Ilk. moth n. “pool” (Category: Lake, Pond)

Ilk. moth n. “pool” (Category: Lake, Pond)

A Doriathrin noun for “pool”, derived from root ᴹ√MBOTH (Ety/MBOTH). Its Quenya cognate ᴹQ. motto suggests a primitive form of *✶mbottʰō. As pointed out by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Doriathrin/moth), the primitive [mb-] might be expected to have become [b-], since initial nasals usually vanished before stops in Ilkorin, as for example Ilk. bril < MBIRÍL.

See Ilk. initial nasals usually vanished before stops for further discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/MBOTH ✧ Dor. moth “pool”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√MBOTH > moth [mbottʰō] > [mbottʰo] > [mboθθo] > [mboθo] > [mboθ] > [moθ] ✧ Ety/MBOTH