Q. ma¹ pron. “something, a thing; anything” (Category: Pronoun)
- Q. ma¹, pron. “something, a thing; ⚠️anything” (Category: Pronoun)
- Q. e “one, (neuter) it; [ᴹQ.] he, she”
References ✧ PE17/162; PE22/154; VT42/34; VT47/37
- ma “something, a thing” is the neuter form of mo “somebody, one” ✧ VT42/34
Element In
- ᴺQ. !aima “anything, whatever”
- ᴺQ. !malma¹ “lemon”
- ᴺQ. !malma² “pulp, paste, mash, mush; dough, grume”
- ᴺQ. !ninquima “frankincense”
- ᴺQ. ^terma “passage, aperture, ⚠️pass”
- Q. tama “that matter”
- Q. imma “same, self-same, same thing” ✧ VT47/37
- Q. yé mána (ma) “what a blessing, what a good thing!” ✧ PE17/162