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ᴺQ. !imbenatsë n. “internet” (Category: Tool)

ᴺQ. !imbenatsë, n. “internet” [created by NQ-Wiki] (Category: Tool)

A neologism for a “internet” from the Neo-Quenya Wiki, a combination of imbë “between” and [ᴹQ.] natse “web”. The same site also had ᴺQ. imberaima where the second element was raima “net”, but I prefer imbenatsë.


Q. imbë¹ “between, among”
ᴹQ. natse “web, net”

ᴺQ. !imberaima n. “internet” (Category: Tool)

See ᴺQ. !imbenatsë for discussion.


Q. imbë¹ “between, among”
Q. raima “net”