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Q. sarnië n. “shingle, pebble bank” (Category: Rock, Stone)

Q. sarnië, n. “shingle, pebble bank” (Category: Rock, Stone)

A noun for a “shingle, pebble bank” in The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor from the late 1960s from primitive ✶sarniye, also the basis for the river name S. Serni (VT42/11). It is clearly an abstract noun formation based on Q. sar (sarn-) “(small) stone”. Here the gloss “shingle” is used in the sense of a mass of smell pebbles rather than as a roofing tile.

References ✧ UTI/Serni; VT42/11



#sar “stone (small)”
-ië¹ “abstract noun, adverb”



Phonetic Developments

sarniye > sarnie [sarnije] > [sarnie] ✧ VT42/11

ᴱQ. arak n. “shingle, piles of stones” (Category: Rock, Stone)

A noun in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “shingle, piles of stones”, from a vocalic augment added to the root ᴱ√RAKA “pile up” (QL/39).

Reference ✧ QL/30 ✧ “shingle, piles of stones”

Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶a + raka- > arak [araka] > [arakǝ] > [arak] ✧ QL/30

ᴱQ. arakte n. “(stony) beach” (Category: Shore, Beach)

A word for “beach” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of ᴱQ. arak “piles of stones” (QL/30). In the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa Tolkien clarified that it was more specifically a “stony beach” (PME/30).

References ✧ PME/30; QL/30



arak “shingle, piles of stones” ✧ QL/30

ᴱQ. soraksa n. “shingle” (Category: Rock, Stone)

A noun in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “shingle”, a combination of ᴱQ. so- “together” and some variant of ᴱQ. arak “shingle, piles of stones” (QL/85).

Reference ✧ QL/85 ✧ “shingle”


so- “grouped, together” ✧ QL/85
arak “shingle, piles of stones”