21/44
nēno [← nén] ✧ PE21/23
ningo [← nin] ✧ PE21/26
nero [← nér] ✧ PE21/20
neru [← nér] ✧ PE21/52
nero [← nér] ✧ PE21/52
nio [← nie] ✧ PE21/7
nildo [← nil] ✧ PE21/26
[nindar]ío [← nindari] ✧ PE21/14
[ninqer]úvo [← ninqeru] ✧ PE21/15
Nuo [← ] ✧ PE21/38
númenheruen [← #Númeheru] Soroni númenheruen ettuler ✧ SD/290
Númenen “of the West” [← númen] ✧ LR/71
Númenóren “of the West” [← Númenóre] Nuaran Númenóren ✧ LR/60
olaro [← olar] ✧ PE21/33
ondo [← ondo] ✧ PE21/5
onduo [← ondo] ✧ PE21/5
onduo [← ondo] ✧ PE21/8
onduo [← ondo] ✧ PE21/11
Óromèo [← Orome] ✧ PE21/41
orumo [← oron] ✧ PE21/34
oromo [← oron] ✧ PE21/34
parman [← parma] ✧ PE21/58
parman [← parma] ✧ PE21/61
parman [← parma] ✧ PE22/18
parman [← parma] ✧ PE22/19
parman [← parma] ✧ PE22/46
parman [← parma] ✧ PE22/63
peo [← ] ✧ PE21/38
[pel]takso [← peltas] ✧ PE21/37
pileno [← pilen] ✧ PE21/34
pilindo [← pilin] ✧ PE21/36
pilindu(o) [← pilin] ✧ PE21/52
polyo [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
polyo [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
polio [← pole] ✧ VT28/8
[qel]eto [← qelet] ✧ PE21/35
qendo [← Qen] ✧ PE21/25
[qil]iro [← qilir] ✧ PE21/34
rio [← ] ✧ PE21/38
sango [← sanga] ✧ PE21/42
sangau [← sanga] ✧ PE21/43
saryo [← sarya] ✧ VT28/8
siryo [← síre] ✧ PE21/10
sornen ← sorne ✧ Ety/THOR
sorono [← soron] ✧ PE21/34
sūto [← sút] ✧ PE21/24
talen “foot” ← tál ✧ Ety/TAL
talo [← tál] ✧ PE21/21
talato [← talat] ✧ PE21/35
tambio [← tambe] ✧ PE21/13
Támpio [← Tampio] ✧ PE21/41
Taniqetilden ← Ta-niqe-til ✧ Ety/TIL
tário [← tári] ✧ PE21/14
telqo [← telko] ✧ PE21/12
telko [← telko] ✧ PE21/53
pelku [← pelko] ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]u [← pelko] ✧ VT28/8
telumo [← telume] ✧ PE21/7
telumeo [← telume] ✧ PE21/7
telum(e)o [← telume] ✧ PE21/9
telumetto [← telumet] ✧ PE21/37
teo [← tie] ✧ PE21/40
[← ] ✧ PE21/40
tuo [← ] ✧ PE21/40
Tulkassen ← Tulkas ✧ Ety/TULUK
túno [← Túna] lilótime alda amaliondo aranyallesse túno ✧ TMME/182
tunduo [← tundo²] ✧ PE21/11
Túro [← Túro] Túro matie masta ✧ PE22/119
tyalio [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/7
tyalio [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/9
tyalio [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/44
tyalio [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/47
tyuio [← tyue] ✧ PE21/7
Uinenden ← Uinen ✧ Ety/UY
Ulmon [← Ulmo] ✧ Ety/LEP
Úlmōn ← Ulmṓ ✧ PE19/60
umbarten ← umbar ✧ Ety/MBARAT
Úrinden ← Úrin ✧ Ety/UR
Valarianden “of Beleriand” [← #Valariande] Nyarna Valarianden ✧ LR/202
Valatáren ← Valatar ✧ Ety/BAL
Valinóren [← Valinor] Nyarna Valinóren ✧ LR/202
Valinóren [← Valinor] Yénie Valinóren ✧ MR/200
[Vali]nóro [← Valinor] ✧ PE21/36
veruo [← veru¹] ✧ PE21/15
yaren ← yár ✧ Ety/YAR
#lúmien “annals of” [← #lúmie] Valinórelúmien ✧ LR/202
omentiemman “of our meeting” [← omentie] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss Eleni silir lúmesse omentiemman, Elen silë lúmesse omentiemman ✧ RS/324
assau [← assa²] dual ✧ VT36/8
†assu [← assa²] dual ✧ VT36/8
assi [← asse] dual ✧ VT36/8
†assio [← asse] dual ✧ VT36/8
assu [← asso] dual ✧ VT36/8
[kalm]atu [← kalma] dual ✧ PE21/52
kiryahta [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/4
kiryatu [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/46
kiryatos [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/54
[kiry]atu [← kirya] dual ✧ VT28/8
tyúkasta “of two thighs” [← tyúka] dual ✧ PE21/8
endu [← en] dual ✧ VT36/8
hentu [← hen] dual ✧ PE21/52
hendunt [← hen] dual ✧ PE21/61
?henduen [← hen] dual ✧ PE21/61
lamnuhta [← laman] dual ✧ PE21/28
langosta [← lango²] dual ✧ PE21/8
lassehta [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/6
lassetu [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/48
lassetos [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/54
lepsuhta [← let] dual ✧ PE21/26
[lind]ihta [← linde²] dual ✧ PE21/10
mahta [← má¹] dual ✧ PE21/40
mauhta [← má¹] dual ✧ PE21/40
mahta [← †má²] dual ✧ PE21/38
[mal]uhta [← malo²] dual ✧ PE21/12
naikesta [← naike] dual ✧ PE21/9
neruhta [← nér] dual ✧ PE21/20
ner(a)tu [← nér] dual ✧ PE21/52
ondohta [← ondo] dual ✧ PE21/5
onduhta [← ondo] dual ✧ PE21/9
[Oro]meu [← Orome] dual ✧ PE21/41
pehta [← ] dual ✧ PE21/38
[pol]ihta [← pole] dual ✧ PE21/13
qenduhta [← Qen] dual ✧ PE21/25
tárihta [← tári] dual ✧ PE21/14
telkotos [← telko] dual ✧ PE21/54
pelkotu [← pelko] dual ✧ PE21/49
te(u)hta [← tie] dual ✧ PE21/40
[tund]u [← tundo²] dual ✧ PE21/11
#veruen ← veru (dual) dual Arveruen ✧ Ety/BES
Veruen “of the Spouses” [← veru²] dual ✧ Ety/LEP
veruhta [← veru¹] dual ✧ PE21/15
ildumátu [← ilduma] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
ildumátu [← ilduma] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
untamótu [← untamo] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/49
tyaliétu [← tyalie] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
nero “man’s” [← nér] o-genitive i nero karie kirya ✧ PE22/120
Angwion “of dragons” [← ango] plural Angwion ie uman enwa ✧ PE22/124
[kalm]ion [← kalma] plural ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]aron [← kalma] plural ✧ PE21/52
kiryalion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/4
kiryalion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/8
kiryaion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/8
kiryaron [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/46
kiryaron [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/53
kiryaron [← kirya] plural ✧ VT28/8
kiryalion [← kirya] plural ✧ VT28/8
[Earend]illion [← Earendel] plural ✧ PE21/34
[Earend]ilion [← Earendel] plural ✧ PE21/34
Elenion [← elen] plural Alla Earendel Elenion Ankalima ✧ WR/223
Fanturion [← Fantur] plural ✧ Ety/LEP
filikion [← filet] plural ✧ PE21/35
heruion “of the Lords” [← heru] plural Es sorni heruion an ✧ SD/290
ildumalion [← ilduma] plural ✧ PE21/46
lamnion [← laman] plural ✧ PE21/28
Lambion “of tongues” [← lambe] plural ✧ PE18/23
lassion [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/6
lasselion [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/6
lassion [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/47
lasseron [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/47
lassion [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/53
lasseron [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/53
[lest]uion [← lesto] plural ✧ PE21/12
lepsion [← let] plural ✧ PE21/26
[lind]ion [← linde²] plural ✧ PE21/10
maion [← má¹] plural ✧ PE21/40
málion [← †má²] plural ✧ PE21/38
maion [← †má²] plural ✧ PE21/38
mallion [← malle] plural ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wion [← malo²] plural ✧ PE21/12
[mul]wion [← mulo] plural ✧ PE21/11
nerion [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/20
nerion [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/52
nerion [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/60
Nūmevalion “Powers of the West” [← #Númeheru] plural Sorni Nūmevalion anner ✧ SD/290
númenyaron “of the West” [← númenya] plural ✧ LR/72
ondolion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE21/5
ondoion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE21/8
ondolion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE21/8
parmaion [← parma] plural ✧ PE21/59
parmaron [← parma] plural ✧ PE21/59
parmaion [← parma] plural ✧ PE21/60
parmaron [← parma] plural ✧ PE21/60
[pol]ion [← pole] plural ✧ PE21/13
polion [← pole] plural ✧ VT28/8
qendion [← Qen] plural ✧ PE21/25
laision [← laite] plural ✧ PE21/7
sangalion [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/42
sangaron [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/43
saryaro [← sarya] plural ✧ VT28/8
talion [← tál] plural ✧ PE21/21
tárion [← tári] plural ✧ PE21/14
telkoron [← telko] plural ✧ PE21/53
pelkoron [← pelko] plural ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]oron [← pelko] plural ✧ VT28/8
telumion [← telume] plural ✧ PE21/7
[Tinúv]iellion [← Tinúviel] plural ✧ PE21/35
*Tinweron “of Stars” [← tinwe] plural Tinwerontar ✧ Ety/TĀ
[tund]u͡ion [← tundo²] plural ✧ PE21/11
tyalieon [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE21/47
Valion “of the Lords” [← Vala] plural ar antaróta mannar {Valion númenyaron >>} Valion: númessier ✧ LR/72
veru͡ion [← veru¹] plural ✧ PE21/15
yaion [← yé²] plural ✧ PE21/40
ildumálion [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumálion [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
ildumáron [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
ildumáron [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
ildumálion [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
untamólion [← untamo] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
untamóron [← untamo] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
tárílion [← tári] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
telumélion [← telume] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
[Tinúv]iélion [← Tinúviel] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/35
tyaliéron [← tyalie] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
verúlion [← veru¹] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
[ahtu]máto [← ahtumat] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/37
veanéro [← veaner²] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
[Koivi]enéno [← Kuiviénen] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
[falmar]íno [← Falmarin] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
filíku [← filit] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52
Ilūvatāren “of-Ilúvatar” [← Ilúvatar] prosodic-lengthening herunūmen ilu terhante ... Ilūvatāren ✧ LR/47
Ilúvatáren “of Ilúvatar” [← Ilúvatar] prosodic-lengthening Ilqainen antar annar lestanen Ilúvatáren, Ilyain antalto annar lestanen Ilúvatáren ✧ LR/72
ilúvatáren “of [Ilúvatar]” [← Ilúvatar] prosodic-lengthening númeheruvi arda sakkante lenéme ilúvatáren ✧ SD/246
Ilūvatāren “of God” [← Ilúvatar] prosodic-lengthening Herunūmen {ilu >> eru >>} arda {terhante >>} askante {... >>} lenēme Ilūvatāren ✧ SD/310
[Tinúvi]élo [← Tinúviel] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/35

References ✧ PE21/3, 50-51, 58-59, 69

Element In

ᴱQ. genitive grammar.

Examples (genitive)
Alqalunten ← Alqaluntë Cópas Alqalunten ✧ LT2A/Cópas Alqalunten
alalmino [← alalme] N·alalmino lalantila ✧ VT40/8
alalmino [← alalme] N·alalmino hyá lanta lasse ✧ VT40/8
kalman ← kalma ✧ PE14/43
kalman ← kalma ✧ PE14/73
kalmo [← kalma] ✧ PE16/111
karo [← kas] ✧ PE16/112
karo [← kas] ✧ PE16/113
kiryo [← kirya] ar {i·kirya >>} i·kiryo kaluvaare talain kulukalmaliinen ✧ PE16/77
kiryu [← kirya] ✧ PE16/112
kiryo [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
(h)an [← ha] ✧ PE14/53
hin [← hi] ✧ PE14/53
in [← hi] ✧ PE14/53
hun [← hu] ✧ PE14/53
hon [← hu] ✧ PE14/53
on [← hu] ✧ PE14/53
melmon [← melmo] ✧ PE14/53
melyu [← melmo] ✧ PE14/53
qenyu [← qelmo] ✧ PE14/53
hísen “of mist” [← híse] karnevaite úri kilde hísen níe nienaite ✧ MC/221
hīsen “haze” [← híse] {telukarnea >> karnen vaiya >> karnen vaite >>} karnevaite úri kilde hīsen {nielinqe >>} ter nie {niena >>} nienaite ✧ PE16/62
hiisen [← híse] karnevaite uuri kilde hiisen ter nie nienaite ✧ PE16/72
hísen [← híse] karnevaite úri kilde hísen nie nienaite ✧ PE16/74
híse-n “misty” [← híse] ✧ PE16/75
hiisen [← híse] Karnevaite uuri kilivande hiisen nie nie nienaite ✧ PE16/77
lelkon [← lelko] ✧ PE14/53
lelyu [← lelko] ✧ PE14/53
túton [← túto] ✧ PE14/53
tútolion [← túto] ✧ PE14/53
nímon [← nímo] ✧ PE14/53
ninyu [← nímo] ✧ PE14/53
hien [← hie] ✧ PE14/53
húyon [← húyo] ✧ PE14/53
tetyu [← kéto] ✧ PE14/53
kolumen “of ... body” [← kolume] rantali n·kolumen ✧ PE14/117
laman ← lama ✧ PE14/44
lamno ← lama ✧ PE14/44
laman ← lama ✧ PE14/74
lamno ← lama ✧ PE14/74
len [← le¹] ✧ PE14/53
malleo [← malle] ✧ PE16/112
mallu [← malle] ✧ PE16/112
malleo [← malle] ✧ PE16/113
malon ← malo ✧ PE14/44
malon ← malo ✧ PE14/74
malwo ← malo ✧ PE14/74
malwo [← malo²] ✧ PE16/111
maluvo [← malo²] ✧ PE16/111
men [← me¹] ✧ PE14/53
Melkon [← Melko] nalto fustūme ma Melkon i ✧ PE15/32
Mornien [← Mornie] ✧ LT1/170
kanteleo [← kantele] ✧ PE16/111
nengo [← nen²] ✧ PE15/75
nengo [← nen²] ✧ PE16/112
nengo [← nen²] ✧ PE16/113
nēno ← nēn ✧ PE15/76
nero [← ner] ✧ PE16/111
nĕro [← ner] ✧ PE16/113
nin [← ni¹] ✧ PE14/53
nostalen “by nature” [← nostale] nostalen māra ✧ GG/10
nostalen “*by nature” [← nostale] nēri ur natsi nostalen māre ✧ PE15/32
númen ← Númë Faskala-númen ✧ LT1A/Faskala-númen
ohtan ← ohta karo ohtan ✧ PE14/45
ohtan “of war” [← ohta] karo ohtan ✧ PE14/75
ondon ← ondo ✧ PE14/44
ondon ← ondo ✧ PE14/73
ondu [← ondo] ✧ PE16/111
ondoo [← ondo] ✧ PE16/113
peltakso ← peltas ✧ PE14/44
pilindo ← pilin ✧ PE14/73
pilindo [← pilin] ✧ PE16/112
pilindo [← pilin] ✧ PE16/113
polen ← pole ✧ PE14/75
polyo ← pole ✧ PE14/75
polyo [← pole] ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uvo [← pundo] ✧ PE16/111
Silmeráno “silver moon” [← silmerána] Silmeráno tindon ✧ MC/220
silmeráno [← silmerána] {no} silmeráno tindon ✧ PE16/74
sinqen ← sinqe ✧ PE14/44
sinqen ← sinqe ✧ PE14/74
sinqio ← sinqe ✧ PE14/74
sinqio [← sinqe] ✧ PE16/111
Taniqetildo “of Taniqetil” [← Taniqetil] tārak|asse Tan|īqet|ildo || tārak|asse tu|·sōrie ✧ PE14/46
Taniqetildo “of Taniqetil” [← Taniqetil] tára·kasse Taniqetildo, tára·kasisse hu·sórie ✧ PE14/78
tantaren ← tantare ✧ PE14/44
tantaren ← tantare ✧ PE14/73
sin [← si¹] ✧ PE14/53
tan [← ta¹] ✧ PE14/53
ton [← tu¹] ✧ PE14/53
tun [← tu¹] ✧ PE14/53
telku [← telko] ✧ PE16/112
tuluvo [← tulu-] ✧ PE16/128
tyalien ← tyalie mar vanwa·tyalien ✧ PE14/47
tyaliu [← tyalie] ✧ PE16/112
tyalio [← tyalie] ✧ PE16/113
ken [← ke¹] ✧ PE14/53
ten [← ke¹] ✧ PE14/53
úrio “of the sun” [← Ûr] alkantaméren úrio kalmainen ✧ MC/216
úrio “of the sun” [← Ûr] alkantaniéren úrio kalmainen ✧ PE16/100
uurio [← Ûr] alkantanieeren uurio kalmainen ✧ PE16/104
qen [← qe¹] ✧ PE14/53
veakiryo “of the sea-ship” [← #veakirya] langon veakiryo kírier ✧ MC/216
veakiryo “of the sea-ship” [← #veakirya] langon veakiryo kírier ✧ PE16/100
veakirjo [← #veakirya] langon veakirjo kiirier ✧ PE16/104
[har]io [← hari] ✧ PE14/71
Irmina “of the World” [← irmin] a-genitive Irmina Telume ✧ PE13/104
Meoita “of cats” ← meoi a-genitive Vardo Meoita ✧ LT2A/Tevildo
Meoita [← meoi] a-genitive ✧ LT2I/Meoita
Meoita [← meoi] a-genitive ✧ QL/61
Oarista “of the mermaids” ← oaris a-genitive Ui Oarista ✧ LT1A/Ónen
Tuilinda ← Tuilindo a-genitive Nossë Tuilinda ✧ LT2A/Duilin
Tuilinda ← Tuilindo a-genitive Nosse Tuilinda ✧ PE15/22
andan ← anda adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
andan ← anda adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
satton ← satto adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
melindo ← melin adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
melindo ← melin adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
ninqen ← ninqe adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ninqen ← ninqe adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
karu [← kas] dual ✧ PE16/114
kiryu [← kirya] dual ✧ PE16/114
mallu [← malle] dual ✧ PE16/114
nengu [← nen²] dual ✧ PE16/114
neru [← ner] dual ✧ PE16/114
ondovint [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/111
ondu [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/114
pilindu [← pilin] dual ✧ PE16/114
telku [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telkur [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telkur [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telku [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/114
tyaliu [← tyalie] dual ✧ PE16/114
kalma̹lion ← kalma plural ✧ PE14/43
kalma̹lion ← kalma plural ✧ PE14/73
karion [← kas] plural ✧ PE16/112
kari [← kas] plural ✧ PE16/115
kiryalion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/112
kiryalion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
kiryaion [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
eldalion “elves” [← Elda] plural yúyo n·eldalion ✧ PE14/50
Eldalion “of ... elves” [← Elda] plural i·yúyo n·Eldalion, yúyo n·Eldalion ✧ PE14/83
lamnion ← lama plural ✧ PE14/44
lamnion ← lama plural ✧ PE14/74
mallion [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/112
[mall]elion [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/112
mallion [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
mallelion [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
malwion ← malo plural ✧ PE14/44
malwion ← malo plural ✧ PE14/74
malwion [← malo²] plural ✧ PE16/111
maluion [← malo²] plural ✧ PE16/111
Nautaron [← nauka] plural Firin Nautaron ✧ PE15/15
nengion [← nen²] plural ✧ PE16/112
nengion [← nen²] plural ✧ PE16/115
nerion “men” [← ner] plural ⇒ †kai nerion ✧ PE14/84
nerion [← ner] plural ✧ PE16/111
noldolion “of ... gnomes” ← noldoli (plural) plural i·lambe’n·noldolion ✧ PE14/42
Noldolion “of the Gnomes” [← Noldo] plural i·ner i·táralda ’n·Noldolion ✧ PE14/48
noldolion “of ... gnomes” [← Noldo] plural i·lambe n·noldolion ✧ PE14/71
Noldolion “of (or among) the Gnomes” [← Noldo] plural i·ner i·taralda ’n·Noldolion ✧ PE14/81
ondo̦lion ← ondo plural ✧ PE14/73
ondolion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/111
ondolion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
ondoion [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
peltaksion ← peltas plural ✧ PE14/44
pili̦ndion ← pilin plural ✧ PE14/73
pilindion [← pilin] plural ✧ PE16/112
pilindion [← pilin] plural ✧ PE16/115
polion [← pole] plural ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uvion [← pundo] plural ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uion [← pundo] plural ✧ PE16/111
sinqion ← sinqe plural ✧ PE14/44
sinqion ← sinqe plural ✧ PE14/74
sinqion [← sinqe] plural ✧ PE16/111
sinqilion [← sinqe] plural ✧ PE16/111
tantarélion ← tantare plural ✧ PE14/73
telkolion [← telko] plural ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélion [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélion [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE16/115
anden ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
andeon ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
anden ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
andeon ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
melindin ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
melindion ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
melindin ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
melindion ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
ninqin ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ninqion ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ninqin ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
ninqion ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77

Element In